Course detail
Architecture and Protection of Landscape
FA-DU3Acad. year: 2025/2026
The subject' s aim is to gain knowledge of landscape planning and garden architecture.
Language of instruction
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Department of Urban Design (UU)
Entry knowledge
Basic knowledge of nature and landscape protection in Czech Republic (Slovak Republic), knowing problems with landscape ecological stability area systems, ability to recognize basic tree species existing in the country, knowledge of historical evolution of our country. Ability to work individually in the field.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Presence in lessons is not mandatory and is not checked. It is substituted by individual self-study of recommended literature. Own country mapping and evaluation of its scenery is an implicit part of the teaching and it is not possible to substitute it. The progress of works during mapping country is controlled during the teaching.
Acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge for protection of our country. In the first place it teaches to evaluate the scenery and to justify his evaluation. The subject develops ability of the student to work considerately in the nature. Knowledge of currently existing methods to evaluate scenery.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
CULEK, M. et. al. (2005): Biogeografické členění České republiky II. EkoCentrum Brno a Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny. Brno. (CS)
KOLEKTIV (1992): Zákon ČNR o ochraně přírody a krajiny 114/92 Sb., v současně platném znění. ČNR a Parlament ČR. Praha. (CS)
KOLEKTIV (2002): Evropská úmluva o krajině. Brusel. (CS)
KOPEČEK P. et al. (2016): Projevy křesťanské liturgie v kulturní krajině. MZLU v Brně (CZ) (CS)
LŐW, J. et al. (1999): Obecná metoda hodnocení krajinného rázu. Lőw a spol., s.r.o., Brno. (CS)
LŐW, J., MÍCHAL, I. (2003): Krajinný ráz. Lesnická práce, s.r.o., Písek. (CS)
SKLENIČKA, P. (2003): Základy krajinného plánování. Naděžda Skleničková, Praha. (CS)
KOLEKTIV (1992): Zákon ČNR o ochraně přírody a krajiny 114/92 Sb., v současně platném znění. ČNR a Parlament ČR. Praha. (CS)
KOLEKTIV (2002): Evropská úmluva o krajině. Brusel. (CS)
KOPEČEK P. et al. (2016): Projevy křesťanské liturgie v kulturní krajině. MZLU v Brně (CZ) (CS)
LŐW, J. et al. (1999): Obecná metoda hodnocení krajinného rázu. Lőw a spol., s.r.o., Brno. (CS)
LŐW, J., MÍCHAL, I. (2003): Krajinný ráz. Lesnická práce, s.r.o., Písek. (CS)
SKLENIČKA, P. (2003): Základy krajinného plánování. Naděžda Skleničková, Praha. (CS)
Recommended reading
MADĚRA, P., ZIMOVÁ E. [eds.]: Metodické postupy projektování lokálního ÚSES. CD ROM; multimediální učebnice. MZLU Brno a Lőw a spol. s.r.o. Brno.
VOREL, I., BUKÁČEK, R., MATĚJKA, P., CULEK, M., SKLENIČKA, P. (2004): Metodika ochrany krajinného rázu. ČVUT. Praha. (CS)
ŽÁK, L. (1947): Obytná krajina. S.V.Ú. Mánes-Svoboda, Praha. (CS)
VOREL, I., BUKÁČEK, R., MATĚJKA, P., CULEK, M., SKLENIČKA, P. (2004): Metodika ochrany krajinného rázu. ČVUT. Praha. (CS)
ŽÁK, L. (1947): Obytná krajina. S.V.Ú. Mánes-Svoboda, Praha. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme ARCHURB Doctoral
specialization URBAN , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
specialization ARCH , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional - Programme ARCHURB Doctoral
specialization URBAN , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
specialization ARCH , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
13 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction into the subject's problems, assignments.
2. Repetition - landscape types of the Czech republic.
3. Repetition - landsacape types of Europe.
4. European Landscape convention
5. Legal anchoring of Czech landscape protection in Act No. 114/92 CoL, analysis,
6. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Vorel (I).
7. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Vorel (II).
8. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Low (I).
9. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Low (II).
10.Basic documents for assessing landscape's character.
11.Discussion and examples of landscape character assessment.
12.Discussion over preliminary landscape character assessment made by the students.
13.Discussion over final reults of students' works.
2. Repetition - landscape types of the Czech republic.
3. Repetition - landsacape types of Europe.
4. European Landscape convention
5. Legal anchoring of Czech landscape protection in Act No. 114/92 CoL, analysis,
6. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Vorel (I).
7. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Vorel (II).
8. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Low (I).
9. Method of assessing landscape's character according to Low (II).
10.Basic documents for assessing landscape's character.
11.Discussion and examples of landscape character assessment.
12.Discussion over preliminary landscape character assessment made by the students.
13.Discussion over final reults of students' works.