Course detail
Base of geotechnics
FAST-NFB021Acad. year: 2025/2026
Subject and contents of geotechnics.
Foundation soils and their classification.
Foundation soils properties and limit states of foundation soils.
Foundations of constructions - spread and deep ones.
Geophysical survey, investigative work of engineering geology and in situ tests of rock mechanics.
Stability of slopes and rock walls, landslides.
Types and specifics of underground structures, methods of building.
Instrumentation and monitoring in geotechnics. Geodesic methods used in geotechnics.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The student in course "Base of geotechnics" will make general view about geotechnical discipline: rock and soil mechanics, engineering geology, foundation engineering and underground structures. He will be taken up with instrumentation and monitoring in geotechnics and with geodetical methods used in it.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Klepsatel, F. Mařík, L. Frankovský, M. Městské podzemní stavby. Bratislava: Jaga Group, 2005, ISBN 80-8076-021-7. (CS)
Mencl, V. Mechanika zemin a skalních hornin, Praha: Academia, 1966, 978-800-7234-739-1. (CS)
Turček, P. a kol. Zakládání staveb. Bratislava: Jaga Group, 2005, ISBN 80-8076-023-3. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme NPC-GK Master's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. The subject and content of geotechnics. Classification of foundation soils, rocks and week rocks.
- 2. Foundation soils properties and their determination.
- 3. Footings of buildings (shallow and deep). Limit states of foundation soil.
- 4. Technologies of footings.
- 5. Survey works of engineering geology.
- 6. In situ tests of rock mechanics.
- 7. Stability analysis of slopes and cliffs. Landslides.
- 8. The types and specifics of underground structures. Construction methods.
- 9. Deformation of surroundings at underground structures.
- 10. Instrumentation and monitoring in geotechnics.
- 11. Geodetical methods used in geotechnics.
- 12. Excursion.
- 13. Conclusion and summary.
Teacher / Lecturer
- 1. Classification of soil and rock.
- 2. Engineering geology profile.
- 3. Shallow foundation.
- 4. Deep foundation - pile.
- 5. Settlement trough over the mined tunnel.
- 6. Task check and credit.