Course detail

Construction of Motor Vehicles

ÚSI-EDKMVAcad. year: 2025/2026

The design of motor vehicles is aimed at acquiring basic knowledge of the design of motor vehicles, their bodies, engines, chassis, transmission gears and electrotechnical accessories.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Entry knowledge

Not requested.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Examinations: Oral exam
Not applicable.


The aim of the course is to acquire basic professional knowledge of construction of passenger and utility road motor vehicles and to acquaint students with developmental tendencies in the field of motor vehicle construction.
At the end of the course the student will gain knowledge of motor vehicle design necessary for control functions at various levels for decision-making activities in the field of automotive technology, especially for their effective acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair and sale. Students are able to interpret aspects of vehicle construction in relation to functions or dysfunctions within the operation of a motor vehicle. It will acquire the prerequisites for analytical assessment and comparison of properties of various structures and properties of vehicles.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

KOLEKTIV: Automobiltechnisches Handbuch. Vogel Verlag, Würzburg 2003. (CS)
Technické podmínky provozu silničních vozidel na pozemních komunikacích. Nakladatelství KODEX, Praha 2004 (CS)
VLK, F.: Automobilová technická příručka. Brno 2003. (CS)
VLK, F.: Automobilová technická příručka. Vlastním nákladem, Brno 2003 (CS)
VLK, F.: Stavba motorových vozidel. Vlastním nákladem, Brno 2003. (CS)
VLK, F.: Stavba motorových vozidel. Vlastním nákladem, Brno 2003. (CS)
VLK, F.: Teorie a konstrukce motocyklů 1,2. Vlastním nákladem. Brno 2004. (CS)

Recommended reading

FRYBERT, J. a kol.: Alternativní pohony, Brno: Integrovaná střední škola automobilní, 2015, ISBN 978-80-260-7548-6
KEMKA, V.: Silniční vozidla: vybrané statě z konstrukce a dynamiky vozidel. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2019

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme EID_P Master's 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Motor vehicles (development, category and construction)
2. Four-stroke SI engines (physical and chemical bases, construction, fixed and movable parts)
3. Four-stroke petrol engines (fuel system, air purifiers, mixture formation, exhaust system, lubrication, cooling)
4. Two stroke petrol engines, diesel engines
5. Rotary piston engine, supercharging, alternative concept
6. Transmission devices (clutches, gearboxes, hydrodynamic converter) - change of teaching form
7. Automatic gearboxes, cardan shafts, axles, joints, axles, differentials, all-wheel drive - change of teaching form
8. Body (construction, materials, safety)
9. Chassis (suspension, suspension, steering, brakes, wheels and tires) - change of teaching form
10. Commercial vehicles (division, engines, starting devices, chassis)
11. Electrical equipment (voltage sources, electrical appliances, oscillograms of ignition)
12. Electrical equipment (spark plugs, lighting of motor vehicles, comfort electronics)
13. Electrical equipment (measurements, tests), reserve

Laboratory exercise

13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer