Branch Details

Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original title in Czech: Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a výkonová elektronikaFEKTAbbreviation: ML1-SVEAcad. year: 2019/2020

Programme: Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 2.1.2002Accredited until: 31.7.2021


Study Power Electrical and Electronics specialization aims to educate engineer with knowledge of the theory, design, construction in the areas of industrial and consumer electronics, electric power, automotive industry and railway transport.
Graduates key skills include
- calculations, design and measurement of electrical machines
- design, construction and measurement of switching devices
- design and development of power electronics
- development, application and seting into operation of electrical drives.
Supporting skills of graduates are
- Computer simulations of electromagnetic and thermal fields
- Simulation of electrical circuits, dynamical systems and drives
- Control electronics, control theory and numerical control.
Successful graduates are valued by experts at major industrial companies or as independent entrepreneurs with a long-term perspective in the labor market and high potential professional and career growth.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates of power electrical electronics field are able to:
- provide a technically and economically effective solutions in the field of power electrical in positions of a project managers or a marketing specialists
- expertly and organizationally manage production, testing laboratory and quality control processes
- apply electrical machinery, electrical equipment, electric drives and other parts of industrial systems
- set into operation electrical devices and large investment units
- design and develop electrical machinery, electric motors and power semiconductor converters
- measure and experimentally verify developments in the field of power electrical equipment

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Due to the specialization multidisciplinary ,graduates are able to occupy a number of positions both technical and techno-economic. Typical job positions graduates are developer/designer of electrical machinery and apparatus, electrical drives application engineer, a developer of power electronics inverters, production lines programmer, microprocessor control systems programmer, marketing specialist, project manager, production manager.

Entry requirements

Conditions for admitting are a completed Bachelor degree education and successful completion of the admissions process.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LDESElectromechanical System Dynamicscs6Compulsoryyes
LSVPConstruction and Production of Electrical Equipmentscs6Compulsoryyes
LTVMPower Converter Techniquecs6Compulsoryyes
LDJZDiagnostics and Electrical Equipments Protectionscs6Optional specialized1yes
LASAEnglish for Northern Americacs3General knowledgeno
XCA1CISCO Academy 1 - CCNAcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA3CISCO Academy 3 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA5CISCO Academy 5 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XMW1Microsoft Windows Desktop Systemscs5General knowledgeyes
XMW3Microsoft Windows Network Technologiescs5General knowledgeno
LDREDifferential Equations in Electrical Engineeringcs5Theoretical subject1yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LERPElectrical Controlled Drivescs6Compulsoryyes
LLSPLaboratory of Electrical Machines and Apparaturescs5Compulsoryyes
LPELIndustrial Electronicscs5Compulsoryyes
LNVMPower Converter Designcs6Optional specialized1yes
LASAEnglish for Northern Americacs3General knowledgeno
XCA2CISCO Academy 2 - CCNAcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA4CISCO Academy 4 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XMW4Microsoft Enterprise Solutionscs5General knowledgeno
XMW5Programming .NET and C#cs5General knowledgeyes
XMW2Microsoft Windows Server Systemscs5General knowledgeyes
LMNMModern Numerical Methodscs5Theoretical subject1yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LJN2German for Lower-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
LJN1German for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
LJR2Russian Pre-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
LJR1Russian for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
LJS2Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Studentscs6General knowledgeno
LJS1Spanish for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
LEFEEnglish for Lifecs, en4General knowledge1yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LM2SSemestral Thesis 2cs2Compulsoryyes
LSPOAC Drivescs6Compulsoryyes
LARPAdaptive and Optimal Control of Drivescs6Optional specialized1yes
LMRPMicrocomputer Control of Electrical Drivescs6Optional specialized1yes
LREPControl Elements in Electrical Drivescs6Optional specialized1yes
LSESProduction of Electrical Machinescs6Optional specialized1yes
LASAEnglish for Northern Americacs3General knowledgeno
XCA1CISCO Academy 1 - CCNAcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA3CISCO Academy 3 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA5CISCO Academy 5 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XMW1Microsoft Windows Desktop Systemscs5General knowledgeyes
XMW3Microsoft Windows Network Technologiescs5General knowledgeno
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LMSSDiploma Thesiscs30Compulsoryyes
LASAEnglish for Northern Americacs3General knowledgeno
XCA2CISCO Academy 2 - CCNAcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA4CISCO Academy 4 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XMW4Microsoft Enterprise Solutionscs5General knowledgeno
XMW5Programming .NET and C#cs5General knowledgeyes
XMW2Microsoft Windows Server Systemscs5General knowledgeyes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
LEFEEnglish for Lifecs, en4General knowledgeyes
LJN2German for Lower-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
LJN1German for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
LJR2Russian Pre-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
LJR1Russian for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
LJS2Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Studentscs6General knowledgeno
LJS1Spanish for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses