Course detail
Risk Management
FP-IBrmPAcad. year: 2025/2026
Předmět je zaměřen zejména na následující oblasti: Příčiny neúspěchu v podnikání. Krize firmy (základní příznaky, ochrana před krizí, doporučení managementu v boji z krizí. Krize jako příležitost. Kritické momenty rozvoje úspěšné firmy. Základní principy změnových procesů firmy. Modely plánované změny ve firemní praxi (Lewinův model, Kotterův model, model Nokia a jejich vzájemné porovnání). Změna a riziko. Druhy a analýza rizik. Měření rizika. Základní statistické charakteristiky rizika. Metody snižování rizika v řízení firmy a jejich analýza (metody odstraňující příčiny vzniku rizika; metody snižující nepříznivé důsledky rizika). Základy investiční matematiky a metodika investičního rozhodování. Snižování rizika a hodnocení investic v osobním či firemním investování (případové studie). Riziko spojené se změnou strategie firmy včetně uvedení metodiky provedení změny strategie firmy. Prognózování – nástroj snižování rizika v hospodářském životě firmy.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
1. Active participation in exercises will be controlled and assessed by the teacher - max. 100 points.
2. Successful completion of a credit test - max assessment: 100 points in due term, 80 points in first reparative test and 60 points in second reparative test.
3. Successful elaboration of semester work in pre-set deadline. Maximum 100 points for handing over in the deadline max 80 points for late handing over.
4. Total number of points for awarding the course-unit credit has to be higher than 150.
Conditions for passing an exam: Knowledge of taught topics and its practical application.
Form of examination: Combined - a written test and an oral examination if necessary.
Control of results of independent work on assigned tasks. In case of excused absence from seminars, the teacher can set additional condition if appropriate, usually elaboration of partial written task.
Students will know the traditional and modern procedures of risk measuring, including the most widely used methods of decreasing the company's risk. Students will acquire the basic necessary skills needed for analyzing and evaluation the company's risk, including the proposal for changing strategy in company with respect to risk analyze. Students will also be able to manage change processes standard strategy (both business as well as functional) each SBU firm.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
HOPKIN, P. Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management. 5th ed. New York: Kogan Page, 2018.
KENDRICK, T. Identifying and managing project risk: essential tools for failure-proofing your project. 2nd ed. New York: AMACON. 2009. ISBN 978-08-1441-340-1.
Recommended reading
LAM, J. Enterprise risk management: from incentives to controls. New Jersey: John Wiley, 2003. ISBN 0-471-43000-5.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction - basic acquaintance with problems, continuity with study subjects.
2. Crisis of the company, protection against crisis, management recommendations in the fight against the crisis.
3. Critical moments of successful company development.
4. Models of planned changes in the company (Lenin model, Kotter, Nokia model).
5. Types and risk analysis.
6. Methods of risk reduction in company management.
7. Data, information and knowledge.
8. Fundamentals of investment mathematics and methodology of investment decision making.
9. Cyber security, cyber risks.
10. Risk reduction and investment evaluation in personal or corporate investment.
11. Risk associated with changing the company strategy.
12. Forecasting - a tool for risk reduction in the economic life of a company.
13. Application of UI tools to the process of risk reduction in projects.
The content of the exercises is practicing lectured topics and elaborating case studies (individually and in groups).