Course detail
Modern Development and Theory of Urban Design 1
FA-UT1-TAcad. year: 2025/2026
Not applicable.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Not applicable.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
David Harvey, Paris Capital of Modernity, New York 2003 (CS)
Francoise Choay, The Invention of Historic Monument, New York 2001 (CS)
George R. Collins, The Linear City in:_David Lewis_The Pedistrian in the City: Architect's Year Book XI, London 1965. (CS)
Christiane Crasemann Collins, George R. Collins, Camillo Sitte: The Birth of Modern City Planning, Mineola 2006. (CS)
Lukáš Fasora, Dělník a měšťan: vývoj jejich vzájemných vztahů na příkladu šesti moravských měst 1870–1914, Brno 2010 (CS)
Mari Hvattum, Gottfried Semper and the Problem of Historicism, Cambridge, New York 2004 (CS)
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, New York 1978 (CS)
Pavla Horská, Klasická urbanizace v českých zemích in: Pavla Horská, Eduard Maur, Jiří Musil. Zrod velkoměsta: urbanizace českých zemí a Evropa, Praha 2002, s. 121–219. (CS)
Peter Hall, Planning Europe's Capital Cities: Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Urban Development, Routledge 2003 (CS)
Siegfried Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command, New York 1948 (CS)
Francoise Choay, The Invention of Historic Monument, New York 2001 (CS)
George R. Collins, The Linear City in:_David Lewis_The Pedistrian in the City: Architect's Year Book XI, London 1965. (CS)
Christiane Crasemann Collins, George R. Collins, Camillo Sitte: The Birth of Modern City Planning, Mineola 2006. (CS)
Lukáš Fasora, Dělník a měšťan: vývoj jejich vzájemných vztahů na příkladu šesti moravských měst 1870–1914, Brno 2010 (CS)
Mari Hvattum, Gottfried Semper and the Problem of Historicism, Cambridge, New York 2004 (CS)
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, New York 1978 (CS)
Pavla Horská, Klasická urbanizace v českých zemích in: Pavla Horská, Eduard Maur, Jiří Musil. Zrod velkoměsta: urbanizace českých zemí a Evropa, Praha 2002, s. 121–219. (CS)
Peter Hall, Planning Europe's Capital Cities: Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Urban Development, Routledge 2003 (CS)
Siegfried Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command, New York 1948 (CS)
Recommended reading
Not applicable.
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme B_A+U Bachelor's 3 year of study, winter semester, elective
4 year of study, winter semester, elective
specialization --- (do 2022) , 3 year of study, winter semester, elective
specialization --- (do 2022) , 4 year of study, winter semester, elective - Programme N_A+U Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
specialization --- (do 2022) , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
specialization --- (do 2022) , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional