Course detail
Building Constructions 2 (M)
FAST-BHA018Acad. year: 2025/2026
It handles about a follow-up course to BH001 Building constructions 1 and its aim is to deepen the knowledge of students in the field of building design. It’s mainly focused on the design of horizontal load-bearing structures, foundations, chimneys and ventilation shafts, roofs, etc. While at the exact same time it’s expected to teach students about substructure, damp proof course, expansion joints and about protection against radon gas activity, floorings, and windows, among others.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Test examination on building constructions and debate.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Horizontal load-bearing structures – functional and mechanical requirements. Connections of horizontal and vertical load-bearing structures. Classification of horizontal load-bearing structures. Spandrel beams.
- 2. Overhanging and recessed structures – balcony, loggia, portico, oriel windows and cornices – material solutions, mechanical requirements, thermal design.
- 3. Groundworks and excavations. Founding soil. Construction and hydrogeological survey.
- 4. Shallow and deep foundation – Foundation types, material, and structural solutions. Foundation construction on property boundaries.
- 5. Substructure. Damp proofing – design of damp proof systems. Protection against radon gas infiltration.
- 6. Expansion joints, settlement joints and construction joints in load bearing and non-loadbearing structures.
- 7. Roofs – classification of roofs. Pitched roofs / Traditional truss solutions – classification, structural solutions. Contemporary solutions. Roof compositions above attic spaces.
- 8. Roofs – Warm flat roofs – design principles, dewatering solutions, compositions of warm flat roof variants, and materials.
- 9. Roofs – Cold flat roofs – design principles, dewatering solutions, materials, roofing, ventilation of the air cavity.
- 10. Chimneys and ventilation shafts – design principles, structural requirements, types, and solutions.
- 11. Windows, doors, gates. Variants and material solutions, technological and installation procedure.
- 12. Floor – functional requirements, the function of layers, materials, thermal expansion.
- 13. Soffit / Lower ceiling – functional requirements, structural and design principles, types of lower ceilings. Finishes – plaster, paints, coats, frescos, tiles.
Teacher / Lecturer
The output of practices is a set of drawings which are part of the building documentation for building permit application. The outputs do take up the form of studies or drawings.
- 1. Introduction to practices. Individual assignment – Detached house with the basement and 2 stories above ground level. Plans of above and underground stories given modular coordination and general requirements of typology. Note: The outputs of follow-up practices are to respect the individual assignment.
- 2. Plans of 1st basement, 1st, and second floors.
- 3. Stairway design.
- 4. Horizontal load-bearing structures – Structural solution of 1st and 2nd-floor slabs.
- 5. Supplementing the floor plans with the stairway.
- 6. Design of foundations. Placing building on the terrain. Site plan.
- 7. Section A-A.
- 8. Design of Queen post roof truss.
- 9. Design of warm flat roof.
- 10. Supplementation of Section A-A with the Queen post roof truss and warm flat roof.
- 11. Elevations building. Window installation into an opening.
- 12. Floor composition design.
- 13. Submission and final evaluation of presented work.