Branch Details

Materials Engineering

Original title in Czech: Materiálové inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: M-MTIAcad. year: 2018/2019

Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 1.9.2003Accredited until: 31.12.2020


The goal of the branch is to educate highly qualified and creative specialists which are able to use basic as well as applied scientific findings to fulfil the demands of constructional and technological fields of the machinery production:
1. Material specialists optimize the material selection in constructional teams.
2. Materials engineers suggest the best way to achieve full performance of the product by means of optimizing the process of any production technology (casting, forging, welding, heat treatment).
3. Materials engineers in testing facilities and laboratories carry the tests and measurements of materials properties and characteristics (mechanical properties, chemical and phase composition, metallographic studies of the microstructure, defectoscopy, etc.).
4. The graduates in „Materials engineering“ are able to work in the research and development of new materials.

Key learning outcomes

The goal of the branch is to educate highly qualified and creative specialists which are able to use basic as well as applied scientific findings to fulfil the demands of constructional and technological fields of the machinery production:

  1. Material specialists optimize the material selection in constructional teams.
  2. Materials engineers suggest the best way to achieve full performance of the product by means of optimizing the process of any production technology (casting, forging, welding, heat treatment).
  3. Materials engineers in testing facilities and laboratories carry the tests and measurements of materials properties and characteristics (mechanical properties, chemical and phase composition, metallographic studies of the microstructure, defectoscopy, etc.).
  4. The graduates in „Materials engineering“ are able to work in the research and development of new materials.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

  • materials specialist within design teams
  • heat treatment technologist
  • worker in fundamental and applied research of materials and technologies
  • manager in the area of materials testing and quality management
  • manager of technological divisions
  • teacher of specialized subjects at secondary schools

On completing their studies, masters can continue in the follow-up doctoral studies of physical metallurgy and limit states of materials.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
WAMApplied Mechanicscs5Compulsoryyes
WFZPhysical and Chemical Base of Production of Metallic Materialscs4Compulsoryyes
WFFSolid State Physicscs6Compulsoryyes
WZ1Materials Testing and Evaluationcs6Compulsoryyes
WCHSynthesis of Nonmetallic Materialscs5Compulsoryyes
WTVTechnological Properties of Materialscs4Compulsoryyes
0MEChapters of Materials Engineeringcs4Elective (voluntary)yes
RIVFEM in Engineering Computationscs4Elective (voluntary)yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
WDDDislocations and Plastic Deformationcs5Compulsoryyes
WA1Methods of Structure Analysiscs5Compulsoryyes
WMOMaterials Modelling Ics4Compulsoryyes
WPISurface Engineeringcs4Compulsoryyes
WSIStructure and Properties of Engineering Materialscs5Compulsoryyes
WKFTheory of Complex Phase Transformationscs7Compulsoryyes
0PPWIndustrial Project (M-MTI)cs3Elective (voluntary)yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
WPKCeramic Materialscs4Compulsoryyes
WKOCorrosion and Anticorrosion Protectioncs4Compulsoryyes
WA2Methods of Structure Analysis IIcs5Compulsoryyes
WMQMaterials Modelling IIcs6Compulsoryyes
WSTHeat Treatment of Metalic Materialscs5Compulsoryyes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
WDMDegradation of Materials and Service Life Predictioncs5Compulsoryyes
WD5Diploma Project (M-MTI)cs12Compulsoryyes
WFNFunctional and Nanostructural Materialscs5Compulsoryyes
WD6Diploma Seminar (M-MTI)cs2Compulsoryyes
WUVMaterials Selection and Performancecs5Compulsoryyes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en0Compulsoryyes