Course detail
Urban and Regional Development
FA-DU1Acad. year: 2025/2026
The subject "Urban and regional development" deals with the theoretical aspects of the development of settlements in new social conditions. The transition of the contemporary towns and regions, characterised by local division of labour, into consumption oriented towns and regions, is analysed in detail, as well as the premisses and conditions leading to a higher form, i.e. to the city and region of leasure. Analysed are the impacts of urban development on the city's individual functions, and on the space structure of the city and the surrounding suburban area. Special attention is paid to the changes and their impact on the civilised landscape of the beginning of the 3rd millenium.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Concept of seminar work, finished work. Obligatory is attendence of at least 80 % of seminars,20 % missed seminars need not to be made up for.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Komrska J., Boháč B.: Aktuální vývoj teorie urbanismu a nové trendy v prostorovém plánování. Bratislava - Newcastle - Grenoble - Hannover, 2000, ISBN 80-88999-01-4 (CS)
Maier, K. Čtyroký, J.: Ekonomika územního rozvoje, GRADA 2000 (CS)
Short, J.R.: Lidská sídla, Nakladatelský dům OP, Praha, 1994 (CS)
Recommended reading
Hrůza J., Svět měst. 1. vyd. Praha: Academia, 2014. ISBN 978-80-200-1808-3 (CS)
Jacobs, J.: Smrt a život amerických velkoměst, MOXNOX 2013, ISBN 978-80-905064-4-2 (CS)
Krejčí V. a kol.: Odvodnění urbanizovaných území - koncepční přístup. 2002 (CS)
Maier, K.: Urbanistická čítanka, ČKA Praha 2002 (CS)
Mauer, E., Musil,J.: Zrod velkoměsta, PASEKA 2002 (CS)
Minguet J.M. (Ed.): Green City contemporary urban design, MONSA 2013, ISBN-13: 978-8415223818 (EN)
Mostafavi M.: Ecological Urbanism, Lars Mueller publisher 2011, ISBN: 978-3-03778-467-9 (EN)
PONZINI Davide:Transnational Architecture and Urbanism - Rethinking How Cities Plan, Transform, and Learn. Published June 2, 2020 by Routledge, 320 Pages 43 B/W Illustrations. ISBN 9780415787925 (EN)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme ARCHURB Doctoral
specialization URBAN , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization ARCH , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional - Programme ARCHURB Doctoral
specialization URBAN , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization ARCH , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Urban development and its prerequisites I (natural, demographyc, cosial, cultural)
3. Urban development and its prerequisites II (spatial, technical, economic)
4. Seminar I. Prerequisites of urban development of a selected city and region
5. Transformation of the city and the settlement pattern in the 20th century
6. Modern city and region - development, concepts, future
7. Principles of the development concept for a city and a region, development program and
8. Seminar II. Urban development concept and the development of a selected city and region
9. Functional organisation of a city and region (housing, community facilities, production)
10. Functional organisation of a city and region (recreation, green spaces, utilities and
11. Space arrangement of a city and a region
12. Topical problem - floods, and protection of an urbanised area
13. Seminar III - Principles of the development and functional organisation of a selected
city and region.