Course detail


FP-manPAcad. year: 2025/2026

The aim of the lectures is to present, discuss and practice the basic knowledge (managerial functions) corresponding to the basic concepts of management theory and organizational theory.
-The first part focuses on the processes of planning, organizing, leading and controlling, in a scope corresponding to most universities and schools of similar orientation.
-The second part introduces students to the basic concepts of management in the context of examples of management best practices - family businesses, business development, corporate communication, business networks

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

Knowledge in the area of business economics, corporate functions, management, and performance.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

To earn course credit, students must successfully complete a semester project by the predetermined deadline and actively engage in exercises, including presenting and discussing seminar papers.

During the semester, activities in the exercises are assessed using a points system, which is updated each semester according to the types of tasks.

Students must achieve at least 60% of the available points to receive credit.

Students can earn points for:

  • Semester project
  • Presentation of the semester project
  • Answering questions from case studies
  • Completing a questionnaire (voluntary activity, beyond the points evaluation)

Examination Requirements:

Knowledge of the lecture material and its practical application. The exam is written, with the possibility of an oral exam at the examiner's discretion in the case of an inconclusive written exam result. The exam is graded according to the ECTS scale, and students must achieve at least 50% of the points to pass. The overall course grade includes the assessment of work throughout the semester.

Course completion requirements:
- Fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining credit max 60%; Fulfillment of the requirements of the exercise for obtaining credit 50% min - 30 points out of 60.

- Passing the final exam max 40% test; Passing the final exam - test 50% min - 20 points out of 40.

Total 100%

Course Completion for Students with Individual Study Plans (ISP):

  1. Completion and submission of the semester project
  2. Final exam

Course Completion in the Event of Distance Learning:

Analogous conditions to the in-person format:

  • Completion and submission of the semester project
  • Presentation of the semester project
  • Answering questions from case studies
  • Completing a questionnaire (voluntary activity, beyond the points evaluation)
  • Final exam

Monitoring Semester Project Results and Case Study Solutions:

In case of an excused absence from an exercise, the teacher may, in justified cases, set an alternative condition, usually the completion of a partial written task.


The objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge of fundamentals of management, its terms, content, structuralization and methods.
Students will have a clear idea of modern approaches in management and its functions of planning, organising, leadership and control.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

BĚLOHLÁVEK, F.; ŠULEŘ, O.; KOŠŤAN, P. Management. Brno, Computer Press, 2006, 724 s. ISBN 80-251-0396-X.
BLAŽEK, L. Management. Organizování, rozhodování, ovlivňování. 2. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2014. 224 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4429-2.
DONNELLY, J.H., GIBSON, J.L., IVANCEVICH, J.M.: Management. Praha, Grada Publishing, 1997. 821s. ISBN 80-7169-422-3.
MAYLOR, H.; BLACMON, K.L. Researching business and management. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. 466 s. ISBN 0-333-96407-1.
ROBBINS, S.P.; COULTER, M. Management. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2004. 600 s. ISBN 80-247-0495-1.
VEBER, J. Management: základy, moderní manažerské přístupy, výkonnost a prosperita. 2. aktualiz. vyd. Praha, Management Press, 2014, 734 s. ISBN 978-80-726-1274-1.

Recommended reading

GERBER, M. E.: Podnikatelský mýtus: proč většina malých firem do roka zkrachuje a co proti tomu dělat. Praha, Management Press, 2004. 223 s. ISBN 80-7261-092-9
VÁCHAL J.; VOCHOZKA M. Podnikové řízení. Praha, Grada, 2013. 685 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4642-5.
VODÁČEK, L.; VODÁČKOVÁ, O. Moderní management v teorii a praxi. Praha, Management Press, 2013. 359 s. ISBN 978-80-7261-232-1.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK-EP Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme BAK-MIn Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme BAK-PM Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme BAK-UAD Bachelor's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme BPC-IBE Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
  • Programme BIT Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, elective
  • Programme BIT Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, elective

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1.The meaning and practice of management. Definition of management, managerial work. The importance of management in practice, reasons for studying management (Pirozek).
2.Directions of development in the field of management. Introduction of management schools influencing the development of management. Presentation of individual concepts of management development (Pirozek).
3.Managerial Environment of management. External environment and internal environment. Influences on managerial decisions. SWOT analysis. The nature of the environment influencing the management of the organization (Pirozek).
4.Vision, mission and goals of the organization. The basis for determining the mission and goals of the organization. Types of objectives, hierarchical breakdown, time breakdown. Conflict of objectives (Pirozek).
5.Planning, definition, hierarchical and time breakdown. Comprehensive planning system in an organization. Control - definition, concepts. Standards of control. Control process and requirements for its efficiency and effectiveness. Types of controls. Control with a focus on management audit (Pirozek).
6. Organizing - definitions, concepts. Contingency approach to the development of organizational structure. Aspects of horizontal and vertical differentiation of structure formation. Integration and types of organizational structures. Management span, centralization and decentralization of management. Competence in organizational design (Pirozek).
7.Motivation and leadership in the organization. Definition of terms, theoretical approaches. Content and process motivation theories. Theories of leadership styles, managerial grids and situational theory (Pirozek).
8.Decision making in management - organizational hierarchy for decision making. Well and bad structured problems. Steps in the decision making process. Types of decisions (Pirozek).
9.Life cycle of an organization, stages of development of org. structure. The different stages of the life cycle and their application to the development of org. structure. Greiner's theory of evolution and revolution in organization development and its application to org. structure (Marciánová).
10.Communication in the enterprise, family business. Strategic development - application - SBU organizational structures, advantages and disadvantages of SBU, reasons for using SBU (Marciánová).
11.Strategic alliances - definition  of strategic alliances. Functions and characteristics with practical application. Specific types and breakdown of alliances (Marciánová).
12.Internal and external organizational networks. Business network organisational structures, Ameba, Franchising, Fractal organisations. Holding organisational structures, types of holding organisational structures, features and characteristics of holdings (Pirozek/Marciánová - self-study).


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


The seminars are focused on practising the lectured topics and elaboration of case studies (both individually and in teams).