Branch Details

Physical and Materials Engineering

Original title in Czech: Fyzikální a materiálové inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: D-FMIAcad. year: 2009/2010Specialisation: Materials Engineering

Programme: Physical and Materials Engineering

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.3.2016


The curriculum concentrates on the comprehensive study of materials properties and failure processes from the point of view of physics and physical metallurgy. Students should develop capability to apply their knowledge in inventive manner to new technologies and materials, such as plasma spraying, special methods of thermo-mechanical and thermo-chemical treatment, etc. Special attention is paid to the degradation processes and to the synergetic effects of various materials properties on material failure. The subjects of study are metallic and non-metallic materials, e.g., structural ceramics, polymers, amorphous and nanocrystalline materials and intermetallics.
The Ph.D. programme requires proficiency in mathematics and physics at the MSc. degree level obtained from Faculty of Science or Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Advanced heterostructured ceramic materials

    The first objective of the thesis is the study of layered ceramic oxide materials with perovskite or fluorite structures, prepared by electrophoretic deposition, spin casting or spray coating methods. The study of structure-morphology-complex physical and electrochemical properties relationships of heterostructured ceramic composites is important second objective.

    Tutor: Cihlář Jaroslav, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  2. Cyclic plasticity and dislocation arrangement of advanced multiphase materials for high-temperature applications

    The aim of the theme is to obtain new knowledge on the mechanisms of cyclic plastic strain and fatigue lives in advanced -based TiAl intermetallic alloys possibly nickel based superalloys. Primary interest lies in a complex evaluation of internal and effective stress according to the statistical theory of hysteresis loop, dislocation arrangements and surface relief observations of cyclically strained TiAl alloys with different structures and superalloys at room and elevated temperatures. The obtained results will be contribute to the understanding of mechanisms of cyclic plasticity and fatigue damage at elevated temperatures of modern materials which is considerable for the assessment of fatigue life of engineering components as gas turbines and jet engines.

    Tutor: Petrenec Martin, Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Development of long fibre composites with pyrolyzed resin matrix predetermined for high temperature applications

    Development of new composite materials with matrix formed by pyrolyzed polysiloxan resin matrix reinforced by long ceramic Al2O3 and/or SiC fibres. Evaluation of matrix properties and optimisation of composite properties with respect to long term resistance to high temperature and mechanical loading. Technique of microdeformation field imaging by contactless 3D methods will be applied for analyses of deformation fields, necessary for numerical modelling of optimal configuration of fiber-matrix interface. Interpretation of results obtained including investigation of micromechanisms of failures in the material investigated. Laboratories of Institute of Physics of Materials and in collaboration within the running project also laboratories of Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry and Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics will be available for the work.

    Tutor: Dlouhý Ivo, prof. Ing., CSc.

  4. Fracture mechnics of steels and weldments made from steels Eurofer and ODS Eurofer

    Steel of the type 9Cr-1W(V-Ta) - Eurofer´97, and its PM alternative reinforced by dispersion of oxide nanoparticles (ODS Eurofer) are predetermined as basic structural materials for fusion reactor power station. In the frame of development and fabrication of key components from these steels it is necessary to solve (i) transferability problems of fracture mechanical characteristics from subsized specimens to fulsized components, (ii) evaluation of fracture behaviour of weld joints carried out by electron beam, laser beam, difusion bonding etc. including their thermal ageing and (iii) optimisation of anealing treatment after application of different technological steps from the point of view of final properties. The program will be carried out nad may be affected by actual needs of Euratom projects and collaborating parties, in particular with France and Germany. It is also possible to adjust effort to PhD student interests.

    Tutor: Dlouhý Ivo, prof. Ing., CSc.

  5. Influence of degradation processes focuses on the structure and properties of chosen cast magnesium alloys.

    The PhD. Theme focuses on structure study and properties of chosen magnesium alloys after the use of fatigue loading, nb. corrosion and high-speed deformation.

    Tutor: Podrábský Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  6. Mechanical response and fracture of functionally gradient laminates (composites)

    Experimental methods of fracture toughness evaluation of composite materials arising from ceramic laminates. Suggestion of suitable sample geometry for tests of interface strength, development of reproducible test methodology including results interpretation. Comparisons of flexural strength and fracture mechanics parameters for selected experimental materials, functionally gradient structural ceramics and advanced laminates with ceramic and composite layers. Modelling of fracture behaviour and fracture trajectory, model verification, design of mechanically optimised composite. Collaboration with Materials Science Centre Leoben is supposed.

    Tutor: Chlup Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Shaping of ceramic nanoparticles by colloidal approaches

    The subject of the PhD study is focused on shaping and compaction of nanoceramic oxide particles. The main task of the student will contain a study of bulk ceramics processing using ceramic particles with size below 100 nm via wet shaping methods. The research will concern primarily with methods of direct consolidation of ceramic particles. A common difficulty of all these methods lies in the preparation of a stable concentrated suspension of nanoparticles with appropriate viscosity. The solution of the problem assumes understanding and utilization of colloidal chemistry and rheology of ceramic suspensions.

    Tutor: Trunec Martin, prof. Ing., Dr.

  8. Sintering of advanced ceramic materials

    The subject of the PhD study is focused on processing of bulk (resp. layered) advanced ceramic materials from ceramic particles with size mostly below 100 nm. The main focus of the work will be the study and optimization of a sintering process with the final aim of preparation of non-defect and dense ceramic bodies without excessive grain growth. To fulfil this objective, the description of the influence of previous technological steps (powder synthesis and properties, their consolidation and shaping) on the sintering process will be required. With appropriate choice of materials (single and mutiphase ceramics, cermets,…) and technologies, the bodies with unique mechanical, optical, biological or electrical (or with their appropriate combinations) could be prepared.

    Tutor: Maca Karel, prof. RNDr., Dr.

  9. Slip localization in cyclic straining of crystalline materials

    The localization of the cyclic plastic strain in persistent slip bands (PSBs) is the typical and very important feature in fatigue damage process of crystalline materials leading to surface relief evolution and subsequently to transcrystalline fatigue crack initiation. The aim of the study will be examination of the PSB slip activity in half- and full loading cycle within individual grains of a polycrystal and its evolution during fatigue life. High-resolution techniques – scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) simultaneously with electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) method will be adopted. Early stages of evolution of dislocation structures of PSBs will be studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI). Experimental data on on the half- and full cycle slip activity as well as the local shear strain amplitudes and their distribution in PSBs will be obtained. Experimental results obtained advance our understanding of fundamental micromechanisms of fatigue crack initiation.

    Tutor: Man Jiří, Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Steel and weld joints degradation of Eurofer and ODS Eurofer steel predetermined for fusion reactor

    Steel of the type 9Cr-1W(V-Ta) - Eurofer´97, and its PM alternative reinforced by dispersion of oxide nanoparticles (ODS Eurofer) are predetermined as basic structural materials for fusion reactor power station. Increase of efficiency of this reactor on the level acceptable for power energy production is conditioned by increase of operational temperatures. Microstructural changes associated with carbide reactions, grain coarsening, grain boundary However, embrittlement by impurity atoms is taking place at the operational temperatures. Detailed investigation of fracture mechanisms of these steels in initial and aged state appears to be crucial for future applications. The topics investigated may be affected by actual needs of Euratom projects and collaborating parties, in particular with France and Germany.

    Tutor: Hadraba Hynek, Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Structural and mechanical stability of the protective layer on blades of turbine engines

    The aim of this Ph.D. thesis is to design the suitable type of the protective layer, which is deposited on the blades of stator and rotor integral turbine engines. The substrate is cast nickel-base superalloy Inconel 713LC. The work will be oriented to study of the protective layers after creep and fatique loading, corrosion and after real operation degradation in terms of structural analysis and measurement of properties.

    Tutor: Podrábský Tomáš, prof. Ing., CSc.

  12. Structural stability of austentic and ferritic steels joints

    Model calculations ( ThermoCalc, DICTRA ) and their experimental verification (light microscopy, SEM, EDS, WDS) on joints between corossion-resistant austenitic Cr-Ni steel and martensitic creep-resistant 9 % Cr steels type P91, P92 and EUROFER

    Tutor: Foret Rudolf, prof. Ing., CSc.

  13. Structure and Mechanical Properties Al Alloy AlZn4Mg


    Tutor: Věchet Stanislav, prof. Ing., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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