Course detail
River Training and Weirs
FAST-BRA005Acad. year: 2025/2026
The course River Training and Weirs follows the course Water structures. The course is aimed especially at problematic of river training, weirs design and navigation. Part on river training emphasises assessment of existing technical and eco-biological condition of river channel, elaboration of required channel reconstruction (hydrotechnical calculation and basic design documentation). Problematic of weir design put the stress on importance of uncontrolled weirs and their design. Information about types weirs and design of movable weirs.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The student manages to project river training and to project weir. The student gets knowledge about types weirs and design of movable weirs.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Water courses and structures on rivers in Czech republic, SVP, introduction to channel hydraulics, components of river channel evolution, composition of channel bed, granulometric curve (grain size curve), classification of river network, river systems in ČR.
- 2. Conceptual solution of river training – natural building of channel – purpose of channel reconstruction, design discharge determination, design of the course, the term eco-biological reconstruction, revitalization.
- 3. Design of river regulation – longitudinal bed slope, design and assessment of cross section, types of flow – computational methods, steady, continuously changing unsteady flow.
- 4. Bank stability analysis – stability of channel banks and slopes, their determination in straight and curved reach, shear stress, river channel deformation, sediment motion, drag force, critical shear stress.
- 5. Lining structures in channels – protection of bed and heel of the slope, methods of bank slope stabilization, technical, bio-technical and biological lining components. . Levees – their construction, objects – drops, boulder chute.
- 6. Streamside trees and shrubs – vegetation on banks, space and type composition of riparian forest, design of riparian zones, work with multicriterial design table of broadleaves, assessment of existing state of riparian forest.
- 7. Purpose and character of weirs – basic terms, weir types, ground area setting, design discharge, overfall curve.
- 8. Uncontrolled weir – structure of uncontrolled weir, types of uncontrolled weirs, founding, weir pillars, training walls.
- 9. Stilling basin – design of stilling basin, baffles and rectifiers of flow, bed protection and lining downstream the weir.
- 10. Safety and stability of weirs – forces effecting weirs, weir stability analysis.
- 11. Movable weirs - types of movable weirs, hydrostatic weirs and inflatable weir, flashboard of weirs, walkway.
- 12. European navigation – importance of navigation, lock canal Dunaj-Odra-Labe, navigation devices, course, longitudinal and cross sectional profile of lock canal, banks stability.
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Introduction to the course.
- 2. The transfer of a given section of stream, to render transparent the longitudinal profile.
- 3. Design a new channel.
- 4. Completing and approval of the new channel.
- 5. Assessment of the stability of the channel.
- 6. Design of the fortifications, the rendering model of the cross-section.
- 7. The proposal weir.
- 8. Calculation of the curves of the overflow. Dimensioning the upper.
- 9. The proposal for the upper.
- 10.–11. Drawing documentation.