Course detail
Specialized Studio B4 – Experimental Design
FA-SB4-AAcad. year: 2025/2026
In this course students elaborate a one semester project and develop their knowledge gained in the previous bachelor study program. The course develops the skills of the future architects focusing on the theoretical and conceptual part of the design.
In the module Experimental Design, the solved topics are characterized by an experimental and conceptual approach in all components of design - urban, architectural and structural solution. In the module, students use advanced CAD methods (including parametric design and other creative programming methods) and have the opportunity to use CAM techniques at an equipped workshop of the Model Center of the faculty.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The grading scale is given in Article 14 of the Study and Examination Rules of BUT. The recommended grading scale is the following:
- A: excellent design showing personal contribution, all aspects and components of the project are excellent
- B: very good design, or excellent design with partial deficiencies
- C: good design, technically correct
- D: technically correct design with partial deficiencies
- E: sufficiently developed design, with all assigned tasks completed, it complies with the legal requirements (standards)
The supervisor is authorized to require parallel or preceding participation in relevant selective courses.
Students must attend one consultation a week at the times specified by their supervisor and the in-semester design critiques. Students must submit a design project that meets the requirements specified by the supervisor at the beginning of the semester.
The design project must be submitted by the deadline specified by the directive The rules of study at FA, and any changes must be stated before the students register.
In the case of a student's apology and with approval of the supervisor, personal participation may be substituted with online participation in the studio.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
- recommended prerequisite
Building Elements 1 - recommended prerequisite
Building Elements 2 - recommended prerequisite
Building Elements 3 - recommended prerequisite
Design of Buildings 1 - recommended prerequisite
Design of Buildings 2
Basic literature
NEUFERT, Ernst a Peter NEUFERT. Navrhování staveb: zásady, normy, předpisy o zařízeních, stavbě, vybavení, nárocích na prostor, prostorových vztazích, rozměrech budov, prostorech, vybavení, přístrojích z hlediska člověka jako měřítka a cíle. 2. české vyd., (35. něm. vyd.). Praha: Consultinvest, 2000, 618 s. : il., plány. ISBN 80-901486-6-2.
NORBERG-SCHULZ, Christian, Petr KRATOCHVÍL a Pavel HALÍK. Genius loci: krajina, místo, architektura. 2. vyd. Praha: Dokořán, 2010, 219 s. : il., mapy, plány ; 25 cm. ISBN 978-80-7363-303-5.
SCHLAFFEROVÁ, Hannelore. City: Život v ulicích plánovaného města. Zlín: Archa, 2017. ISBN 978-80-87545-48-5.
TICHÁ, Jana, Rostislav ŠVÁCHA a Milena SRŠŇOVÁ (eds.). Euroamerické architektonické myšlení 1936-2011. Praha: Zlatý řez, 2018. ISBN 978-80-88033-03-5.
Vyhláška č. 268/2009 Sb. o technických požadavcích na stavby.
Vyhláška č. 398/2009 Sb. o obecných technických požadavcích zabezpečujících bezbariérové užívání staveb
Vyhláška č. 501/2006 Sb. o obecných požadavcích na využívání území.
Zlatý řez (časopis). Praha: Zlatý řez. ISSN 1210-4760.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme N_A+U Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization --- (do 2022) , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional