Theory of Architecture 2 – Composition – TA2-T
FAwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. arch. Nina Bartošová, Ph.D.
Theory of Architecture 2 – TA2-TE
FAwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. arch. Nina Bartošová, Ph.D.
Theory of Architecture 3 – TA3-T
FAsummer semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. arch. Nina Bartošová, Ph.D.
Theory of Architecture 3 – TA3-TE
FAsummer semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. arch. Nina Bartošová, Ph.D.
Theory of Communication – MKC-TSD
FEECwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Jiří Mišurec, CSc.
Theory of Communication – MPC-TSD
FEECwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Jiří Mišurec, CSc.
Theory of Communications – MPA-TOC
FEECsummer semesterGuarantor: Ing. Radim Číž, Ph.D.
Theory of Complex Phase Transformations – WKF
FMEsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Vlastimil Vodárek, CSc.
Theory of composite steel-concrete structures – DO62
FCEwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Marcela Karmazínová, CSc.
Theory of Composite Steel-Concrete Structures – DOB039
FCEwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Marcela Karmazínová, CSc.
Theory of concrete and masonry structures – DL61
FCEsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Štěpánek, CSc., dr. h. c.
Theory of concrete and masonry structures – DL61
FCEwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Ing. Petr Štěpánek, CSc., dr. h. c.
Theory of Concrete and Masonry Structures – DLB040
FCEwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D.
Theory of Concrete and Masonry Structures – DLB040
FCEsummer semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. Miloš Zich, Ph.D.
Teorie současného umění – 3TESU
FFAsummer semesterGuarantor: Mgr. Martin Mazanec, Ph.D.