Branch Details

Art in the Public Space and Art Management

Original title in Czech: Umění ve veřejném prostoru a umělecký provozFaVUAbbreviation: Acad. year: 2009/2010Specialisation: Art in the Public Space and Art Management

Programme: Fine Arts

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 22.5.2006Accredited until: 1.3.2018


The students will learn about the problematics of art in the public sphere and about the art world. Theoretical knowledge will provide the student with elementary orientation in the problematics and will be deepened in relevant disciplines according to the students' individual needs.

Key learning outcomes

The students will learn about the issues of art in the public environment, about its social and aesthetic function, about the importance of various political contexts, and the various sociological aspects.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. .


    Tutor: Ambrůz Jan, prof. akad. soch.

  2. .


    Tutor: Kocman Jiří Hynek, doc. MVDr.

  3. .


    Tutor: Kocman Jiří Hynek, doc. MVDr.

  4. .


    Tutor: Kvíčala Petr, prof. MgA.

  5. .


    Tutor: Ruller Tomáš, prof. akad. soch.

  6. .


    Tutor: Sedlák Jan, prof. PhDr., CSc.

  7. Contemporary discourse in public space


    Tutor: Stratil Václav, doc., Prom. Ped.

  8. Development international co-operation

    Tutor: Gabriel Michal, prof. akad. soch.

  9. Environmental concept in public space

    The area of research is based on the need to reflect the specificity of environmental concepts in public space. The research is interdisciplinary, it employs urbanism, sociology, ecology, street art and its further manifestation in land art or eco-art. The outcome of the dissertation will be both theoretical and practical, will be presented in public as a possible realization of an artwork.

    Tutor: Palla Marian, doc. MgA.

  10. Imaginary communication


    Tutor: Preková Jana, doc. Mgr.

  11. Public Space and Imagination

    The aim of the topic is to explore the relationship between visual art in public space (including architecture) and human (social) psychology - imagination. The research will draw upon findings from various humanities, especially from psychology, history, and art history. The dissertation will look at the semantics, principles, ways, transfers, and relations in which public space and art within it defines and reflects the "inner space" of people and society. The outcome of the dissertation will consist of paintings and theoretical work.

    Tutor: Mainer Martin, prof. akad. malíř

  12. Strategies of Presentation


    Tutor: Ruller Tomáš, prof. akad. soch.

  13. The Body as Public Space

    This thematic area is devoted to basic contexts in which the human body works as a part of public space. The body is an instrument and object of various manipulations: aesthetic, political, social, historical, and economical. The theoretical part of the dissertation aims at deciphering historical context of understanding the body as public space, follow the formation and disappearance of body canons of various groups and cultures. It will also focus on the problematic of media manipulation and the change of human body into icon. The postgraduate student will draw information from and collaborate with other disciplines: social sciences, psychology, aesthetic surgery, and other areas which enable research via artwork and vice versa. The practical artistic outcome will materialize the state in which the intimate becomes the public.

    Tutor: Preková Jana, doc. Mgr.

  14. The Mystery of Identity in Contemporary Art

    This topic is considered to be the essential one in the sense of identifying the experience of self-reflection in relation to the flow of public information. Not every piece of information is a taken-for-granted currency; not in public or in personal sense. The dissertation will attempt at disclosing these secrets. I hope it will bring forth a number of questions and answers for discussion.

    Tutor: Stratil Václav, doc., Prom. Ped.

  15. Tutor: Rais Karel, prof. Ing., CSc., MBA, dr. h. c.

  16. Tutor: Ruller Tomáš, prof. akad. soch.

  17. Tutor: Sedlák Jan, prof. PhDr., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
3MVP-ZResearch Methodologies - wintercs0CompulsoryCrP - 13yes
3SPD-ZForeign Langugage for Doctoral Studies - wintercs0CompulsoryCrP - 13 / P - 13yes
3ZPO-ZElements of business - wintercs0CompulsoryDrExP - 13yes
3HOB-ZBorder Territories of Visual Art - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 26 / P - 26yes
3IPE-ZThe Linear Perspective Iconographies - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3MRA-ZPainting in Architecture - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3MaM-ZMarketing and Management of Art - Wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3MUPT-ZThe Opportunities for Realizing Art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3NVP-ZContemporary Interpretation Aproaches to an Artwork - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 27 / P - 27 / S - 54 / S - 54yes
3OALA-ZInstitutions and People - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3PARS-ZParadoxes of the Contemporary Art Systems - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 13 / P - 13yes
3PUBA-ZPublic art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3SART-ZStreet Art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3UVP-ZArt in Public Space and in Architecture - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3UOB-ZThe Art of the Object - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3TRA-ZArt in Public Space - Neoconceptual Strategies - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3VUM-ZArt and the City - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 13 / P - 13yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
3MPV-LResearch Methodologies - summercs0CompulsoryDrExP - 13yes
3SPD-LForeign Langugage for Doctoral Studies - summercs0CompulsoryDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3ZPO-ZElements of business - summercs0CompulsoryDrExP - 13yes
3HOB-LBorder Territories of Visual Art - summercs0ElectiveDrExP - 26 / P - 26yes
3IPE-ZThe Linear Perspective Iconographies - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13yes
3MRA-ZPainting in Architecture - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13yes
3MaM-ZMarketing and Management of Art - Wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13yes
3MUPT-ZThe Opportunities for Realizing Art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13no
3NVP-LContemporary Interpretation Aproaches to an Artwork - summercs0ElectiveDrExP - 26 / P - 26yes
3OALA-ZInstitutions and People - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13yes
3PUBA-ZPublic art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13no
3SART-ZStreet Art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13no
3UVP-ZArt in Public Space and in Architecture - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13no
3UOB-ZThe Art of the Object - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13yes
3TRA-ZArt in Public Space - Neoconceptual Strategies - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13no
3VUM-LArt and the City - summercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
3SPD-ZForeign Langugage for Doctoral Studies - wintercs0CompulsoryCrP - 13 / P - 13yes
3TSVU-ZContemporary Art Theory - wintercs0CompulsoryCrP - 13yes
3HOB-ZBorder Territories of Visual Art - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 26 / P - 26yes
3IPE-ZThe Linear Perspective Iconographies - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3MRA-ZPainting in Architecture - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3MaM-ZMarketing and Management of Art - Wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3MUPT-ZThe Opportunities for Realizing Art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3NVP-ZContemporary Interpretation Aproaches to an Artwork - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 27 / P - 27 / S - 54 / S - 54yes
3OALA-ZInstitutions and People - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3PARS-ZParadoxes of the Contemporary Art Systems - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 13 / P - 13yes
3PUBA-ZPublic art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3SART-ZStreet Art - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3UVP-ZArt in Public Space and in Architecture - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3UOB-ZThe Art of the Object - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3TRA-ZArt in Public Space - Neoconceptual Strategies - wintercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13no
3VUM-ZArt and the City - wintercs0ElectiveCrP - 13 / P - 13yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
3SPD-LForeign Langugage for Doctoral Studies - summercs0CompulsoryDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes
3TSVU-LContemporary Art Theory - summercs0CompulsoryDrExP - 13yes
3HOB-LBorder Territories of Visual Art - summercs0ElectiveDrExP - 26 / P - 26yes
3NVP-LContemporary Interpretation Aproaches to an Artwork - summercs0ElectiveDrExP - 26 / P - 26yes
3VUM-LArt and the City - summercs0ElectiveDrExP - 13 / P - 13yes