Branch Details

Technical Chemistry

Original title in Czech: Technická chemieFCHAbbreviation: BPCO_TCHAcad. year: 2009/2010

Programme: Chemistry and Chemical Technologies

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 26.4.2006Accredited until: 20.7.2011


Bachelor study branch "Technical Chemistry" is designed so as the graduates could acquire necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills for supervision and evaluation of basic parameters of chemical technologies in material, consumer and foodstuff industries concerning environmental protection and control. Graduates are supposed to control traditional production processes in chemical, pharmaceutical, foodstuff industries, to work in supervisory, designing and developmental laboratories and in institutions for environmental protection and planning.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BCV_AOD2English for Special Purposes IIcs4CompulsoryExKK - 26 / Cj - 26yes
BAA_CHI1Chemical Engineering Ien5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
BCT_CHL3Legislation in Chemistry IIIcs1CompulsoryCrP - 13yes
BCA_CHI1Chemical Engineering Ics5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / KK - 65 / C1 - 26yes
BCA_CHI1_PLaboratory Classes in Chemical Engineeringcs2CompulsoryGCrL - 26yes
BCT_BIOBiologycs3Compulsory-optionalExP - 261yes
BCT_FYZ2Physics IIcs4Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / KK - 52 / C1 - 261yes
BCT_MAT2Mathematics IIcs4Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / KK - 65 / C1 - 261yes
BCT_EMTMeasuring Techniquecs4Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 261yes
BCO_TOZPChemistry and Technology of Environmental Protectioncs4Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / KK - 392yes
BCO_CTSChemistry and Technology of Consumer Industry. cs5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / KK - 52 / C1 - 132yes
BCO_TNOTechnologies of Waste Treatmentcs3Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 262yes
BCV_DCJ2Second Language IIcs0ElectiveCrCj - 26yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BCO_BAPBachelor Thesiscs12CompulsoryCrKK - 156 / SL - 156yes
BAA_CHI2Chemical Engineering IIen5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
BCA_CHI2Chemical Engineering IIcs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / KK - 65 / C1 - 26yes
BCA_CHI2_PLaboratory Classes in Chemical Engineeringcs2CompulsoryGCrKK - 26 / L - 26yes
BCO_MCH_PLaboratory Classes in Macromolecular Chemistrycs3CompulsoryCrKK - 52 / L - 52yes
BCA_ISOSystem of Quality Assurance and ISO Standardscs2Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 13 / KK - 26 / C1 - 131yes
BCO_CHPChemistry and Technology of Polymer Materialscs4Compulsory-optionalExP - 262yes
BCO_CSM1Chemistry and Technology of Silicate Materials Ics4Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / KK - 65 / - 392yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
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