Course detail

Heat Treatment of Metalic Materials

FSI-WSTAcad. year: 2009/2010

The subject "Special technigues of materials treating" brings knowledge of progresive methods of bulk and surface heat and chemical heat treatment of metals. It deals with aplications of non coventional means of heating, heat-difusional processes like sintering and hightemperature isostatic pressing and others. The modern driving systems of technology plants, essentials of the quality controll in the heat and chemical heat facilities and the ekological aspects of the used technologies are described. The subject amplifies the "Technology and technigues of heat treatment of metals" (DTZ) and materials aimed subject in the earlier years of study.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The passing through a subject WST study, brings to the students the wiew over the modern technigues and technologies used for the metalic materials treating from of the point of wiew of their principles, use, the properties achieved, industrial conditions of production, economy aspects, quality controll systems basics and some environmental questions. The subject graduates should be able to assort the proper combination of material and suitable treating, with respect to function of the machine part or tool, including the economy and environmental aspects of the production.


The material science, physical metalurgy, engineering materials and the heat treatment technigues in the extent lectured duering the passed study, with rlationship to physics, hydromechanics and mathematics


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

To acquire a credit, a student should to take part at all of the seminars and laboratory works, his active approach to the study and all of the written protocols refering, especialy with respect to the knowledge of their meaning. Eventualy absence should be compensated with the aditional work on base of the teachers compliance. The examination is take placed in written and verb noun form. A student should show a good overwiew and some detail knowledge of the topics examined.

Course curriculum

Not applicable.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim of the subject is to improve the student´s knowledge in the field of the advanced technologies used for achieving of the needed materials properties, namely in the high performance aplications, an to show to the students the industrial point of wiew of the aplication of physical and teoretical principles formerly presented duering their study. The other task of the subject is to acquaint the students with the Quality systems controll basics and the ekological questions bound to the technigues described.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The seminars and laboratory works are obligatory. In case of the absence, it is necessary to compensate the theme after the teacher compliance. In case of the absence which is planed (some serious family merits, it is necessary to agree the matter with the teacher beforehand.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Physical metalurgy Handbook. Sinha Kumar Anil. Mc Graw Hill Handbooks 2002. 712 s. ISBN 0-07-057986-5
Ryš, Cenek, Mazanec, Hrbek: Nauka o materiálu I/4. Železo a jeho slitiny. Academia Praha 1975
Technologie der warmebehandlung von stahl. Eckstein, Hans Joachim. VEB Deutscher Verlag fűr Grundstoffindustrie Leipzig, 1977. 577 s.

Recommended reading

Dorazil a kolektiv: Nauka o materiálu 1 . Skripta VUT FS v Brně
Pluhař a kolektiv: Nauka o materiálech. Vysokoškolská učebnice. SNTL 1989
Skočovský, P. – Durmis, I.: Technológia tepelného spracovania kovov. Skripta VŠDS v Žilině, Alfa 1984

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme N3901-2 Master's

    branch M-MTI , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. The overwiew of the heat and chemical heat treating types; The resumption of the physical principles, material and technology respects
2. The nitriding. Its principle, suitable steels,structure and properties of the nitriding layers
3. The gas nitriding; Conditions, use, advantages and disadvantages. The Lehrer´s diagram; The process controll
4. The nitriding based derivative processes; Nitrocarburisation; Nitrooxidation; Nitrosulfonisation; The plasma nitriding; The salt bath nitriding and nitrocarburisatin; The tenifer process.
5. The carburisation; The resumption of the basic principles and technigues; The low presure carburisation; The pulse vacuum carburisation; The plasma aided carburisation
6. The nonconventional heating methods; Induction heating; The physical principle; The heated depth with relation to the current frequency; Rapid frequency, medium frequency and low frequency heating.
7. The laser beam heating; The principle, use advantages and disadvantages. The electron beam heating. The principle, use advantages and disadvantages. The resistance heating;
8. The titaniumnitrid and compoundnitrid coating of tools
9. The hightemperature isostatic press sintering of the tool steels
10. The heat treatment of the aluminium and titanium alloys
11. The quality management systems (QMS) and their aplication to heat and chemical heat processes
12. The QMS and the heat treatment order. The metrology,monitoring and the process validation
13. The ekology aspects of the heat diffusional processes. The dangerous and hazardous stuffs.