Branch Details

Real Estate Engineering

Original title in Czech: Realitní inženýrstvíÚSIAbbreviation: REIAcad. year: 2011/2012

Programme: Forensic Engineering

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 25.10.2007Accredited until: 30.10.2011


Education of graduates with wide specialized and practically oriented knowledge from the branch of care of real estate, juridical relations to immovable assets, insurance industry, bank industry, real estate services, administration of property and valuation of real estate. Graduates can work in companies dealing with property administration, real-estate or developer activity, in banks, insurance companies or in civil office in the field of property administration.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1SAEPCorporate economicscs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1RAKNCadastrecs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26no
1SAOPCivil Lawcs4CompulsoryExP - 39yes
1SAOMCommon Methodology of the Forensic Engineeringcs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
1SAOBBusiness Lawcs3CompulsoryCrP - 26yes
1RAPSBuilding Construction and Construction Physicscs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 26yes
1SASPAdministrative Lawcs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
1RASTConstruction Liencs3CompulsoryGCrP - 26yes
1RATOTheory of real estate evaluationcs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 13yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1RBBABanking Systemcs3CompulsoryGCrP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1SBFRFinancial management and Investmentcs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
1RBISEngineering Network and Traffic Infrastructurecs3CompulsoryExP - 39yes
1RBMAMarkettingcs3CompulsoryCrP - 26 / P - 26yes
1RBRKReal Estate Agencies and Real Estate Marketscs3CompulsoryGCrP - 26yes
1RBSOPresent legal rules for evaluation of propertycs4CompulsoryGCrP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1RBTZBuilding Servicescs4CompulsoryExP - 39yes
1SBTPCriminal Lawcs2CompulsoryCrP - 26yes
1SBUCAccountancycs4CompulsoryGCrP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1RCCVPrices in Construction and Developmentcs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 39yes
1RCDSDiploma Seminarcs2CompulsoryGCrK - 26yes
1RDOPEvaluation according to Former Legal Rulescs3CompulsoryCrP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1SCPMCorporate Managementcs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1SCPDIntellectual Property Rightcs2CompulsoryCrP - 13yes
1SCPZTrade Law and Industrial Lawcs4CompulsoryExP - 39yes
1RCSNEstate Managementcs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
1RCTPBuilding Development Technologycs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
1RCOMIntroduction to Evaluation of Movable Property and Companiescs2CompulsoryCrP - 26yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1RDDPDiploma Papercs4CompulsoryGCrS - 52yes
1RDFEForensic Ecotechnics, Forest and Wood Speciescs4CompulsoryCrP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1RAKNCadastrecs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1RBMAMarkettingcs3CompulsoryCrP - 26 / P - 26yes
1RDPOFire Protection and Fire Safety of Buildingscs3CompulsoryGCrP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
1RDPRBuilding Construction Preparation and Process Controlcs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
1RDSSPublic Government and Self-Governmentcs3CompulsoryGCrP - 26yes
1RDVPFailures and Breakdowns of Buildingscs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1SDAJEnglish languagecs2Compulsory-optionalEx1yes
1SDNJGerman cs2Compulsory-optionalEx1yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
1 min. 1 1SDAJ, 1SDNJ