Course detail
International Marketing
FP-IBinmPAcad. year: 2025/2026
Course is focused on international marketing strategies with focus on B-2-B and technology markets. Concentration is also on the practical business examples and case-studies related.
Main focus of the course is in the following topics:
• marketing environment in national, international and global perspective
• The history and current trends in the process of internationalization and business globalization
• Major approaches to the analysis of the marketing environment in the international scope
• Marketing mix / extended marketing mix and its use in the international marketing
• Practical planning, execution and control of the marketing strategy in the international economic conditions
• Practical preparation of the marketing plan to enter new international market
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The evaluation will consist of assessment of the processing and presentation of team project - the foreign market entry plan and verbal exam, aimed at assessment of understanding international marketing methods and principles.
The course grading is as follows:
- active participation at lectures (10%)
- team project and its presentation (50%)
- verbal exam (40%)
Attendance at individual seminars is not compulsory, but it is scored.
Seminars are obligatory, where ongoing consultations of milestones during the processing of marketing plans take place.
Students will get guideline and in small teams will prepare strategic marketing plan to enter new international market.
Specifical goals are:
a) To enable participants to develop an awareness of the importance of global marketing issues, both from macro- and micro - economic perspective
b) To critically evaluate and apply appropriate methods for analysis of the international marketing environment
c) To enable participants to develop awareness of the specific features of marketing tools, deployed in global market conditions
d) To develop skills of using the theory of international marketing in international context
Major learning outcomes of the course are the following knowledge, skills and competences:
1. Basis for the business marketing concept in international and global environment
2. Strategic marketing analysis methods in global marketing
3. Preparation of the international market entry plan
4. Implementation of the global marketing strategy and useful tools
5. Strategic, financial, ethical and other aspects of the global marketing strategy
Additional specific goals of the course are the following:
• Develop strategic planning and execution skills within a rapidly changing environment.
• Crystallize the linkages between business decisions and financial performance.
• Internalize how important it is to use market data and competitive signals to adjust the strategic plan and more tightly focus business tactics.
• Build confidence through knowledge and experience.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
KIRPALANI, V. H., GARBARSKI, L., KAYNAK, E. Successfully Doing Business/Marketing in Eastern Europe, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2009. ISBN 978-0-7890-3272-0.
KOTLER, Philip a Gary ARMSTRONG. Principles of marketing. Seventeenth edition. Hoboken: Pearson Higher Education, 2018. ISBN 978-0134492513.
Recommended reading
KOTLER, Philip a Kevin Lane KELLER. Marketing management. 14th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2012. ISBN 978-0132102926.
Classification of course in study plans