Course detail

Structural Physics I

FA-SF1Acad. year: 2010/2011

Acquaintance with the fundamental principles of thermal engineering applicable at the level of potential architectural design of a building, with respect to power engineering optimisation and indoor comfort.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Ability to optimise the layout and material solution of a bulding and to satisfy architectural and user requirements.Consideration of recent trends in designing buildings with low power consumption.


Basic knowledge of material enginering and principles of structural solutions of elements and buildings, from the point of view of building construction.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Required attendance at tutorials, submission of all prescribed seminar assignments, and successfulgoing through the final test.

Course curriculum

1.fission discipline SF 1 according to single articles,their relationship .Heat engineering ,basic border conditions,physical properties materials.
2.Thermal transmittance,thermal state interior,directive requirements in inland and abroad and their compatibility, tepelně technical criteria according to CSN 730540/2007.
3.Course temperature in construction,heat passage coefficient,moisture regime,annual balance sheet.
4.Steady thermal state,heat bridges,their application and analysis for instance.
5.Unstable thermal state,thermal stability in winter and summer period, basic computational entrances for power evaluation buildings.
6.Power evaluation building,modelling solving proposal object in light of power heftiness with structure on interictal fair weather.Instances solving little busy constructions(winter stadiums,hothouse,reservoirs,alpine objects and next).

Work placements

Not applicable.


Design and analysis of a structural element, layout and material solution of a building providing interior comfort and mimimum power consumption.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance at tutorials and submission of prescribed seminar assignments (individual assignemnts related to studio design) are monitored, substitutive terms for both tutorials and lectures are fixed by arrangement with the students.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

ČSN 730540-2/2002,Z1,Změna k výše citované normě (CS)
ČSN 730540-2/2007 Tepelná ochrana budov.Požadavky (CS)
Chmúrny Ivan:Tepelná ochrana budov,nakladatelství Jaga group Bratislava 2003 (CS)
Vaverka a kol."Stavební tepelná technka a energetika budov"VUTIUM 2006 (CS)

Recommended reading

ČSN 730540-1,2,3,4 (CS)
Othmar Humm:Nízkoenergetické domy (překlad doc.Tywoniak),nakladatelství Grada 1999 (CS)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme ARCHURB Bachelor's

    branch ARCH , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



12 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Rozdělení discipliny SF 1 dle jednotlivých předmětů,jejich vzájemná vazba .Tepelná technika ,základní okrajové podmínky,fyzikální vlastnosti materiálů.
2.Šíření tepla,teplotní stav interiéru,normativní požadavky v tuzemsku a zahraničí a jejich kompatibilita, tepelně technická kritéria dle ČSN 730540/2007.
3.Průběh teploty v konstrukci,součinitel prostupu tepla,vlhkostní režim,roční bilance.
4.Ustálený teplotní stav,tepelné mosty,jejich aplikace a rozbor na příkladech.
5.Neustálený teplotní stav,tepelná stabilita v zimním a letním období, základní výpočtové vstupy pro energetické hodnocení budov.
6.Energetické hodnocení budovy,modelové řešení návrhu objektu z hlediska energetické náročnosti s vazbou na interiérovou pohodu.Příklady řešení málo frekventovaných staveb(zimní stadiony,sauny,vodojemy,vysokohorské objekty a další).

Fundamentals seminar

12 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer