Branch Details

Physical and Building Materials Engineering

Original title in Czech: Fyzikální a stavebně materiálové inženýrstvíFASTAbbreviation: FMIAcad. year: 2019/2020

Programme: Civil Engineering

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: 25.7.2007Accredited until: 31.12.2020


The PhD study of study branch "Physical and Building Materials Engineering" is focused to a complex scientific training, to methods of individual scientific work and to knowledge development in the field of Building Materials Theory. The fundamental disciplines of the branch are Physics of Materials, Physical Chemistry of Silicates, Theory of Composite Materials, Microstructure of Building Materials, Durability and Rehabilitation of Materials and Structures, further Methods of Measurement and Diagnostics, Modeling of Physical Processes and Building Physics Tasks. From building technical applications especially the Concrete and Building Structures Rehabilitation, Moisture Rehabilitation, Heat-Technical Problems, Reclaiming of Steel and of Wooden Structures. The scientific training in this field is based basic theoretical disciplines of natural sciences and of theoretical scientific disciplines of relevant professional orientation. The graduate of PhD study is trained for asserting himself in development and research activities which enable creative solution of problems, of new progressive building materials development and their use in building structures. The basic character of this PhD education is the close connection both with scientific, research and development activities on the training workplace and in proper technological practice. The continuous active scientific activity is the qualification for possible engagement of graduates as members of the academic staffs at universities.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

2. round (applications submitted from 24.10.2019 to 09.12.2019)

  1. Application of computer tomography in acoustic testing of building materials

    Acoustic tomography is a method that makes possible to localize inhomogeneities in medium under investigation. The objective of the study consists in calculating cavities in materials by means of acoustic tomography methods and determining the resolution power of these methods.

    Tutor: Martinek Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  2. Development of ecological water-permeable or water-retaining concrete

    At the present time, a significant drop in groundwater reserves is beginning to appear in the Czech Republic. It is partly caused by a large build-up of concrete or asphalt surfaces and their drainage. The work will deal with the development of durable concrete with either the ability to release rainwater into the underlying layers of roads or paved areas. The second option is concretes with a high water absorption capacity and consequently their evaporation into the air, which can also reduce the temperature in urban areas

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  3. Development of high-strength concrete with the use of fly ash

    The design work will be focused on the development of concrete with strengths higher than 80 MPa using a combination of Portland cements and fly ash produced by combustion of inorganic and organic fuels. The development of strengths up to 90 days and the possibility of reducing the development of hydration temperatures during hydration will be monitored.

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  4. Development of high-strength concrete with the use of fly ash

    The design work will be focused on the development of concrete with strengths higher than 80 MPa using a combination of Portland cements and fly ash produced by combustion of inorganic and organic fuels. The development of strengths up to 90 days and the possibility of reducing the development of hydration temperatures during hydration will be monitored.

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  5. Effect of burning cycle on the microstructure of refractories of two-component system Al2O3-SiO2.

    The aim of this PhD thesis is to study the influence of temperature and heat on the resulting microstructure of material. The density of the material, pore structure, mineralogical composition and internal structure of the material will be analyzed on the available high-end devices, which requires mastering the work with these devices as well.

    Tutor: Nevřivová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Interaction study of polymeric additives with puzzolana active admixture in polymer modified composites

    The research will be focused on the study of changing properties of cementitious composites using polymeric additives (particularly redispersible polymeric powders) and puzzolana active admixture containing amorphous SiO2. Interactions of these additives and admixtures influence the properties of fresh mixture, hydration process and properties of hardened product.

    Tutor: Žižková Nikol, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Optimization of cement-bonded particle board composition to increase utility properties

    The aim of this work is to optimize the composition of cement-bonded particle board - binder, filler and additives - with the aim of increasing utility properties, especially volume stability when humidity fluctuations, fire resistance etc.

    Tutor: Bydžovský Jiří, doc. Ing., CSc.

  8. Preparation and study of cements based on belitic clinkers with reduced CO2 production

    Unfortunately, the environmental impact of binder production for the construction industry is considerable. It is therefore necessary to deal with binders with a lower negative impact on planet Earth. The way may be to develop new binders with lower carbon dioxide footprint. Preference is given to belitic clinkers or to cements where part of the clinker is replaced by another component.

    Tutor: Dvořák Karel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Radiative heat transfer in interiors of buildings

    The recent building thermal technology determines heat losses on the basis of thermal conduction through the envelopes of buildings. There is a possibility to generalize the procedure and to include the transfer of radiative and convective heat transfers. This represents a complex ab initio computation. The radiative and convective heat transfers may be coupled and a system of transcendent equations may be formed. Such a system may be solved e.g. by the Newton iterative method. The Ph.D. thesis should be aimed at creating a general procedure for such computations and applying it to a chosen room of a family house.

    Tutor: Ficker Tomáš, prof. RNDr., DrSc.

  10. Research of behavior of concrete particles in alternating electric field

    The external electric field causes changes in structure of the particle of the concrete, which can be non-destructive and help diagnose the state or structure. Physical description of concrete from a dielectric point of view is due to its inhomogeneity as a less developed area of research and gives space to original research.

    Tutor: Luňák Miroslav, Mgr., Ph.D.

  11. Study of mechanical behaviour and durability of short fibre reinforced cementitious composites

    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC): Steel fibre and fine fibre (glass, polypropylene, cellulose, polyvinyl, polyolefin, waste fibre). The physical properties of FRC. Type, content and geometry of fibres. The effect of fibre additon on properties of cement composites.

    Tutor: Bodnárová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Study of Mullite Formation in Ceramic Body with Increased Content of Alumina

    The aim of this PhD thesis is to study the influence of temperature and heat on the resulting microstructure of material. The density of the material, pore structure, mineralogical composition and internal structure of the material will be analyzed on the available high-end devices, which requires mastering the work with these devices as well.

    Tutor: Nevřivová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Study of new progressive materials for rehabilitation of utility networks using secondary raw materials

    The aim of the project is primarily research and development of a new type of progressive building materials for the rehabilitation of utility networks based on polymeric materials. These materials with optimized use of secondary raw materials will be usable for repairs and rehabilitation of utility networks. For example water pipes, waste, sewerage - that is the environment exposed to a chemically aggressive environment. A partial goal is to find a new application technology, respectively curing such materials.

    Tutor: Drochytka Rostislav, prof. Ing., CSc., MBA, dr. h. c.

  14. Study of possibilities of increasing adhesion of cement matrix to dispersed reinforcement of non-metallic fibers

    The work is focused on increasing the adhesion strength between cement matrix and scattered reinforcement by glass fibers. Nanodispersed additives (carbon nanotubes, metakaolin, technical carbon black) will be used in the cement matrix, which increase the density of the cement matrix and adhesion to the fiber surface, thus eliminating slip under load and increasing the tensile and flexural strengths

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  15. The monitoring behavior of building materials under mechanical loading by acoustic emission method

    Acoustic Emission Method is an unusual technique which describes only active defects or changes into structure arising as a consequence dangerous tension into structure. The method is appropriate to be used in homogenous structures as metal structures when cracks are highly active (generates sound). Its application in civil engineering is not so much used because building structures are inhomogeneous. Application the Matlab program to evaluate the results.

    Tutor: Pazdera Luboš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  16. The Use of acoustic methods for non-destructive testing of polymer-fiber-reinforced concrete degraded by high-temperature

    The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for non-destructive testing of concrete with polymeric fibers degraded by high temperature. The benefits of polymer fibers are that they burn out in the event of a fire, allowing water vapor to exit, which usually causes damage to or destruction of concrete structures. To assess the state of the concrete degraded by high temperatures we use acoustic methods such as acoustic emission , frequency inspection and nonlinear ultrasonic detection.

    Tutor: Chobola Zdeněk, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  17. The use of non-destructive methods for building materials to optimize the dosage of conductivity admixtures to enhance the sensoric properties.

    In the cement and non-cement based samples the change of impedance characteristics will be monitored and interpreted using the Debye dielectric theory. The main goal is to optimize the dosage of conductivity admixtures (graphite, soot, CNT) in the base matrix to reach the optimum parameters measurable using methods based on electromagnetism. It is also critical not to decrease the strength of the material (in pressure and tension) and to find the percolation threshold.

    Tutor: Kusák Ivo, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., MBA

  18. Using methods of nonlinear acoustic spectroscopy for nondestructive testing of concrete damaged by high temperatures

    Based on the study of nonlinear acoustic effects, new defectoscopic and diagnostic methods have been proposed, some of which are potentially also suitable for defectoscopy of building materials. There are a number of these methods. The aim of the work will be the selection of suitable methods of nonlinear acoustic spectroscopy, construction of measuring devices and experimental verification of their usability for non-destructive testing of concrete damaged by high temperatures.

    Tutor: Matysík Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Utilization of spongolite in building materials

    The dissertation thesis will focus on the influence of spongolite from various locations on the rheological, mechanical, microstructural and durability properties of building materials based on cement and lime. The aim of this work is to evaluate the possible use of spongolite as a partial replacement of binder in building materials.

    Tutor: Vyšvařil Martin, Mgr., Ph.D.

  20. In specific applications, emphasis is placed on the abrasion resistance of concrete (XM Concrete Class). As an example, concrete surfaces that come in contact with flowing liquids or solids can be named. Monitoring the effect of various types of admixtures in terms of the possibility of affecting the resistance of concrete to abrasion. Study of the ability to influence the resistance of concrete against abrasion using the used aggregate and its composition.

    Tutor: Bodnárová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

1. round (applications submitted from 05.06.2019 to 31.07.2019)

  1. Application of computer tomography in acoustic testing of building materials

    Acoustic tomography is a method that makes possible to localize inhomogeneities in medium under investigation. The objective of the study consists in calculating cavities in materials by means of acoustic tomography methods and determining the resolution power of these methods.

    Tutor: Martinek Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  2. Development of ecological water-permeable or water-retaining concrete

    At the present time, a significant drop in groundwater reserves is beginning to appear in the Czech Republic. It is partly caused by a large build-up of concrete or asphalt surfaces and their drainage. The work will deal with the development of durable concrete with either the ability to release rainwater into the underlying layers of roads or paved areas. The second option is concretes with a high water absorption capacity and consequently their evaporation into the air, which can also reduce the temperature in urban areas

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  3. Development of high-strength concrete with the use of fly ash

    The design work will be focused on the development of concrete with strengths higher than 80 MPa using a combination of Portland cements and fly ash produced by combustion of inorganic and organic fuels. The development of strengths up to 90 days and the possibility of reducing the development of hydration temperatures during hydration will be monitored.

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  4. Fibre reinforced cement composites

    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC): Steel fibre and fine fibre (glass, polypropylene, cellulose, polyvinyl, polyolefin, waste fibre). The physical properties of FRC. Type, content and geometry of fibres. The effect of fibre additon on properties of cement composites.

    Tutor: Bodnárová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Grogs for brickmaking production and their influence on the quality of clay masonry units body and economics of their production

    Grogs, which are normally used as a non-plastic component of the raw material mixture in brick production, can be significantly and simply influenced the quality, economy and generally all utility properties of clay masonry units. The aim of the thesis is to characterize the development of the use of the grogs in the brick body with regard to the possibility of lowering the firing temperature, increasing the thermal insulation parameters and increasing airbone sound insulation.

    Tutor: Sokolář Radomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. New building materials with electrical conductivity

    The main objective of dissertation is research and development of new type of cement composite material which will enable the conducting of electric current in its structure. Thanks to these properties, the newly developed material will subsequently be used in building protection systems against lightning strikes and overvoltage. The requested properties of developed materials will be achieved by means of a suitable combination of input materials, in particular fillers with low impedance values.

    Tutor: Drochytka Rostislav, prof. Ing., CSc., MBA, dr. h. c.

  7. Physical description of concrete in the external electric field

    The external electric field causes changes in structure of the particle of the concrete, which can be non-destructive and help diagnose the state or structure. Physical description of concrete from a dielectric point of view is due to its inhomogeneity as a less developed area of research and gives space to original research.

    Tutor: Luňák Miroslav, Mgr., Ph.D.

  8. Radiative heat transfer in interiors of buildings

    The recent building thermal technology determines heat losses on the basis of thermal conduction through the envelopes of buildings. There is a possibility to generalize the procedure and to include the transfer of radiative and convective heat transfers. This represents a complex ab initio computation. The radiative and convective heat transfers may be coupled and a system of transcendent equations may be formed. Such a system may be solved e.g. by the Newton iterative method. The Ph.D. thesis should be aimed at creating a general procedure for such computations and applying it to a chosen room of a family house.

    Tutor: Ficker Tomáš, prof. RNDr., DrSc.

  9. Study of the possibility of using secondary raw materials for the production of structural concrete

    At present, there is a lack of natural materials used for concrete production. These are natural aggregates as well as raw materials for the production of cements, where problems with increasing their prices are increasing due to rising prices of emission certificates. The aim of the work will be to map the possibilities of substitution of both the concrete binder components and fillers and verify this on the concretes of structural concrete for strength classes C20 / 25 to C80 / 90, including the impact on their durability.

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  10. Study the potential of secondary raw materials utilization in concrete components and minimize their impact on properties and durability

    Secondary raw materials like slag and el. fly ash is already used for the production of concrete, while, for example, coarse-grained bed ash, fluid ash, mineral sludge, waste glass, rubber or polymeric materials are not yet in use. Secondary raw materials could be a way to ensure sustainable building development. The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the availability of secondary raw materials, their implementation and to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of their use in prefabricated concrete products.

    Tutor: Hela Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  11. The monitoring behavior of building materials under mechanical loading by acoustic emission method

    Acoustic Emission Method is an unusual technique which describes only active defects or changes into structure arising as a consequence dangerous tension into structure. The method is appropriate to be used in homogenous structures as metal structures when cracks are highly active (generates sound). Its application in civil engineering is not so much used because building structures are inhomogeneous. Application the Matlab program to evaluate the results.

    Tutor: Pazdera Luboš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  12. The processing and analysis of data from laboratory and in-situ measurement by acoustic non-destructive methods

    The aim of this work will be to create a system for processing and analysis of data from laboratory and in-situ measurement by acoustic non-destructive methods. The students acquire knowledge of acoustic non-destructive methods and deepen their knowledge in Matlab.

    Tutor: Topolář Libor, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  13. The Use of acoustic methods for non-destructive testing of polymer-fiber-reinforced concrete degraded by high-temperature

    The aim of the project is to develop a methodology for non-destructive testing of concrete with polymeric fibers degraded by high temperature. The benefits of polymer fibers are that they burn out in the event of a fire, allowing water vapor to exit, which usually causes damage to or destruction of concrete structures. To assess the state of the concrete degraded by high temperatures we use acoustic methods such as acoustic emission , frequency inspection and nonlinear ultrasonic detection.

    Tutor: Chobola Zdeněk, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  14. The use of non-destructive methods for building materials to optimize the dosage of conductivity admixtures to enhance the sensoric properties.

    In the cement and non-cement based samples the change of impedance characteristics will be monitored and interpreted using the Debye dielectric theory. The main goal is to optimize the dosage of conductivity admixtures (graphite, soot, CNT) in the base matrix to reach the optimum parameters measurable using methods based on electromagnetism. It is also critical not to decrease the strength of the material (in pressure and tension) and to find the percolation threshold.

    Tutor: Kusák Ivo, doc. Mgr., Ph.D., MBA

  15. Use of Sol-Gel Method for Refractory Materials Production

    One of the modern directions for obtaining high quality products is the application of the sol-gel method in the manufacture of refractory materials. It is a low temperature method for the preparation of glass and ceramic materials by chemical polymerization. The advantages of using these gels are, for example, chemical purity and homogeneity, void content, low production temperature, ability to produce new chemical composition, corrosion resistance and increased mechanical resistance.

    Tutor: Nevřivová Lenka, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Using methods of nonlinear acoustic spectroscopy for nondestructive testing of concrete damaged by high temperatures

    Based on the study of nonlinear acoustic effects, new defectoscopic and diagnostic methods have been proposed, some of which are potentially also suitable for defectoscopy of building materials. There are a number of these methods. The aim of the work will be the selection of suitable methods of nonlinear acoustic spectroscopy, construction of measuring devices and experimental verification of their usability for non-destructive testing of concrete damaged by high temperatures.

    Tutor: Matysík Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Tutor: Sokolář Radomír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DJ01Doctoral Seminar I (MAT)cs4CompulsoryCrC1 - 39yes
DY02English Language Tutorial for PhD Studentscs1CompulsoryCrC1 - 26yes
DJ66Microstructure of Building Materialscs8ElectiveExP - 394212yes
DJ67Theoretical grounds of fired building materialscs8ElectiveExP - 394212yes
DV71Price theorycs8ElectiveExP - 394212yes
DA58Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering Ics4ElectiveCrP - 394213yes
DA61Numerical methods Ics4ElectiveCrP - 394213yes
DA62Probability and mathematical statisticscs4ElectiveCrP - 394213yes
DB64Physics of materialscs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
DC62Physical chemistry of silicatescs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
DB63Synergy of building materialscs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
DJ64Teoretical elements of Composite Materialscs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
DJ62Theoretical fundamentals of silicates technologycs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
DJ65Theory of Optimization of Building Materials Usecs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
DJ63Theory of Durability and Concrete Rahabilitaioncs8ElectiveExP - 394215yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DJ02Doctoral Seminar II (MAT)cs8CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
DA65Time series analysiscs10ElectiveExP - 394214yes
DA67Applications of mathematical methods in economicscs10ElectiveExP - 394214yes
DA59Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering IIcs10ElectiveExP - 394214yes
DA63Numerical methods IIcs10ElectiveExP - 394214yes
DA66Numerical methods for the variational problemscs10ElectiveExP - 394214yes
DA64Models of regressioncs10ElectiveExP - 394214yes
DJ68Environmental Systems of Building Materials Production and Utilizationcs8ElectiveExP - 394216yes
DI63Nondestructive diagnostics methods of testing materials and structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394216yes
DJ69Concrete Rheologycs8ElectiveExP - 394216yes
DB65Acoustic method for nondestructive testingcs8ElectiveExP - 394216yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DY01English for PhD studentscs8CompulsoryExyes
DJ03Doctoral Seminar III (MAT)cs8CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DJ04Doctoral Seminar IV (MAT)cs8CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DJ05Doctoral Seminar V (MAT)cs14CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
4. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DJ06Doctoral Seminar VI (MAT)cs14CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
4. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DJ07Doctoral Seminar VII (MAT)cs20CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Courses
4212 DJ66, DJ67, DV71
4213 DA58, DA61, DA62
4214 DA65, DA67, DA59, DA63, DA66, DA64
4215 DB64, DC62, DB63, DJ64, DJ62, DJ65, DJ63
4216 DJ68, DI63, DJ69, DB65