Course detail
FP-statPAcad. year: 2025/2026
Pro používání statistických dat je nezbytné pochopení vyjadřovacích prostředků statistiky. Bez zvládnutí principů zkoumání závislostí a měření ukazatelů nelze správně navrhovat ani používat výsledky statistických šetření. V předmětu studenti získají základní znalosti z náhodných veličin, matematické statistiky, regresní analýzy a časových řad a budou schopni je aplikovat v ekonomických problémech. Po absolvování předmětu budou připraveni pro studium ekonomických předmětů, uvažujících náhodu. Důraz je kladen na pochopení možností těchto metod a na interpretaci výsledků.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
CREDIT: Credit is awarded on the basis of:
- points for tests
- tests cannot be corrected!
EXAM: The exam is written or oral, it consists of theory
The mark, corresponding to the sum (max. 100 points), consists of:
- from points for tests
- from points for the exam
- there is a requirement for a minimum score for the exam and credit
Marks and corresponding points:
A (100-90), B (89-80), C (79-70), D (69-60), E (59-50), F (49-0)
In the case of distance learning, when it will not be possible to write tests at the faculty during the semester:
- credit and exam will be solved on the basis of how long the full-time form of teaching will be maintained
- the effort will be that it is possible to implement credit tests in person at the faculty (even if the teaching takes place online), even within one day at the end of the semester
Attendance at lectures is not compulsory, but is recommended. Attendance at exercises is required and checked by the tutor. An excused absence of a student from seminars can be compensated for by submitting solution of alternate exercises.
Students will be made familiar with the fundamentals of random variables, mathematical statistics, analysis of index numbers, regression analysis and time series and will learn how to use its methods to solve economic problemes. After completion of this course students will be prepared to study economic topics working with uncertainty.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
SEGER, J. aj. Statistické metody v tržním hospodářství. Praha : Victoria Publishing, 1995. ISBN 80-7187-058-7.
Recommended reading
SWOBODA, H. Moderní statistika. Praha : Svoboda, 1977.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Classical definition of probability.
Conditioned probability.
Formula of total probability.
Random variables.
Random events.
Discrete random variables.
Continuous random variables.
Processing data samples.
Tests of statistical hypotheses.
Regression analysis.
Time series.
Teacher / Lecturer