Course detail
Waterworks Structures
FAST-BSA001Acad. year: 2025/2026
History of waterworks engineering, organization of water management in CR and EU, The Water Act. Torrents, water courses
Water courses regulations, flood control, weirs, water courses restoration. Water abstraction from water courses, artificial channels, waterways, water reservoirs. Construction, arrangement and use of water reservoirs, ponds and purpose reservoirs. Watershed protection,land consolidation. Landscape restoration,landscape water management. Irrigation, drainage, municipal engineering, catchment of water sources. Water supply, water treatment, water reservoirs and water towers. Sewerage, sewage water treatment, sludge management, sewage water treatment plants, waste disposal, landfills. Balneology, water management research.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Basic knowledge of water management
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Studijní opory k předmětu BSA001: kolektiv autorů, Brno. (CS)
Šálek, J., Hlavínek, P., Mičín, J. a kol.: Vodní stavitelství. CERM, Brno, 2001, s. 144. ISBN 80-214-2068-5 (CS)
Veselý, J., Milerski, R., Mičín, J.: Vodohospodářské stavby. CERM, Brno, 2005, s. 164. ISBN 978-80-7204-759-8 (CS)
Recommended reading
ČNI – český normalizační institut
ČSN EN – české technické normy harmonizované s EN
TNV – technická norma vodního hospodářství
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Introduction and basic information about the subject.
- 2. Open water reservoirs, dams and water-power utilization.
- 3. Weirs, water withdrawal from watercourses, waterways and navigation.
- 4. Watercourses, their development and treatment, torrent control.
- 5. Basic concepts and relations of hydraulics – physical properties of liquids, hydrostatic and body filling, hydrodynamics.
- 6. Basic concepts and relations of hydraulics – steady pressure flow, flow of water in open channels, overflows.
- 7. Basic concepts and relations of hydraulics – outlet through the hole, energy height of the cross section (water jump), flow of groundwater.
- 8. Hydrology, water cycle in nature, measurement of climatic variables, hydrology of reservoirs.
- 9. Ponds and purpose reservoirs, flood control, dikes.
- 10. Irrigations, drainage, watershed protection.
- 11. Municipal engineering.
- 12. Drinking water supply, treatment and transport of water, balneotechnology.
- 13. Sewerage and sewage water treatment.
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1.–6. Excursions to the laboratories of water management institutes.
- 7.–12. Work up 6 basic hydraulic calculations.