Branch Details

Fluid Engineering

Original title in Czech: Fluidní inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: M-FLIAcad. year: 2017/2018

Programme: Mechanical Engineering

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 1.9.2003Accredited until: 31.12.2020


Preparation of the high level technicians and experts is the goal of the master study program in branch of Fluid Engineering. The students, graduated in this branch, will be able self-reliantly solve all problems of fluid mechanics. Some examples of fields where they could work are listed below:
Hydro-Power – efficient and environmentally friendly utilizing of the electric power. Hydro-power is the renewable source of energy. Graduated students can prove themselves as designers of hydro-turbines and their accessories.
Supply of fluid – design of pumps to supply the fluids and multiphase mixtures. Design of pump stations and pipe-line nets with maximum efficiency and operational reliability. Solution of pump rotordynamics and pipe-line net dynamics. Solution of a water hammer. Waste Water Treatment Plants and Water Treatment Plants – current problem which is related to our environment. Design of the mechanical and technological equipment of the Waste Water Treatment Plants and Water Treatment Plants.
High pressure hydraulics – solution of high-pressure hydraulic circuits. Design and mathematical modeling of these circuits. Design of hydraulic elements. Tribology – problems of lubrication.
The students have the opportunity to gain deep theoretical knowledge in branch of fluid flow, hydraulic power plants, waste water treatment plants, water treatment plants and pump stations operation. The students will work in the Heavy Laboratory of the department and will have the opportunity to take part in the educational excursion to the hydro power plants, which is organized every year before the winter semester beginning. The students also gain the basic skill of CFD software used for fluid flow simulation.

Key learning outcomes

Preparation of the high level technicians and experts is the goal of the master study program in branch of Fluid Engineering. The students, graduated in this branch, will be able self-reliantly solve all problems of fluid mechanics. Some examples of fields where they could work are listed below:
Hydro-Power - efficient and environmentally friendly utilizing of the electric power. Hydro-power is the renewable source of energy. Graduated students can prove themselves as designers of hydro-turbines and their accessories.
Supply of fluid - design of pumps to supply the fluids and multiphase mixtures. Design of pump stations and pipe-line nets with maximum efficiency and operational reliability. Solution of pump rotordynamics and pipe-line net dynamics. Solution of a water hammer. Waste Water Treatment Plants and Water Treatment Plants - current problem which is related to our environment. Design of the mechanical and technological equipment of the Waste Water Treatment Plants and Water Treatment Plants.
High pressure hydraulics - solution of high-pressure hydraulic circuits. Design and mathematical modeling of these circuits. Design of hydraulic elements. Tribology - problems of lubrication.
The students have the opportunity to gain deep theoretical knowledge in branch of fluid flow, hydraulic power plants, waste water treatment plants, water treatment plants and pump stations operation. The students will work in the Heavy Laboratory of the department and will have the opportunity to take part in the educational excursion to the hydro power plants, which is organized every year before the winter semester beginning. The students also gain the basic skill of CFD software used for fluid flow simulation.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The fluid engineering is a very broad field, which provides extensive possibilities for the future choice of jobs ranging from design of a rotating machinery to operating technicians in waste water treatment plants, water power plants and water purification plants. The graduates can also find jobs as designers of pneumatic and hydraulic elements and in biomedical engineering.
The best students are offered to enter a postgradual course. They are being prepared to work in the fields of science and research. They have possibility to use top laboratory, hardware and software equipment. Results of their scientific work are presented on conferences and seminars.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
IEMExperimental Methodscs5Compulsoryyes
LFIFluid Engineeringcs5Compulsoryyes
LSZCombustion Devices and Heat Exchangerscs6Compulsoryyes
ITPEnvironmental Engineeringcs5Compulsoryyes
LZPEnergy Sources and Transformationcs4Compulsoryyes
0KTAir Conditioning and Heat Pumpscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LDSDynamics of Power Machines and Their Accessoriescs5Compulsoryyes
LPOPipeline Engineeringcs5Compulsoryyes
ITSTheory of Hydraulic Machinescs6Compulsoryyes
MMPIntroduction to Computational Fluid Dynamicscs4Compulsoryyes
LOSCompressors, Fans and Refrigerating Plantscs5Compulsory-optional1yes
IPT-AHeat and Mass Transferen5Compulsory-optional1yes
IPTHeat and Mass Transfercs5Compulsory-optional1yes
LJENuclear Power and Alternative Energy Sourcescs5Compulsory-optional2yes
LVPConversion of Energy and Its Impact on Environmentcs5Compulsory-optional2yes
0PPMIndustrial Project (M-FLI)cs3Elective (voluntary)yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MITExperiments in Fluid Systemscs4Compulsoryyes
RIVFEM in Engineering Computationscs4Compulsoryyes
MPZDesign and Operation of Fluid Machinescs6Compulsoryyes
MIMFluid Powercs6Compulsoryyes
MS1Fluid Machinery Ics6Compulsoryyes
MVPComputational Fluid Dynamicscs6Compulsoryyes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MD5Diploma Project (M-FLI)cs8Compulsoryyes
MELElectrical Equipment of Energy Machines and Apparatusescs4Compulsoryyes
MTMFluid Power Modelingcs5Compulsoryyes
MD6Diploma Seminar (M-FLI)cs2Compulsoryyes
MS2Fluid Machinery IIcs4Compulsoryyes
MZHFluid Structure Interactionscs5Compulsoryyes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en0Compulsoryyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
2 1 LJE, LVP