Course detail
Concrete Structures (M)
FAST-BLA018Acad. year: 2025/2026
Reinforced concrete load-bearing structures. Structural systems of one and multi-stories buildings. Monolithic frame structures. Two-way slabs, edge and locally supported. Foundation structures.
Prestressed concrete - principals, materials, types, method of prestressing, principles of design, prestressing and its changes, ultimate and serviceability limit states. Precast structures and distinctions in their design. Selected engineering structures. Principles of masonry structures design. Expansion joints and units.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
To gain ability for design of the principal types of structures of building construction and civil engineering together with preparing relevant technical drawings.
To understand the principles of prestressed structures behaviour with correct application of the prestressing effects in practice.
A student gains these knowledge and skills:
• Knowledge of the principles of static solution of concrete structures and buildings.
• Virtue for designing principal types of structures of building construction and civil engineering together with the ability of preparing relevant technical drawings.
• Understanding of the principles of prestressed structures behaviour with correct application of the prestressing effects in practice.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
NILSON, Artur, DARWIN, David a DOLAN, Charles. Design of Concrete Structures. New York: McGraf-Hill, 2009. ISBN 978-0073293493. (EN)
ZICH, Miloš a BAŽANT, Zdeněk. Plošné betonové konstrukce, nádrže a zásobníky. Brno: CERM, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7204-693-5. (CS)
Recommended reading
COLLINS, Michael P. a MITCHELL, Denis. Prestressed Concrete Structures. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991. ISBN 0-13-691635-X. (EN)
GRENČÍK, Ľudovít et al. Betónové konštrukcie pre inžinierske a vodohospodárske stavby. Časť 2 B. Bratislava: ALFA, 1986. (SK)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1.–2. Structural systems of multi-storey monolithic frame structures – arrangement systems, loading, space stiffness, ceiling structures, dimensioning, static solution, redistribution and restriction of forces, reinforcement arrangement, constructive principles.
- 3. RC monolithic hall structures.
- 4.–5. RC two-way slabs edge supported and locally supported.
- 6. Foundation structures – footings, continuous footings, grids, slabs.
- 7. Prestressed concrete – principle, materials, method of prestressing, principles of design.
- 8. Prestressing and its changes, ultimate and serviceability limit states.
- 9. Precast load-bearing structures halls and buildings – design and reinforcing, stability and stiffness.
- 10. Specialities in design of precast structures – influence of manufacturing, transport and assembly, design of joints, anchorages and mounting lugs, action in assembly course.
- 11.–12. Principles of design of selected engineering structures – storage tanks, silos, reservoirs, retaining walls.
- 13. Principles of masonry structures design. Expansion joints and units.
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Cast-in-place RC framed structure - preliminary design of dimensions, scheme of shape of the structure, load, loading states for internal frame.
- 2. Calculation of internal forces of the frame.
- 3. Calculation of internal forces of the frame – continuation, combination of loads.
- 4. Design of primary beam for bending.
- 5. Design of primary beam for shear (stirrups, eventually also bends).
- 6. Curtailment of reinforcement of primary beam. Corrections.
- 7. Dimensioning of one internal column.
- 8. Structural solution and dimensioning of single footing below internal column.
- 9. Drawings of reinforcement of the primary beam, single footing and column. Corrections.
- 10. Two-way slab – preliminary design, load, internal forces, design of reinforcement.
- 11. Rebar or netting reinforcing.
- 12. Final checking.
- 13. Project submission. Credit.