Course detail

Concrete Technology 1

FAST-BJA007Acad. year: 2025/2026

Classification and types of concrete. Components of concrete: aggregates, water, cement, inert and active admixtures, accessories changing the hydration kinetics, plasticizing and areating accessories etc., structural steel. The composition of concrete, methods of calculation. Rheology of
fresh-concrete. Processing of fresh concrete, form systems and moulds. Compacting of fresh concrete mainly by vibration, other compacting methods. Hardening of concrete: hydration of cement, quick hardening of concrete, concreting in winter, treatment of concrete. The properties of concrete: porosity of the cement stone, coherence with steel, internal tension and deformation, permeability. Mechanical properties of concrete, influencing the concrete strength, deformation properties, water - tightness. The durability of concrete: frost resistance, chemical corrosion of concrete, corrosion of steel. Energetic demands for concrete production, quality control, recycling of concrete.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.


Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components (THD)

Entry knowledge

Binders and theoretical background of silicate structure, mining and processing of raw materials.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.


The aim of the subject is to acquaint the students with basic knowledge necessary for the task to design composition of concrete with demanded final properties. During lectures information will be presented concerning the basic properties of input raw materials for concrete manufacture and the testing methods. Afterwards the students will be familiarized with marking of concrete, demands concerning the physico-mechanical properties of concrete and with testing methods. The demands will be described for the composition of watertight concrete, frost resistant concrete and of concrete for roads, subsequently to the design of their composition.
The student would manage the goal of the subject by acquiring basic necessary knowledge for the proposal of concretes composition for final properties of concrete assigned in advance, by acquiring information on the basic properties of input base material for the production of concrete and their testing, by getting acquainted with concrete marking and requirements on their physical-mechanical properties and testing methods.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

HELA Rudolf: Technologie betonu I, CERM VUT Brno, 2004 (CS)

Recommended reading

PAVLÍK, Adolf: Technologie betonu, SNTL Praha,1973 (CS)
BECHYNĚ Stanislav: Technologie betonu díl 1 až 5, SNTL Praha,1957 (CS)
PYTLÍK Petr: Technologie betonu, VUT Brno, 2000, ISBN 80-214-1647-5 (CS)
STORK Juraj: Technológia betonu,  AV Bratislava 1954 (SK)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPC-SI Bachelor's

    specialization M , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


  • 1. Classification and types of concrete. EN 206-1
  • 2. Components of concrete. Aggregates.
  • 3. Components of concrete. Water, cement.
  • 4. Components of concrete. Additives into concrete.
  • 5. Components of concrete. Admixtures to concrete.
  • 6. Reinforcement of concrete.
  • 7. Fresh concrete. Technological relations of concrete composition. Design of concrete composition.
  • 8. Fresh concrete. Processing of fresh concrete.
  • 9. Fresh concrete. Mixing, transport and placing of concrete.
  • 10. Fresh concrete. Forming system and moulds. Compacting of fresh concrete.
  • 11. Concrete. Hardening of concrete. Concrete curing.
  • 12. Concrete. Properties of concrete. Porous structure of cement stone. Micromechanics of concrete.
  • 13. Concrete. Properties of concrete. Strength of concrete. Steel cohesion to concrete. Concrete durability.


26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


  • 1. Concrete and its basic components, overview of basic standards for concrete and its raw materials.
  • 2. Aggregates for concrete.Grain size of aggregates -grading curve by Fuller and by EMPA, modules aggregate band width granularity.Examples of the calculation of the distribution curve sand mixing aggregates.
  • 3. Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates.Voids of aggregates.Specific surface of aggregates.Shape index.Grain size aggregates.Mixing untreated aggregate.Mixing multiple fractions treated aggregates.
  • 4. Design of concrete composition.The definition ofrequirements for theconcrete.The choiceof feedstock.Design of concrete composition.Experimentaldesign verification.Equationabsolutevolumes.Design of concrete compositionestimatedsurplusof cement paste.
  • 5. Design of concrete composition according Bolemeye.Design of concrete composition according to CH. T.Kennedy.
  • 6. Testing fresh concrete.Determination of consistency o concrete -Slump cone method, spills, Vebe adegree of compactibility.Determination of bulk density of fresh concrete.Determination of air contentin fresh concrete.
  • 7. Testing hardened concrete.Test compressive strength, flexural and splitting strength. Density of concrete.Depth of penetration of water under pressure.Frost resistance of concrete.Concrete resistance against water and chemical deicing agents.Air contentin hardened concrete.
  • 8. Excursion to the concrete industry
  • 9. Influence of the amount of water at a constant dosage of cement on the fresh and hardened concrete. Production of concrete with different amounts of water and assessment of workability of concrete and concrete compressive strength after 7 days of curing.
  • 10. Effect of dose of cement at a constant amount of water on the fresh and hardened concrete.Production of concrete with different amounts of cement and concrete assessment of workability and compressive strength of concrete after 7 days of curing.
  • 11. The effect of plasticizing additives at a constant dose of water and cement to the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Production of concrete with different amounts of plasticizing additives and assessment of the workability of concrete and concrete compressive strength after 7 days of curing.
  • 12. The effect of aerationin gredients at a constant dose of water and the cement properties of the fresh and hardened concrete.Production of concrete with different amounts of aeration additives and assessment of workability of concrete and concrete compressive strength after 7 days of curing.
  • 13. Credit test, inspection reports, attendance, and the credit if you meet all the requirements.