Branch Details

Constructions and Traffic Structures

Original title in Czech: Konstrukce a dopravní stavbyFASTAbbreviation: KDSAcad. year: 2019/2020

Programme: Civil Engineering

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: 25.7.2007Accredited until: 31.12.2020


PhD study of Constructions and Traffic Structures study branch is focused on a scientific training, methodology of research work and research development in the fields of structural theory, reliability and failure mechanism of structures. There are several study directions - structural mechanics, concrete and masonry structures, steel, timber and composite structures, geotechnics, railway structures, roads structures, experimental work and building testing.
Scientific preparation is based on knowledge of theoretical disciplines of natural sciences base together with theoretical and scientific disciplines of water management orientation. Graduate of PhD study is ready to work in research and development, using creative approach for problems solving of progressive structures including traffic structures. Continuous active scientific and pedagogical activity is a good condition for eventual qualification of graduates as academic employees at Universities.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

. round (applications submitted from to )

  1. FRP reinforcement - design, testing, reinforcing of masonry and concrete structures

    Reinforcing of concrete and masonry structures, internal FRP reinforcement, selected design problems, prestressed and non-prestressed variant.

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  2. Influence of properties of recycled aggregates on durability and sustainability of concrete structures

    The growing global construction activities urge to find sustainable resources to replace natural materials for the production of concrete. In the past few decades, many researches have been carried out on the use of recycled aggregate (RA) derived from construction and demolition wastes to produce concrete products. Recent research on reducing CO2 emissions or directly processing CO2 shows that it can significantly increase the performance of RC and the durability / sustainability of concrete.

    Tutor: Vymazal Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Limit states, actual behaviour and reliability of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts

    Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the actual behaviour of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts accenting the utilization of advanced materials, technologies and structural detailing will be focused in particular on increasing their reliability and efficiency.

    Tutor: Karmazínová Marcela, prof. Ing., CSc.

  4. Pedestrian simulation in the critical transportation infrastructure

    Application of modern simulation tools to analyze the movement of persons and their evacuation in the critical transport infrastructure in order to optimize their design and the soft targets protection. Vývoj nástrojů a metod pro identifikaci a hodnocení měkkých cílů v dopravě s využitím numerických modelů.

    Tutor: Apeltauer Tomáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  5. Structures supported by cables

    Modern structures are in many cases supported or suspended on cables. In this way they creates economical structural systems. However, they require a non-linear analysis. The subject of the work is a design and analysis of the structure of this type.

    Tutor: Stráský Jiří, prof. Ing., DSc.

2. round (applications submitted from 24.10.2019 to 09.12.2019)

  1. Advanced numerical methods for the design and assessment of structures and infrastructure

    The aim of this thesis is the advancement of current state-of-the-art in numerical methods, including simulation techniques, to increase efficiency in the assessment of structures and infrastructure. Results of this thesis will serve as a theoretical basis for the revision of current analytical approaches.

    Tutor: Podroužek Jan, doc. Dr.techn. Ing.

  2. Advanced safety and reliability assessment of structures

    The student will deal with selected aspects of advanced assessment of safety, reliability and durability of structures.

    Tutor: Lehký David, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Aging of asphalt mixtures

    As the asphalt binder is an organic compound, it undergoes an aging process during storage, production of the asphalt mixture and road use. In this aging process, the properties of the asphalt binder and the properties of the asphalt mixture produced therefrom change. In the dissertation, attention will be paid to the aging process of asphalt mixtures.

    Tutor: Hýzl Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Analysis of long-term behavior of concrete structures

    The aim of the work is an analysis of long-term behavior of concrete structures (bridges, buildings, tanks, etc.). Specification of methods for monitoring, specification of statical calculations , comparison of measured and calculated values.

    Tutor: Zich Miloš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Analysis of measured data by traditional and non-traditioanal tools via Matlab or Excel

    The basic description of test material or construction is the measurement. The important part is the correct evaluation of the obtained data. When evaluating large volumes of data, it is also advisable to use less traditional methods. Measurements may contain long time data. The basic description takes place in the time domain of the band. Important information can also be obtained in the frequency or time-frequency domain. The aim is to process some procedures in Matlab and/or VBA Excel.

    Tutor: Pazdera Luboš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  6. Aspects of internal structure influence on mechanical fracture properties of selected composites

    This thesis topic focuses on a complex analysis of the influence of the internal structure of selected composites, specifically regarding their mechanical fracture properties. In order to achieve this aims, the thesis will contain a numerical analysis of particle models together with implementation on specific small-grain size composites (for example technical refractory ceramics). There will be cooperation with the Institute of Building Testing and private sector, and support of these supervisor-specialists: 1) doc. Ing. Petr Frantík, Ph.D. and 2) doc. Ing. Pavel Schmid, Ph.D.

    Tutor: Keršner Zbyněk, prof. Ing., CSc.

  7. Assessment of the causes of the landslide on D8 motorway

    The landslide on D8 at Dobkovičky (56,300 – 56,500 km) which took place on June 7, 2013 destroyed the newly built motorway and caused great material and financial damage. Doctoral dissertation will be focused on complex assessment of the geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological factors that led to the initiation of the landslide. The dissertation will follow up and extends the studies already carried out on this socially relevant topic.

    Tutor: Krmíček Lukáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  8. Building planning focusing on sustainability

    The topic is focused on quantification of concrete sustainability with regard to concrete resistance to degradation. The aim is to develop a suitable methodology that can facilitate decision-making on the design and selection of a mix for the production of concrete from a broader perspective, ie not only in terms of bearing capacity or durability.

    Tutor: Vymazal Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Damage and fracture of advanced building materials / rocks based structures

    Appropriate structural design from advanced building materials (including 3D printing materials) or rocks is conditioned by the ability of prediction of real response obtained by robust computational tools with implementation of proper failure models based on non-linear fracture mechanics.

    Tutor: Keršner Zbyněk, prof. Ing., CSc.

  10. Design of Modern Railway Stations

    The topic is focused on designing of railway stations regarding current operating needs, including involvement in integrated transport systems and increased demands for safety, traffic and interoperability of the railway system.

    Tutor: Svoboda Richard, Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Design optimization of concrete structures

    Definition of optimisation model of a structure for: 1. design of a member, 2. strengthening of existing member, 3. design and strengthening of a structure. Calculation variant: stochastic, deterministic (according to the application class of the tasks), type of the restraining conditions, classes the target functions.

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  12. Development and application of new methods for experimental static and dynamic analysis of engineering construction.

    The theme includes the development and application of new procedures in the issue of experimental analysis of engineering (railway) construction. It is expected focus on advanced mathematical techniques from the field of time and frequency domain in conjunction with the methods of artificial intelligence.

    Tutor: Smutný Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Dr.

  13. Development of triaxial compressive strength across the rock massif

    With respect to the changing textural and structural characteristics of the rock massifs, it is highly probable that the development of the strength properties will be variable both vertically and horizontally. Suggested doctoral dissertation will be focused on investigation of the spatial variability of the triaxial compressive strength based on the testing of series of cores specimens from the selected massif.

    Tutor: Krmíček Lukáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  14. Discrete modeling of physical processes in heterogeneous materials

    The dissertation is focused on development of simulation techniques for representation of physical processes in heterogeneous materials. The models are to be focused preferably on materials with irregular inner structure and at the same time, those that are relevant for civil engineering (concrete and similar composites). The processes to be modeled are fracture, transport phenomena and fatigue.

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  15. Dynamics of structures focusing on seismic excitation

    Taking into account the nonlinear behavior of structures in the solution of response to sesmic excitation.

    Tutor: Salajka Vlastislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  16. Effects of dynamic loads on structures

    The doctoral thesis is focused for analysis of dynamic wind loads subjected to slender structures, especially using computational fluid dynamics method.

    Tutor: Hradil Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Experimental and numerical analysis of the stress-strain behaviour of binders, mortars and concretes

    The work is focused on the experimental investigation of stress-strain behaviour of the binders, mortars and concretes during their solidification. The main objective is to identify the external and internal factors and their influence on the resulting stress and strain values. The experimental data will be used for the numerical analysis performed in conjuction with the Department of structural mechanics. The assessment of the significance of the investigated factors will be performed for materials intended to load-bearing structures.

    Tutor: Kucharczyková Barbara, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Failure initiation and fracture of composites based on alkali activated matrix

    The work will be focused on the coherent research of nonlinear fracture behaviour of composites based on alkali activated matrix. Their mechanical fracture properties, including experiments based on cyclic loading, will be studied in detail. The obtained experimental results will be used as input parameters of nonlinear fracture models, which simulate the cohesive character of failure propagation through quasi-brittle material, used to predict the real response of the specimen/structure.

    Tutor: Šimonová Hana, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Failure probability of steel structures caused by fatigue crack propagation

    The methodology of quantification of time-dependent analysis of failure probability of bearing steel girders will be developed. Theoretically based numerical instruments will be developed for the behaviour simulation of elements of these structures which are prone to formation of fatigue failure. The efficient stochastic approaches, enabling to study the influences of parameters under uncertainties on model responses of steel structures in time will be analyzed.

    Tutor: Kala Zdeněk, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. Fatigue and fracture properties of various kinds of self-healing/curing concrete

    The ability of concrete to repair its small cracks autonomously is called as self-healing. The main aim will be to quantify the self-curing effect based on fatigue and fracture-mechanical tests. The beams will be exposed to cyclic loading. From this a traditional S-N curve will be evaluated for each stress level. To quantify self-healing/curing effect and it influence on the residual fatigue life the tested specimen will scanned by CT tomography.

    Tutor: Seitl Stanislav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. Fatigue of concrete and reinforced concrete

    Numerical and analytical modeling of fatigue in concerete and reinforced concrete

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. Fatigue properties of steel components for civil engineering structures (Bridge, crane etc.)

    The use of stainless steel for bridge structures is relatively recent. Significant advances in the use of stainless steel in known. The degradation of properties and lifetime assessment of steel subjected to complex mechanical loading will be investigated. Experimental part of the proposal, evaluation of the input data for finite element software ANSYS i.e. a) S-N curve – smooth or with defined singular concentrator/notch, b) specimen with crack, threshold values, Paris’ law, stress ratios etc.

    Tutor: Seitl Stanislav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. FRP reinforcement - design, testing, reinforcing of masonry and concrete structures

    Reinforcing of concrete and masonry structures, internal FRP reinforcement, selected design problems, prestressed and non-prestressed variant.

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  24. FRP reinforcement - design, testing, reinforcing of masonry and concrete structures

    Reinforcing of concrete and masonry structures, internal FRP reinforcement, selected design problems, prestressed and non-prestressed variant.

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  25. Global sensitivity analysis of reliability of steel structures

    The reliability and limit states of bearing steel structures will be analyzed using stochastic computing models focused on sensitivity, statistical and probability analysis. Numerical models on computer will be created with basic knowledge of structural mechanics and theory of elasticity and plasticity. Interest or basic knowledge of Delphi or other programming language will be very welcome.

    Tutor: Kala Zdeněk, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  26. Grade curve optimization by simulation methods

    Packing problem for aggregate particles of different size is unsolvable using analytical methods. Optimization by stochastic simulation should be examined.

    Tutor: Holcner Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  27. Influence of multiple cyclic loading on the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of structural concrete

    The thesis deals with the influence of multiple cyclic loading on the strength and deformation properties of concrete. A number of experimental works and laboratory analyses will be carried out to describe the changes in the compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete under multiple cyclic loading. This loading regime will be based on the test of the static modulus of elasticity of the concrete and will be performed in both the elastic and plastic stages of the stress-strain diagram.

    Tutor: Kocáb Dalibor, Ing., Ph.D.

  28. Limit states, actual behaviour and reliability of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts

    Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the actual behaviour of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts accenting the utilization of advanced materials, technologies and structural detailing will be focused in particular on increasing their reliability and efficiency.

    Tutor: Karmazínová Marcela, prof. Ing., CSc.

  29. Limit states, actual behaviour and reliability of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts

    Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the actual behaviour of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts accenting the utilization of advanced materials, technologies and structural detailing will be focused in particular on increasing their reliability and efficiency.

    Tutor: Karmazínová Marcela, prof. Ing., CSc.

  30. Load-bearing wood-based structural members and parts

    The dissertation is focused on the problems of the real behaviour and the design methods of load-bearing wood-based structural members and parts.

    Tutor: Šmak Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  31. Mechanics of Railway Track

    The theme is focused on the study of mechanics of railway structures. The theme includes static and dynamic analyses of the track with the special aim in high speed lines, modern elements of track and interoperability of railway infrastructure. Particular topics: - analytical and numerical methods for track analyses in the time and frequency domain

    Tutor: Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  32. Methodology of brickwork testing in restoration of monuments

    The aim of the topic is to create a methodology for testing masonry elements and brickwork in the restoration of monuments. A major problem concerns in particular the replacement of damaged or missing masonry so that the resulting construction meets the requirements in terms of mechanical stability and load-bearing capacity, as well as durability. The topic is linked to the research project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic NAKI II.

    Tutor: Cikrle Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  33. Methods of rejuvenation an aged bituminous binder and their influence on the properties of asphalt mixtures

    When using a higher amount of reclaimed asphalt in an asphalt mixture, it is sometimes necessary to rejuvenate the aged asphalt binder. It is possible to use a softer binder, rejuvenating agents or RC bitumens. The dissertation thesis will be focused on the evaluation of the influence of softer binders and rejuvenating additives on the properties of an asphalt mixture containing a high amount of reclaimed asphalt. Changes in the properties of the mixture affected by the aging will be evaluated.

    Tutor: Dašek Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  34. Multilayer system analysis for flexible pavement assessment

    Load effect on pavemenent construction is computed according to standard TP170 "with use of a suitable program" based on "the multilayer elastic system model". Existing programs are verified empirically and the results are used in the pavement catalog. New computer program with an open source code is needed for the computational procedure. Furthermore, it is desirable to analyze different possible methods reflecting viscoelastic properties and rheological behavior of the binder used.

    Tutor: Holcner Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  35. New trends in assessment of bearing capacity of road layers

    The study is focused on monitoring the measurement of bearing capacity of base layers in the road laboratory and in-situ. Long-term measurement and comparison of strength characteristics according to laboratory methods and new equipment used to check the degree of compaction of pavement layers will allow to refine and improve the assessment of optimal design and construction of pavement layers. The aim of this work is to optimize the design parameters of the underlying road layers, to monitor the quality of the road layers more precisely.

    Tutor: Stehlík Dušan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  36. Numerical Methods in Uncertainty and Reliability Analyses

    Development of simulation and appximation methods for numerical analyses of problems featuring random variables. The bottom line is the development of advanced Monte Carlo strategies.

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  37. Optimization of autonomous vehicle trajectory

    Determination of vehicle trajectory in dependence on geometrical parameters of crossings, roundabouts and retarders. Algortithms for track and envelope curves under boundary conditions.

    Tutor: Holcner Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  38. Parameter identification of nonlinear material models

    The doctoral dissertation is focused on the utilization of nonlinear material models for analyzing structures from reinforced concrete or masonry. The goal of the thesis is the parameter identification of different material models. Material models developed for the rapid dynamic process will be observed.

    Tutor: Hradil Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  39. Pedestrian simulation in the critical transportation infrastructure

    Application of modern simulation tools to analyze the movement of persons and their evacuation in the critical transport infrastructure in order to optimize their design and the soft targets protection. Vývoj nástrojů a metod pro identifikaci a hodnocení měkkých cílů v dopravě s využitím numerických modelů.

    Tutor: Apeltauer Tomáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  40. Pedestrian simulation in the critical transportation infrastructure

    Application of modern simulation tools to analyze the movement of persons and their evacuation in the critical transport infrastructure in order to optimize their design and the soft targets protection. Vývoj nástrojů a metod pro identifikaci a hodnocení měkkých cílů v dopravě s využitím numerických modelů.

    Tutor: Apeltauer Tomáš, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  41. Performance testing of deformation characteristics of pavement layers

    The study is focused on monitoring the stress and deformation characteristics of road construction in a full-scale road model. The long-term measurement of the deformation characteristics under the dynamic pulse load simulating the traffic load will predict the fatigue characteristics of the pavement layers. The aim of the thesis is to refine the design parameters, to monitor the connection of the pavement layers and to verify the use of recycled building materials in the pavement layers.

    Tutor: Stehlík Dušan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  42. Physico-mechanical and durability characteristics of construction concrete elements with alternative adition of fibres with waste sources.

    Both organic and anorganic fibres from waste raw materials can be used purposefully in construction fibre concretes with extracted aggregate and concrete recyclate. The comparison of physical-mechanical and durability characteristics of fibre concretes with and without loading can contribute to estimating lifetime and ductility behaviour of fibre concretes of different formulations.

    Tutor: Stehlík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  43. Physico-mechanical and durability characteristics of construction concrete elements with alternative adition of glass recyclate

    In the Czech Republic is recycled annually 100 000 tons of glass waste. By crushing and cleaning of waste is created glass recyclate in a different factions. One of the potential application is the substitution of the coarse aggregate of concrete by glass recyclate. The results of a number of mechanical and physico-chemical tests without and after application of load shall decide on the use of concretes with the glass recyclate and shall help with the assessment of efficiency of production.

    Tutor: Stehlík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  44. Prefabricated concrete structures of apartment buildings

    The aim of the work is the development and verification of prefabricated concrete structures of residential buildings that take into account the architectural, ecological and cultural requirements in a frame of possible economical resources. Static analysis of panel joints will be carried out, design of suitable panel arrangement, etc.

    Tutor: Zich Miloš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  45. Smart monitoring of turnouts

    Design of the progressive diagnostic system for assessing the effectiveness of maintenance work and for monitoring of dynamic effects in turnout during its life cycle will be the main output. The theme also includes the creation of a "smart" system for the collection of basic data and a set of appropriate algorithms, which allows information acquisition of the status of turnouts and their components in real time, to transmit and to store them for subsequent use for the needs of manufacturers, public administration, project management, research etc.

    Tutor: Smutný Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Dr.

  46. Stochastic Finite Element Method

    Random spatial fluctuation of material and geometrical parameters of structures modeled by random fields in computational models.

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  47. Strengthening of concrete/masonry structures

    modern methods of strengthening, prestressing, additional reinforcement

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  48. Structures of Urban Tracks

    The theme is focused on finding appropriate structures urban tracks with regard to improving traffic load and reducing the negative impacts of urban tracks to the track vicinity, reduce the cost of construction and maintenance work and traffic restriction.

    Tutor: Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  49. Structures supported by cables

    Modern structures are in many cases supported or suspended on cables. In this way they creates economical structural systems. However, they require a non-linear analysis. The subject of the work is a design and analysis of the structure of this type.

    Tutor: Stráský Jiří, prof. Ing., DSc.

  50. Structures supported by cables

    Modern structures are in many cases supported or suspended on cables. In this way they creates economical structural systems. However, they require a non-linear analysis. The subject of the work is a design and analysis of the structure of this type.

    Tutor: Stráský Jiří, prof. Ing., DSc.

  51. Study of Historic Brickworks

    Monitoring changes of the historic brickwork properties by using traditional and non-traditional methods can contribute to the understanding of historical development in this field. Application the Matlab program to evaluate the results.

    Tutor: Pazdera Luboš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  52. Technology of Constructuion and Maintenance of Railway Structures

    The topic is focused on research of technology procedures and corrective maintenance that lead to minimization of the traffic restriction, energy consumption, environmental impact and life cycle costs.

    Tutor: Svoboda Richard, Ing., Ph.D.

  53. The analysis of track behavior in interaction with rail vehicle

    Analysis of the static and dynamic behavior of the railway superstructure on the effects of the railway vehicle through modern computational programs.

    Tutor: Salajka Vlastislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  54. The efficient use of high-strength materials in case of composite steel-concrete structures

    Theoretical and experimental analysis of an efficient design in case of composite steel-concrete members and structures with the possibility of an optimal utilization of high-strength materials - using HSS and HPC, especially with respect to geometric and material characteristics as well as to various types of loading.

    Tutor: Štrba Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

  55. The influence of properties of recycled-aggregate-concrete on the sustainability of concrete structures

    Currently, the environmental approach is emphasized in the field of civil engineering. The decreasing amount of natural resources brings demand for finding sustainable resources for concrete production. Over the last few decades, a lot of researches has been done on the use of recycled aggregates for concrete production. Recent research focused on the reduction of CO2 emissions shows that the use of recycled aggregates is one of the ways how to increase the sustainability of concrete structures.

    Tutor: Kocáb Dalibor, Ing., Ph.D.

  56. The research of dynamic behaviour of railway lines

    The theme is focused on study of dynamic behaviour of railway lines. The theme includes railway superstructure and railway subbase. Topic involves experiment and simulation techniques. The tema also includes application of a suitable modern mathematical apparatus for the evaluation of the railway lines parameters including of artificial intelligence methods using.

    Tutor: Smutný Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Dr.

  57. Theory and real behaviour of members and elements of steel and combined constructions

    Problems concerning the reliability, modelling, optimalisation and verification of the behaviour of construction members, elements and structural systems combined from concrete and steel are solved. Emphasis is placed on the assessment of real geometrical, material and construction characteristics.

    Tutor: Bajer Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  58. Update of the road design elements

    The subject of the dissertation thesis is to update the selected elements from the Czech standards ČSN 73 6110 and ČSN 73 6001 following the revision/creation of these standards.

    Tutor: Radimský Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

  59. Use of non-destructive methods for inspection and diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures

    For inspection and diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures it is very important to objectively determine their condition. It is here that non-destructive methods find their use, as they can detect weak points in the load-bearing structure without causing damage to it. The most suitable methods for inspection and diagnostics are: ultrasonic transmission, ultrasonic pulse echo, georadar method and electromagnetic reinforcement indicators.

    Tutor: Cikrle Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

1. round (applications submitted from 05.06.2019 to 31.07.2019)

  1. Advanced safety and reliability assessment of structures

    The student will deal with selected aspects of advanced assessment of safety, reliability and durability of structures.

    Tutor: Lehký David, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Analysis of an actual behaviour of composite steel-concrete structures of high-strength materials

    Theoretical and experimental analysis and efficient design in case of composite steel-concrete members and structures with the possibility of an optimal utilization of high-strength materials - using HSS and HPC, especially with respect to geometric and material characteristics as well as to various types of loading.

    Tutor: Štrba Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Analysis of long-term behavior of concrete structures

    The aim of the work is an analysis of long-term behavior of concrete structures (bridges, buildings, tanks, etc.). Specification of methods for monitoring, specification of statical calculations , comparison of measured and calculated values.

    Tutor: Zich Miloš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Analysis of measured data by traditional and non-traditioanal tools via Matlab or Excel

    The basic description of test material or construction is the measurement. The important part is the correct evaluation of the obtained data. When evaluating large volumes of data, it is also advisable to use less traditional methods. Measurements may contain long time data. The basic description takes place in the time domain of the band. Important information can also be obtained in the frequency or time-frequency domain. The aim is to process some procedures in Matlab and/or VBA Excel.

    Tutor: Pazdera Luboš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  5. Aspects of internal structure influence on mechanical fracture properties of selected composites

    This thesis topic focuses on a complex analysis of the influence of the internal structure of selected composites, specifically regarding their mechanical fracture properties. In order to achieve this aims, the thesis will contain a numerical analysis of particle models together with implementation on specific small-grain size composites (for example technical refractory ceramics). There will be cooperation with the Institute of Building Testing and private sector, and support of these supervisor-specialists: 1) doc. Ing. Petr Frantík, Ph.D. and 2) doc. Ing. Pavel Schmid, Ph.D.

    Tutor: Keršner Zbyněk, prof. Ing., CSc.

  6. Coupled task of mechnics and transport

    Student will create discrete model for coupled meachanical and transport problem for concrete. requirements: solid mathematical basis, ability to write/learn computer code (C++, Python)

    Tutor: Eliáš Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Damage and fracture of advanced building materials / rocks based structures

    Appropriate structural design from advanced building materials (including 3D printing materials) or rocks is conditioned by the ability of prediction of real response obtained by robust computational tools with implementation of proper failure models based on non-linear fracture mechanics.

    Tutor: Keršner Zbyněk, prof. Ing., CSc.

  8. Damage and fracture of advanced building materials / rocks based structures

    Appropriate structural design from advanced building materials (including 3D printing materials) or rocks is conditioned by the ability of prediction of real response obtained by robust computational tools with implementation of proper failure models based on non-linear fracture mechanics.

    Tutor: Keršner Zbyněk, prof. Ing., CSc.

  9. Design optimization of concrete structures

    Definition of optimisation model of a structure for: 1. design of a member, 2. strengthening of existing member, 3. design and strengthening of a structure. Calculation variant: stochastic, deterministic (according to the application class of the tasks), type of the restraining conditions, classes the target functions.

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  10. Developement of structures, structure components and joints made of steel or steel-combined materials

    Tutor: Barnat Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Development and application of new methods for experimental static and dynamic analysis of engineering construction.

    The theme includes the development and application of new procedures in the issue of experimental analysis of engineering (railway) construction. It is expected focus on advanced mathematical techniques from the field of time and frequency domain in conjunction with the methods of artificial intelligence.

    Tutor: Smutný Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Dr.

  12. Development of triaxial compressive strength across the rock massif

    With respect to the changing textural and structural characteristics of the rock massifs, it is highly probable that the development of the strength properties will be variable both vertically and horizontally. Suggested doctoral dissertation will be focused on investigation of the spatial variability of the triaxial compressive strength based on the testing of series of cores specimens from the selected massif.

    Tutor: Krmíček Lukáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  13. Discrete modeling of physical processes in heterogeneous materials

    The dissertation is focused on development of simulation techniques for representation of physical processes in heterogeneous materials. The models are to be focused preferably on materials with irregular inner structure and at the same time, those that are relevant for civil engineering (concrete and similar composites). The processes to be modeled are fracture, transport phenomena and fatigue.

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Failure initiation and fracture of composites based on alkali activated matrix

    The work will be focused on the coherent research of nonlinear fracture behaviour of composites based on alkali activated matrix. Their mechanical fracture properties, including experiments based on cyclic loading, will be studied in detail. The obtained experimental results will be used as input parameters of nonlinear fracture models, which simulate the cohesive character of failure propagation through quasi-brittle material, used to predict the real response of the specimen/structure.

    Tutor: Šimonová Hana, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  15. Fatigue and fracture properties of various kinds of self-healing/curing concrete

    The ability of concrete to repair its small cracks autonomously is called as self-healing. The main aim will be to quantify the self-curing effect based on fatigue and fracture-mechanical tests. The beams will be exposed to cyclic loading. From this a traditional S-N curve will be evaluated for each stress level. To quantify self-healing/curing effect and it influence on the residual fatigue life the tested specimen will scanned by CT tomography.

    Tutor: Seitl Stanislav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Fatigue of concrete and reinforced concrete

    Numerical and analytical modeling of fatigue in concerete and reinforced concrete

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Fatigue properties of steel components for civil engineering structures (Bridge, crane etc.)

    The use of stainless steel for bridge structures is relatively recent. Significant advances in the use of stainless steel in known. The degradation of properties and lifetime assessment of steel subjected to complex mechanical loading will be investigated. Experimental part of the proposal, evaluation of the input data for finite element software ANSYS i.e. a) S-N curve – smooth or with defined singular concentrator/notch, b) specimen with crack, threshold values, Paris’ law, stress ratios etc.

    Tutor: Seitl Stanislav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Fracture mechanics of geomaterials in relation to the planned deep geological repository for a radioactive waste

    The Czech deep repository development programme resulted in identification of several localities with favourable geological conditions. The Czech concept of a deep repository construction targets on crystalline host rocks. The dissertation will be focused on fracture mechanics of geomaterials from the most favoured localities – Horka near Velké Meziříčí and Kraví hora near Dolní Rožínka.

    Tutor: Krmíček Lukáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  19. Fracturing of geomaterials monitored by ultrasonic methods

    The dissertation will be focused on determination of the failure mechanisms (sliding, shearing) of selected geomaterials during uniaxial and triaxial compression tests. The fracturing will be monitored by ultrasonic sounding and acoustic emission.

    Tutor: Krmíček Lukáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  20. FRP reinforcement - design, testing, reinforcing of masonry and concrete structures

    Reinforcing of concrete and masonry structures, internal FRP reinforcement, selected design problems, prestressed and non-prestressed variant.

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  21. Global sensitivity analysis of reliability of steel structures

    The reliability and limit states of bearing steel structures will be studied using stochastic computing models focused on sensitivity, statistical and probability analysis. Stochastic models will be created with the knowledge of numerical simulation methods, FEM nonlinear models, models of structural mechanics, theory of elasticity and plasticity, and other related disciplines necessary for stochastic modeling and computing.

    Tutor: Kala Zdeněk, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. Influence of properties of recycled aggregates on durability and sustainability of concrete structures

    The growing global construction activities urge to find sustainable resources to replace natural materials for the production of concrete. In the past few decades, many researches have been carried out on the use of recycled aggregate (RA) derived from construction and demolition wastes to produce concrete products. Recent research on reducing CO2 emissions or directly processing CO2 shows that it can significantly increase the performance of RC and the durability / sustainability of concrete.

    Tutor: Vymazal Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. Influence of properties of recycled aggregates on durability and sustainability of concrete structures

    The growing global construction activities urge to find sustainable resources to replace natural materials for the production of concrete. In the past few decades, many researches have been carried out on the use of recycled aggregate (RA) derived from construction and demolition wastes to produce concrete products. Recent research on reducing CO2 emissions or directly processing CO2 shows that it can significantly increase the performance of RC and the durability / sustainability of concrete.

    Tutor: Vymazal Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  24. Inspection based probabilistic modeling of fatigue crack progression

    The aim is to develop the methodology of quantification of time-dependent analysis of the failure probability of elements of bearing steel structures. Theoretically based numerical instruments will be developed for the behaviour simulation of elements of these structures which are prone to formation of fatigue failure. The efficient stochastic approaches, enabling to study the influences of parameters under uncertainties on model responses of steel structures in time will be studied.

    Tutor: Kala Zdeněk, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  25. Limit states, actual behaviour and reliability of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts

    Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the actual behaviour of steel-concrete / timber-concrete structural members / parts accenting the utilization of advanced materials, technologies and structural detailing will be focused in particular on increasing their reliability and efficiency.

    Tutor: Karmazínová Marcela, prof. Ing., CSc.

  26. Load-bearing wood-based structural members and parts

    The dissertation is focused on the issues of the real behaviour and the design methods of load-bearing wood-based structural members and parts.

    Tutor: Šmak Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  27. Mechanics of Railway Track

    The theme is focused on the study of mechanics of railway structures. The theme includes static and dynamic analyses of the track with the special aim in speed increasing, modern elements of track and interoperability of railway infrastructure. Particular topics: - analytical and numerical methods for track analyses in the time and frequency domain

    Tutor: Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  28. Mechanics of Railway Track

    The theme is focused on the study of mechanics of railway structures. The theme includes static and dynamic analyses of the track with the special aim in speed increasing, modern elements of track and interoperability of railway infrastructure. Particular topics: - analytical and numerical methods for track analyses in the time and frequency domain - track-bridge interaction - continuous welded rail in curves of small radii - switches&crossings of a new generation

    Tutor: Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  29. Microreiforcement of soil

    The subject of the doctoral thesis is laboratory testing of soils, in which the improvement of properties is achieved by dispersed geosynthetic reinforcement. The aim is to obtain information on shear strength, stiffness and also the erosion resistance of this composite. To accomplish this goal, the main method of examining laboratory testing will be.

    Tutor: Miča Lumír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  30. New approaches to predicting concrete durability

    The correct size distribution of pores within 100–300 µm (i.e. spacing factor) in air-entrained concrete depends on many factors and is not automatically guaranteed. The most common way to evaluate the spacing factor based on the 1D Powers’ model appears obsolete today. The thesis deals with expanding the existing advanced possibilities of evaluating pore size distribution in concrete, which are mainly 2D pixel and 3D voxel analyses.

    Tutor: Vymazal Tomáš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  31. Nonlocal integral computational models for damage prediction of quasi-brittle materials

    Engineering structures subjected to loading may result in stresses exceeding the material strength and thus forcing the progressive damage. Computational modelling of quasi-brittle damage of a wide class of building materials and composites can be done using some nonlocal integral approaches. The student will pay attention to the verification and validation of available models and their potential improvements.

    Tutor: Vala Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc.

  32. Numerical Methods in Uncertainty and Reliability Analyses

    Development of simulation and appximation methods for numerical analyses of problems featuring random variables. The bottom line is the development of advanced Monte Carlo strategies.

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  33. Permeability of Geomaterials

    The thesis is focused on the determination of permeability of geomaterials. Attention should be focused on: methods for determining permeability and evaluation of tests, factors influencing the permeability of geomaterials, evaluation of individual methods/factors, laboratory testing of permeability of selected geomaterials, summary and analysis of obtained and published results.

    Tutor: Boštík Jiří, Ing., Ph.D.

  34. Physico-mechanical and durability characteristics of construction concrete elements with alternative adition of fibres with waste sources.

    Both organic and anorganic fibres from waste raw materials can be used purposefully in construction fibre concretes with extracted aggregate and concrete recyclate. The comparison of physical-mechanical and durability characteristics of fibre concretes with and without loading can contribute to estimating lifetime and ductility behaviour of fibre concretes of different formulations.

    Tutor: Stehlík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  35. Physico-mechanical and durability characteristics of construction concrete elements with alternative adition of glass recyclate

    In the Czech Republic is recycled annually 100 000 tons of glass waste. By crushing and cleaning of waste is created glass recyclate in a different factions. One of the potential application is the substitution of the coarse aggregate of concrete by glass recyclate. The results of a number of mechanical and physico-chemical tests without and after application of load shall decide on the use of concretes with the glass recyclate and shall help with the assessment of efficiency of production.

    Tutor: Stehlík Michal, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  36. Physico-mechanical properties of geocomposites

    As geocomposites can be considered any geomaterials that are composed of petrographically, texturally and structurally different parts or zones. Suggested doctoral dissertation will be focused on investigation of the physico-mechanical properties (e.g., scleroscopic hardness, uniaxial and triaxial strength, indirect tensile strengths) of composite geomaterials.

    Tutor: Krmíček Lukáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  37. Prefabricated concrete structures of apartment buildings

    The aim of the work is the development and verification of prefabricated concrete structures of residential buildings that take into account the architectural, ecological and cultural requirements in a frame of possible economical resources. Static analysis of panel joints will be carried out, design of suitable panel arrangement, etc.

    Tutor: Zich Miloš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  38. Reliability nonlinear analysis of concrete structures

    Topic is focused on nonlinear modelling of concrete structures (e.g. bridges) taking into account uncertainties in material, load and environment.

    Tutor: Novák Drahomír, prof. Ing., DrSc.

  39. Smart monitoring of turnouts

    Design of the progressive diagnostic system for assessing the effectiveness of maintenance work and for monitoring of dynamic effects in turnout during its life cycle will be the main output. The theme also includes the creation of a "smart" system for the collection of basic data and a set of appropriate algorithms, which allows information acquisition of the status of turnouts and their components in real time, to transmit and to store them for subsequent use for the needs of manufacturers, public administration, project management, research etc.

    Tutor: Smutný Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Dr.

  40. Stochastic Finite Element Method

    Random spatial fluctuation of material and geometrical parameters of structures modeled by random fields in computational models.

    Tutor: Vořechovský Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  41. Strengthening of concrete/masonry structures

    modern methods of strengthening, prestressing, additional reinforcement

    Tutor: Štěpánek Petr, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc., dr. h. c.

  42. Study of Historic Brickworks

    Monitoring changes of the historic brickwork properties by using traditional and non-traditional methods can contribute to the understanding of historical development in this field. Application the Matlab program to evaluate the results.

    Tutor: Pazdera Luboš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  43. The research of dynamic behaviour of railway lines

    The theme is focused on study of dynamic behaviour of railway lines. The theme includes railway superstructure and railway subbase. Topic involves experiment and simulation techniques. The tema also includes application of a suitable modern mathematical apparatus for the evaluation of the railway lines parameters including of artificial intelligence methods using.

    Tutor: Smutný Jaroslav, prof. Ing., Dr.

  44. Theoretical and experimental analysis of the actual behaviour of members and components of steel structures

    The theme of Ph.D. thesis is focused on the theoretical and experimental analysis of the limit states and actual behaviour of load-carrying members and components of steel structures. The analysis will be arised from the numerical modelling, which will be verified by the experiments.

    Tutor: Pilgr Milan, Ing., Ph.D.

  45. Theory and real behaviour of members and elements of steel and combined constructions

    Problems concerning the reliability, modelling, optimalisation and verification of the behaviour of construction members, elements and structural systems combined from concrete and steel are solved. Emphasis is placed on the assessment of real geometrical, material and construction characteristics.

    Tutor: Bajer Miroslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  46. Update of the road design elements

    The subject of the dissertation thesis is to update the selected elements from the Czech standards ČSN 73 6102 a ČSN 73 6110 following the revision of these standards.

    Tutor: Radimský Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DO01Doctoral seminar I (KDS)cs4CompulsoryCrC1 - 39yes
DY02English Language Tutorial for PhD Studentscs1CompulsoryCrC1 - 26yes
DI61Diagnostic methods in civil engineeringcs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DF61Soil and Structure Interactioncs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DM61Reliability of Road Structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DL61Theory of concrete and masonry structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DN61Permanent Way Theorycs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DO61Theory of metal and timber structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DD62Theory of elasticity, plasticity and failurecs8ElectiveExP - 394061yes
DD61Structural mechanicscs8ElectiveExP - 394076yes
DM62Traffic Structures Theorycs8ElectiveExP - 394076yes
DA58Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering Ics4ElectiveCrP - 394165yes
DA61Numerical methods Ics4ElectiveCrP - 394165yes
DA62Probability and mathematical statisticscs4ElectiveCrP - 394165yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DO02Doctoral seminar II (KDS)cs8CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
DA65Time series analysiscs10ElectiveExP - 394075yes
DA67Applications of mathematical methods in economicscs10ElectiveExP - 394075yes
DA59Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering IIcs10ElectiveExP - 394075yes
DA63Numerical methods IIcs10ElectiveExP - 394075yes
DA66Numerical methods for the variational problemscs10ElectiveExP - 394075yes
DA64Models of regressioncs10ElectiveExP - 394075yes
DL62Modelling of structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
ZF52Underground Engineeringcs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
DI62Radiation methods in civil engineeringcs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
DD63Dynamics of structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
DN62Railway Substructure Theorycs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
DO62Theory of composite steel-concrete structurescs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
DM63Environment and road designcs8ElectiveExP - 394077yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DY01English for PhD studentscs8CompulsoryExyes
DO03Doctoral seminar III (KDS)cs8CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DO04Doctoral seminar IV (KDS)cs8CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DO05Doctoral seminar V (KDS)cs14CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
4. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DO06Doctoral seminar VI (KDS)cs14CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
4. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DO07Doctoral seminar VII (KDS)cs20CompulsoryCrC1 - 78yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Courses
4061 DI61, DF61, DM61, DL61, DN61, DO61, DD62
4075 DA65, DA67, DA59, DA63, DA66, DA64
4076 DD61, DM62
4077 DL62, ZF52, DI62, DD63, DN62, DO62, DM63
4165 DA58, DA61, DA62