Course detail
Information Technology and System Analysis
FAST-BUA003Acad. year: 2025/2026
Modern database systems, DBMS architecture and the role in information systems. Actual technologies for information systems design, n-tiers architecture. Life cycle and information system implementation. Process analysis and management. Modelling tools of the system analysis. The support of information technologies on particular levels of management. Economy of IS creation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Institute of Computer Aided Engineering and Computer Science (AIU)
Entry knowledge
Basic software tools for data management and processing, basics of enterprise economics, basics of project management, methods of relational data models design.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.
To get general orientation in information technologies and possibilities of their use at firm’s management. To learn basic tools of system analysis. To acquire skills and ability to model reality during formation of information system.
Knowledge in the field of information systems using Internet technologies
Knowledge in the field of information systems using Internet technologies
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
Bruckner, Tomáš a kol.Tvorba informačních systémů, Grada Publishing, 2012, ISBN 978-80-247-4153-6 (CS)
RIORDAN, R. M. Vytváříme relační databázové aplikace, Computer Press, Praha, ISBN 80-7226-360-9 (CS)
RIORDAN, R. M. Vytváříme relační databázové aplikace, Computer Press, Praha, ISBN 80-7226-360-9 (CS)
Recommended reading
Steven Roman, MS ACCESS Návhr a programování databází, Computer Press, 2002 (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
26 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Data analysis, E-R diagram, data normalization.
- 2. Relational calculus, using SQL language, nonSQL systems.
- 3. Advanced database techniques, indices, database transactions, ACID Rules.
- 4. Stored procedures and functions in database systems, T-SQL language.
- 5. Database triggers, constrains, business rules.
- 6. Features of the mainstream database products: Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL.
- 7. Basic implementation techniques of information systems.
- 8. N-layer architecture, middleware, solutions based on Internet, DOTNET, ASP, PHP, Node technology.
- 9. Process analysis, UML diagrams, BPMN, Data Flow and Status diagram.
- 10. Life cycle of the system, used development and operation techniques.
- 11. Access control in application layer, security, risks.
- 12. Business systems CRM, CMS, ERP. Standardized implementations SAP, MS Dynamics, Oracle.
- 13. An example of an analysis of a simple information system.
26 hod., compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Data modeling - knowledge repetition, MS Access database system.
- 2. SQL query language, SELECT statement.
- 3. Pivot table in spreadsheet environment.
- 4. Advanced methods for obtaining information from relational sets - inner and outer join.
- 5. Methods for relational operations in MS Excel.
- 6. Elements for manipulating SQL data, DDL, DML subsets.
- 7. Advanced methods for transactional processing.
- 8. Advanced tools for process analysis, BPMN diagram design.
- 9. Status diagram and its implementation in data design.
- 10. Data Flow diagram, implementation examples.
- 11.-12. Individual project of a simple information system in MS Access environment.
- 13. Knowledge testing and defending of IS design.