Course detail
Practicum in Mathematics in Russian 1
FP-pmrzPAcad. year: 2025/2026
Содержание данного практикума соответствует предмету Математика I и даёт студентам возможность подробнее ознакомиться с практическим решение конкретных задач, поупражняться в решении задач по более сложным темам и преодолеть трудности при усвоении учебной программы.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Credit requirements: Passing control tests and achieving at least 50% points or passing a comprehensive written work and achieving at least 50% points. Attendance at practice is controlled.
Students with ISP: Passing control tests and achieving at least 50% marks or passing a comprehensive written work and achieving at least 50% marks.
Приобретенные знания и практические математические навыки, главным образом, будут основой для получения знаний и расширения навыков в областях с экономической направленностью, для корректного использования математического программного обеспечения, а также будут важной отправной точкой для освоения новых сведений в смежных дисциплинах математического характера.
Study aids
Viz. literature
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
MEZNÍK, I. Diskrétní matematika pro užitou informatiku, Brno 2013, CERM s.r.o., 185 s, ISBN: 978-80-214-4761- 5
MEZNÍK, I.: Matematika I, , 9. vydání, Brno 2011, FP VUT v Brně, 150s, ISBN 978-80-214-3725-8
MEZNÍK, I.: Matematika II., 11.vydání, Brno 2009, CERM s.r.o., 105s, ISBN 978-80-214-3816-3
Recommended reading
JACQUES, I.: Mathematics for economics and business. Second edition. Addison-Wesley, Wokingham 1994, 485s, ISBN 0-201-42769-9
MEZNÍK, I.- KARÁSEK, J.- MIKLÍČEK, J.: Matematika I pro strojní fakulty, 1. vydání, SNTL, Praha 1992, 502s, ISBN 80–03–00313-X
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Basic mathematical concepts I
2. Basic mathematical concepts II
3. Matrices (properties, matrix operations, rank calculation and inverse matrices)
4. Determinants (properties, rules and calculation of determinants)
5. Systems of linear equations (solvability, GEM and Cramer's rule)
6. Functions of one variable (basic characteristics of functions, properties, rational operations with functions, composite, simple, inverse functions)
7. Elementary functions, constructions and displacements of graphs
8. Repetition (linear algebra, basic properties of functions)
9. Polynomials (roots of a polynomial and their determination, Horner's scheme)
10. Sequences (bounded and monotonic sequences of real numbers, sequence limit)
11. Limit and continuity of a function (limit at a proper point, basic properties and rules for calculation, continuity at a point and on an interval)
12. Limit at a non-proprietary point (basic properties and rules for calculation)
13. Derivation of the 1st order (meaning, basic properties and rules, derivation of elementary functions)