Course detail
Selected articles from Building Structures (R)
FAST-NHB056Acad. year: 2025/2026
The content of subject is envelope and constructions of buildings – external walls and roof constructions, their material and constructional variants – classical and modern options. Relating themes are external plumbing and roofing, placing and fixing of components in window and door openings.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Technical terminology, basic requirements to various types of building (functional, structural thermal, acoustic and architectural), basic knowledge about constructional systems, competence to choice of system commensurate with type of building, spatial stiffness provision of constructional system. Drawing knowledge of basic constructional types, competence of building drawings reading.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Extent and forms are specified by guarantor’s regulation updated for every academic year.
A design of the clear and specific flat or pitched roof above various thermal and moisture internal environment. Waterproof layer design of substructures. Knowledge of the detailed design and material design of terraces, roof parking lots, heliports and green roofs. The issue of details. A basic overview of the structural and building physics principles.
Knowledge od the design of the clear and specific flat or pitched roof above various thermal and moisture internal environment. Waterproof layer design of substructures. Ability of the detailed design and material design of terraces, roof parking lots and green roofs.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ČSN 73 0540-2 (3 a 4) Tepelná ochrana budov, část 2 – Požadavky (CS)
ČSN 73 1901 - Navrhování střech - Základní ustanovení (CS)
ČSN 734130 Schodiště a šikmé rampy – Základní ustanovení (CS)
Donaťáková,D., Studijní opory: Stavební akustika a denní osvětlení budov - AH007, modul M01 Stavební akustika (CS)
Maceková,V., Studijní opory M02- Pozemní stavitelství Ii (S) – zakládání staveb, hydoizolace spodní stavby (CS)
PETŘÍČEK. Studijní opory pro studijní programy s kombinovanou formou studia: VYBRANÉ STATI Z PS – CH04, MODUL M01 (CS)
Zák.č.406/2000 (318/2012) O hospodaření s energií a vyhl.č. 78/2013 o účinnosti užití energie v budovách 2020. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme NPC-SIR Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Design of foundation structures in complex foundation conditions.
- 2.-3. Vertical building envelope.
- 4. Design of stairs with respect to modern materials and construction systems.
- 5. Sloping roofs.
- 6. Flat roofs.
- 7. Hall buildings.
- 8. Energy legislation, energy performance assessment of the building.
- 9. Houses with near zero consumption, renewable energy sources.
- 10. Ventilation, airtightness of building envelope.
- 11. Sound insulation of building structures. Assessment of air and impact noise.
- 12. Room acoustics, sound absorption. Reverberation time in the room.
- 13. Shading diagram and insolation assessment. Daylighting of buildings, daylighting factor.
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Foundation structures.
- 2. Vertical building envelope and roofs.
- 3. Stairs and hallways.
- 4. Houses with near zero consumption, renewable energy sources.
- 5. Ventilation, airtightness of building envelope.
- 6. Sound insulation of building structures.
- 7. Control of assigned tasks and credit.