Course detail
Presentation Tools
FA-PRT-NAcad. year: 2025/2026
Not applicable.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Students will submit assignments during the semester and write a credit test. The assignments worked out during the semester form 50 % of the marks. The credit test verifies the knowledge and forms 50 % of the marks.
Students are required to attend 6 practical classes at minimum, the absence cannot be compensated, it could be only excused in case of serious reasons.
In the case of a student's apology and with approval of the subject guarantor, personal attendance may be substituted with online attendance in the classes.
Students are required to attend 6 practical classes at minimum, the absence cannot be compensated, it could be only excused in case of serious reasons.
In the case of a student's apology and with approval of the subject guarantor, personal attendance may be substituted with online attendance in the classes.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
BANN, David. Polygrafická příručka. Praha: Slovart, 2008. ISBN: 978-80-7391-029-7. (CS)
BLAŽEK, Filip. Typokniha: průvodce tvorbou tiskovin. Praha: UMPRUM, 2020. ISBN: 978-80-88308-12-6. (CS)
BLAŽEK, Filip. Typokniha: průvodce tvorbou tiskovin. Praha: UMPRUM, 2020. ISBN: 978-80-88308-12-6. (CS)
Recommended reading
BLAŽEK, Filip; KOČIČKA, Pavel. Praktická typografie. Brno: Computer Press, 2004. ISBN: 80-7226-385-4. (CS)
BRINGHURST, Robert. The Elements of Typographic Style: Versi. Vancouver, BC: Hartley & Marks, 2015. ISBN: 978-0881792126. (EN)
DAYTON, Linnea; DAVIS, Jack. Photoshop Wow! book. Praha: Computer Press, 2003. ISBN: 80-7226-719-1. (EN)
GERSTNER, Karl. Karl Gerstner: Designing Programmes: Programme as Typeface, Typography, Picture, Method. Lars Müller Publishers, 2019. ISBN: 978-3037785782. (EN)
HOFMANN, Armin. Graphic Design Manual: Principles and Practice. Niggli Verlag, 2001. ISBN: 9783721200065 (EN)
KUNZ, Willi. Typography: Formation and TransFormation. Niggli Verlag, 1999. ISBN: 978-3721204957. (EN)
KUNZ, Willi. Typography: Macro and Microaesthetics. Arthur Niggli, 2000. ISBN: 978-3721203486. (EN)
MÜLLER-BROCKMANN, Josef. Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers and three dimensional designers = Rastersysteme für die visuelle Gestaltung : ein Handbuch für Grafiker, Typographen und Ausstellungsgestalter. Zürich: Niggli, 2012. ISBN: 978-3721201451. (EN)
RUDER, Emil. Typographie: A Manual of Design. Niggli Verlag, 2001. ISBN 978-3721200430. (EN)
BRINGHURST, Robert. The Elements of Typographic Style: Versi. Vancouver, BC: Hartley & Marks, 2015. ISBN: 978-0881792126. (EN)
DAYTON, Linnea; DAVIS, Jack. Photoshop Wow! book. Praha: Computer Press, 2003. ISBN: 80-7226-719-1. (EN)
GERSTNER, Karl. Karl Gerstner: Designing Programmes: Programme as Typeface, Typography, Picture, Method. Lars Müller Publishers, 2019. ISBN: 978-3037785782. (EN)
HOFMANN, Armin. Graphic Design Manual: Principles and Practice. Niggli Verlag, 2001. ISBN: 9783721200065 (EN)
KUNZ, Willi. Typography: Formation and TransFormation. Niggli Verlag, 1999. ISBN: 978-3721204957. (EN)
KUNZ, Willi. Typography: Macro and Microaesthetics. Arthur Niggli, 2000. ISBN: 978-3721203486. (EN)
MÜLLER-BROCKMANN, Josef. Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers and three dimensional designers = Rastersysteme für die visuelle Gestaltung : ein Handbuch für Grafiker, Typographen und Ausstellungsgestalter. Zürich: Niggli, 2012. ISBN: 978-3721201451. (EN)
RUDER, Emil. Typographie: A Manual of Design. Niggli Verlag, 2001. ISBN 978-3721200430. (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme B_A+U Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
specialization --- (do 2022) , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
12 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
- Grafický design. Grafický design a architektura (Filip Dědic)
- Citace a plagiátorství (Eva Sedláková)
- Vyhledávání elektronických informačních zdrojů (Eva Sedláková)
- Barva a grafické prvky. Art direction a inspirace (Alina Matějová + Filip Dědic)
- Písmo a typografie. Formát a layout / InDesign (Pavel Holomek + Alina Matějová)
- Content design a hierarchie sdělení. Proces a spolupráce (Pavel Holomek + Filip Dědic)
16 hod., compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
- Základy bitmapové grafiky / Photoshop
- Úprava fotografií a tvorba koláže / Photoshop
- Základy vektorové grafiky / Illustrator
- Tvorba vektorové ilustrace / Illustrator
- Základy tvorby vícestránkového dokumentu / InDesign
- Tvorba brožury / InDesign
- Tisk: příprava obsahu a produkce
- Digitální prostředí: příprava obsahu a produkce