Course detail

Design systems of printed circuit boards

FEKT-BNSPAcad. year: 2010/2011

Systems for designing of electrotechnical schemes in relationship with creating of printed circuit boards (ORCAD, PADS). Drawing and editing commands, commands of screen operation. Work with libraries of electronic components. Electronic checking of the scheme. Interconnection to systems for creating printed circuit boards (PCB), PCB design, interconnection to simulating systems (PSPICE, EVB and others). Creating output files for production of PCB. Production of designed printed circuit after its simulation.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The student himself will be able to design, carry out simulation and manufacture the printed circuit board.


The subject knowledge on the secondary school level is required.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods depend on the type of course unit as specified in the article 7 of BUT Rules for Studies and Examinations.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

40b. PC exercise
60b. final examination

Course curriculum

1. Orcad - úvod do problematiky, návrhové prostředí, práce s editorem schemat
2. Práce s editorem schémat, tvorba netlistu, propojení s programem Pspice
3. Návrh desek v program Orcad, editační příkazy
4. Pokročilé nastavení OrCAD Layout, propojení na autorouter SPECCTRA
5. Editor schemat Pads Logic, prostředí, zásady kreslení schématu
6. Editor schemat Pads Logic, editační možnosti, tvorba netlistu
7. Pads Layout, úvod do problematiky, prostředí, postup při návrhu desky, zhotovení obrysu desky, natažení netlistu
8. Pads Layout, rozmístění součástek, kreslení spojů, návrh desky bez netlistu, kontrola návrhu
9. Import a export změn z Pads Logic, výstupy, slovník pro pcb
10. PADS Router, prostředí, vazby mezi routerem a návrhem DPS, zásady použití routeru
11. PADS Router, příklady manuálního routování, typy routovacích kol, nastavení routovacích možností autorouteru
12. Technologické výstupy, tvorba osazovacího výkresu, nepájivé masky, masky pro nanášení lepící pasty. Gerber data ve formátu 274X, možnosti zobrazení gerber dat
13. Propojení PADS programů s dalšími CAM programy BluePrint, CAM350, dotazy a odpovědi

Work placements

Not applicable.


Managing the problems of computer design of PCB with regard to requirements of technological process of PCB production.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The content and forms of instruction in the evaluated course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every academic year.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

manuály k programům (EN)
elektronická skripta Návrhové systémy plošných spojů (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme EECC Bc. Bachelor's

    branch B-MET , 3 year of study, winter semester, elective specialised
    branch B-AMT , 3 year of study, winter semester, elective interdisciplinary

  • Programme EEKR-CZV lifelong learning

    branch EE-FLE , 1 year of study, winter semester, elective specialised

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


Orcad editor of schemes - basic commands for drawing, work with the screen, export of the scheme to the editor of boards, creating netlist.
PCB Eagle editor - commands for creating printed circuit boards, technological output
Work with libraries - editing, use
ORCAD - introduction to the problems, design environment, work with the editor of schemes, interconnection with the built in simulating program Pspice, creating netlist.
Bases of simulation in Pspice
Design of boards in Orcad program, editing commands, printing, technological outputs.
Pads Power Logic editor of schemes, environment, principles of drawing schemes, editing possibilities, creating netlist.
Generating outputs - printing the scheme, specification card and other reports, eco-annotation of changes, other commands, dictionary for logic
Pads Power PCB introduction to problems, environment, process at designing the board, making the outline of the board, pulling the netlist
Layout of parts, drawing connections, board design without the netlist, checking the design.
Import and export of changes from pads-logic, outputs, dictionary for pcb
Blaze router, environment, connection between router and DPS design, bases of using router.
Standards for DPS design, technological environment, requirements for DPS production.

Exercise in computer lab

36 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Eagle editor of schemes
PCB Eagle editor of schemes
Work with libraries
Orcad editor of schemes, interconnection with the simulating program Pspice
Bases of simulation in Pspice
Design of boards in Orcad program
Pads Power Logic editor of schemes
Generating outputs, eco-annotation of changes.
Design of boards in Pads Power PCB
Layout of parts, board design without the netlist
Blaze router
Generating outputs from Pads Power PCB
Checking EMC by the Hyperlinx program