Course detail
Management and valorize of cultural heritage
FA-MVK-TEAcad. year: 2025/2026
Cities of tomorrow, their identity and cultural heritage, its protection, renovation and new usage.
Industrialization era. Current situation of industrial heritage, abandoned factories, new owners, temporary usage, dangers. Conversion of industrial heritage as part of development heritage programme.
In the study programmes “Architecture and Urban Design” the course is part of the theoretical courses.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
Knowledge in the field of protection of cultural heritage
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Graded credit is awarded upon the completion of written test and workshop presentation. Grading reflects the knowledge and orientation in the topic.
Theoretical subject knowledge check shall be carried out by checking the practical part of knowledge and workshop process.
Theoretical subject knowledge check shall be carried out by checking the practical part of knowledge and workshop process.
The seminar focuses on the valorization of industrial heritage and the ways of its conservation. The aim is to prepare the young generation how to work on the conservation of significant complexes and objects from the industrialization era, and by finding new functions to reintegrate them into the structure of our historic settlements.
- Gaining knowledge and skills needed for conservation and renovation of industrial heritage.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
JULLIAN, Rene. Tony Garnier, Builder and Utopian. Mit Pr, 1993. ISBN: 978-0262100465. (EN)
REICHEN, Bernard; ROBERT Philippe: Reichen & Robert. Birkhäuser, 2003. ISBN: 978-3764369729. (EN)
SIMON, Philippe. Architectures Transformees: Rehabilitations Et Reconversions a Paris. Pavillon de l'Arsenal, 1997. ISBN: 9782907513487. (EN)
REICHEN, Bernard; ROBERT Philippe: Reichen & Robert. Birkhäuser, 2003. ISBN: 978-3764369729. (EN)
SIMON, Philippe. Architectures Transformees: Rehabilitations Et Reconversions a Paris. Pavillon de l'Arsenal, 1997. ISBN: 9782907513487. (EN)
Recommended reading
The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage [online]: URL: (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme NE_A+U Master's 2 year of study, summer semester, elective
Type of course unit
14 hod., compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Identity of historically built cities, their important periods.
2. Industrialization era in urbanistic city structure. Industry as city development motor.
3. Brno – textile and engineering industry in 19th and 20th century, area around Svitava.
4. Field trip.
5. Zlín – model industry city founded by T. Baťa, sights zone, means of rescue.
6. Field trip.
7. Ostrava – mining and metallurgical industry in urbanistic city structure. Inhibition programme. Rescue ways, development programmes.
8. Field trip.
9. Foreign examples of reconstruction and renewal of historical heritage.
10. Management, protection, historical heritage valorization. Training programmes for students, municipal government employees and wide public.
11. Workshop – functional, urbanistic, architectonic and social change of chosen factory.
12. Workshop – graphic presentation.
13. Workshop evaluation, public presentation of result.
2. Industrialization era in urbanistic city structure. Industry as city development motor.
3. Brno – textile and engineering industry in 19th and 20th century, area around Svitava.
4. Field trip.
5. Zlín – model industry city founded by T. Baťa, sights zone, means of rescue.
6. Field trip.
7. Ostrava – mining and metallurgical industry in urbanistic city structure. Inhibition programme. Rescue ways, development programmes.
8. Field trip.
9. Foreign examples of reconstruction and renewal of historical heritage.
10. Management, protection, historical heritage valorization. Training programmes for students, municipal government employees and wide public.
11. Workshop – functional, urbanistic, architectonic and social change of chosen factory.
12. Workshop – graphic presentation.
13. Workshop evaluation, public presentation of result.