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Course detail
FEKT-MPC-SKSAcad. year: 2025/2026
The course deals with services provided by modern telecommunications systems. Students will gain the necessary knowledge of technologies that are still used, although not as a priority, ie with ISDN services and Asynchronous ATM mode. However, emphasis is placed on contemporary technologies such as xDSL (ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, VDSL) and on the SS7 signaling system connected to modern transmission, the TMN Telecommunications Control Network and the quality of QoS service. The content also includes Internet Protocol version 6, IPv4 connectivity, OSI reference model versus TCP / IP network architecture. Other parts are devoted to passive optical networks PON, the use of integer programming in current networks and WDM multiplex.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
A student who enrolls in a course should be able to:- explain the basic concepts of converged communication networks,- define the properties of Ethernet networks,- name the laws of IPv4,- express the characteristics of multimedia services,In general, bachelor's degree knowledge is required.Work in the laboratory is conditioned by a valid qualification of "employee knowledgeable for independent activity" according to Vyhl. 50/1978 Coll., Which students must obtain before the start of teaching. Information on this qualification is given in the Dean's Directive Familiarization of students with safety regulations.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The aim of the course is to provide students with an extended orientation in the services of communication systems with a focus on the quality of QoS service and to focus on the development of passive optical networks.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Služby poskytované soudobými komunikaèními systémy – obecný rozbor.
2. Integrované služby digitální sítì – ISDN. Základní a primární pøístup, referenèní model úèastnické pøípojky ISDN, strukturu rámce na rozhraní S a U, napájení terminálù.
3. Asynchronní pøepravní zpùsob - ATM. Princip ATM, tøídy služeb, buòka ATM a vrstvový model. Synchronizace, virtuální cesta a virtuální kanál, tøídy služeb, síové prvky ATM.
4. Technologie související se službami xDSL (ADSL, SDSL, HDSL, VDSL) vèetnì teoretického rozboru, spojení, referenèní model, modulace, rušivé vlivy v ADSL, pøeslechy.
5. Signalizaèní systém SS7. Vlastnosti SS7, signalizaèní sí, výstavba SS7, èást pøenosu zpráv MTP, uživatelské èásti, dynamické smìrování v síti, management SS7.
6. Internet protokol verze 6, návaznost na IPv4, referenèní model OSI versus síová architektura TCP/IP.
7. Kvalita služeb QoS. Telecommunication Management Network – TMN.
8. Telekomunikaèní služby z pohledu ekonomiky
9. Pasivní optické sítì PON, topologie sítí PON a zpùsob komunikace.
10. Vývoj PON a jejich rozdíly z pohledu fyzické a transportní vrstvy.
11. Aktivaèní proces koncové jednotky v síti GPON.
12. Využití celoèíselného programování v souèasných sítích, sí jako graf, rozdìlení zátìže z pohledu ceny pøenosu.
13. IP pøenos sítí Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), CWDM, DWDM, TDM versus WDM, Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA).
Laboratory exercise