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Course detail
FP-OmoPAcad. year: 2025/2026
The subject provides knowledge related to key areas of international trade. It presents the characteristics of the international environment and the importance of international trade, defines theoretical approaches and trends, categories, main subjects. She is acquainted with the international economic organization and the impact of integration on international trade and competitiveness.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The methods and rules of evaluation are worked up in document „Requirements of subject International Trade termination", which are displayed in IT (news) of the subject at the beginning of the semester.
Completion of the course (full-time)
Credit:Proposal Sheet 10Team project 35 (content 20p, presentation 10p, peer review of another project 5p)
Company digital maturity test 2.5p - 5pTotal for the exercise (minimum 25p) 50
Exam (oral - min. 50 points) 100Total score 150
A total of 35 points can be earned for a team project. The NL (10 pts), project-content (max. 20 pts), project presentation (max. 10 pts) in the exercise and the evaluation of the opposing team (max. 5 pts) are assessed. A minimum of 50% of the points during the semester (25 pts) is a condition for the award of credit. A minimum of 50% marks in the oral examination (50 b) is required to meet the examination requirements.The final grade of the students will depend not only on the results of the written examination but also on the number of points obtained by the student in the exercises throughout the semester. A total of 150 points can be achieved, which will be converted to 100 points according to the ECTS scale.
Completion of the course (for students with an individual plan)
Maximum number of pointsProposal sheet 10Individual project 35
Company digital maturity test 2.5 - 5Total marks for the project (minimum 25pts) 50
Exam (oral - min. 50 points) 100Overall evaluation 150
A total of 35 points can be awarded for an individual project. The NL (10 points) and the project (maximum 35 points) are evaluated. A minimum of 50 % of the points during the semester (25 pts) is a condition for the award of credit. A minimum of 50% marks in the oral examination (50 b) is required to meet the examination requirements.The final grade of the students will depend not only on the results of the written examination but also on the number of points obtained by the student in the exercises throughout the semester. A total of 150 points can be achieved, which will be converted to 100 points according to the ECTS scale.
Check of the results of independent work on assigned tasks, in the preparation of seminar work, team work, etc... Making up for missed, duly excused absence from class is in the form of substitute organized employment with the preparation of a new assignment and its evaluation according to the criteria for awarding credit
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Teacher / Lecturer
1.International economic organizations and regionalism in the world economy and trade: the nature and forms of regionalism, its benefits and risks, a breakdown and overview of the main regional groupings with implications for the business environment and trade.The transformation process in Central and Eastern European countries: the nature and content of the transformation process, the strategy of the transformation process, cooperation and evaluation of the transformation in terms of time.2. Importance of international trade, principles and principles: knowledge of territory; knowledge of mentality, culture and religion in territories; principles of economic security in international trade.3. Functions of international trade in relation to the national economy; forms of involvement of business entities in international trade.
4. Globalization and internationalization. Strategies and forms of business entry into international markets. Direct and indirect forms of entry. Capital and non-capital inputs;
5. Incoterms 2023, explanation of the rules and its use;6. The main centres of the world economy: quantitative comparison - USA, Japan, China, EMU and others - integration processes in terms of international trade.7. Foreign trade policy of the Czech Republic and China;8. International competitiveness: business environment and its components, connections and linkages, selected indicators of business environment quality;9. Globalization and internationalization, strategic alliances in international trade, protectionism;10. Logistics in international trade;
11. Management of international trade operations, background, delivery and payment terms, financing, logistics and risks;12. Business logistics and Supply chain management in the context of globalization;13. Development trends in international trade in the 20th and 21st centuries, territorial and commodity structure of international trade, high dynamics of trade in goods and services
The content of the exercise is practicing the lectured topics and processing the assigned tasks according to the requirements of the trainer, consultation and solving case studies:1. International economic organisations and regionalism in the world economy and trade: the nature and forms of regionalism, its benefits and risks, the breakdown and overview of the main regional groupings with their impact on the business environment and trade.2. Importance of international trade, principles and principles; knowledge of territories;, knowledge of mentality; culture and religion in territories.3. Trends in international trade in the 20th and 21st centuries, territorial and commodity structure of international trade, high dynamics of trade in goods and services.4. The main centres of the world economy: quantitative comparison - USA, Japan, China, EMU and others - integration processes from the aspects of international trade.5.The importance of international trade and the role of GATT and WTO in liberalizing international trade. Organizations active in international trade.6. International competitiveness: the business environment and its components, linkages and linkages, selected indicators of the quality of the business environment.7. Trends in international trade8. International trade of developed countries.9. International trade of developing countries.10. International trade of the Czech Republic.11. International relations- born global12. Presentation of team projects13. Presentation of team projects