Course detail
Utility Networks
FAST-BPA002Acad. year: 2025/2026
The course deals with conduit of utility networks (conduit of technical equipment) in general, especially underground networks. The general part includes basic concepts, network division, category and history. Students will be introduced with the standards and regulations of the topic, space arrangement of conduit of technical equipment. It will also be discussed designing of pipe networks (water supply, sewerage, heat, steam and gas) and cable lines (electricity system, telecommunication and data networks). From the aspects of building the student will be acquainted with pipes materials and methods of construction and rehabilitation of networks, especially in their underground storage.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Student will manage basic of design and planinng of technical equipment network, and some more detailed information about function, planning and operating of gas and heat pipe networks.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ČSN 73 6005. Prostorové uspořádání vedení technického vybavení. Praha: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci. 2017.
HLAVÍNEK, Petr a kol. Hospodaření s dešťovými vodami v urbanizovaném území. Brno: ARDEC, 2007. ISBN: 80-86020-55-X .
KLEPSATEL, František, RACLAVSKÝ, Jaroslav. Bezvýkopová výstavba a obnova podzemních vedení. Bratislava: JAGA GROUP. 2007. ISBN 978-80-8076-053-3.
SOVAK. Příručka provozovatele stokové sítě - 3. aktualizované vydání. Praha: SOVAK. 2022
SOVAK. Zásady pro využití bezvýkopových technologií v oboru vodovodů a kanalizací. Praha: SOVAK. 2008
ŠRYTR, Petr a kol. Městské inženýrství 1. Praha: Academia. 1998. ISBN 80-200-0663-X
ŠRYTR, Petr a kol. Městské inženýrství 1. Praha: Academia. 2001. ISBN 80-200-0440-8
Recommended reading
STEIN, Dietrich. Trenchless Technology for Installation of Cables and Pipelines. Stein und Partner, 2005. ISBN 9783000149559
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Introduction to utility networks (conduit of technical equipment), history development.
- 2. Space arrangement of conduit of technical eguipment.
- 3. Associated conduit of technical equipment.
- 4. Water supply.
- 5. Sewerage networks.
- 6. Regularities of gas flow.
- 7. Heat networks.
- 8. Supply of gas pipeline networks.
- 9. Gas pipeline networks.
- 10. Energy and communication networks.
- 11. Construction and rehabilitation of pipe networks.
- 12. Basic theory of pipe networks.
- 13. Examples of conduit of technical eguipment.
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Coordination of conduit of technical equipment.
- 2. Length optimization of utility connections.
- 3. Design of sewer connections.
- 4. Design of sewer connections.
- 5. Seminar work – presentation.
- 6. Seminar work – presentation.
- 7. Credit.