Branch Details
Applied Mechanics
Original title in Czech: Inženýrská mechanikaFSIAbbreviation: D-IMEAcad. year: 2011/2012
Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering
Length of Study: 4 years
Accredited from: Accredited until: 31.12.2012
The Ph.D. study focuses on the following fields of mechanics:
· Mechanics of solids. Theory of modelling mechanical systems, constitutive material relations with emphasis on non-linear behaviour, limit state conditions of materials and structures, mechanics of composites, biomechanics, analysis of stress, deformation and dynamic behaviour of selected groups of bodies (including composite bodies), inverse problems of mechanics of rigid bodies, modelling of stress and deformation in selected technological processes (forming), theory of experiments in interactive driving and mechatronic systems, dynamic of vehicles and of machinery, solution of selected problems in vibroacoustics.
· Mechanics of liquides and gases. Flow theory of compressible and incompressible fluids. Flow of gases and vapours. Nonstacionary flow and impact. Orientation on the flow in hydralic machines and heat engines.
· Thermomechanics. Theory of heat and substance transfer. Application of interferometry and other modern experimental methods. Thermodynamic problems of metallurgy and foundry technologies and heat treatment. Applications in the field of design of thermal power-generating machines. Inverse problems of heat transfer.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
- Analysis of the fiber composite material structure on the damping properties.
A very limititg factor on the contemporary design of the powerful mashining centres is the mechanical damping at the active elements. This is a reason for the application of the composite materials exhibitig one order better damping properties compared with the classic metalic materials. The main goal of the work is the analysis of the proper composite materials and the computational as well as experimental verification of the damping characteristics of the composite materials of different shapes and structures. The finite element method (FEM) computational analysis will be used for the computational verification, namely the FEM program system ANSYS, resp. ABAQUS, resp. NASTRAN.
- Anorganic polymer units for heat exchangers in high temperatures
Anorganic polymer units for heat exchangers in high temperatures
- Application of generalized linear elastic fracture mechanics on composite bodies
Advanced structures are often created by composite materials with interfaces, which can influence their service lifetime. As an example can be introduced e.g. multilayered polymer composites applied as water or gas pressure pipes or layered ceramics. The aim of thesis is determination of interface influence in layered materials on their failure conditions, crack propagation and eventually residual fatigue lifetime. PhD student will contribute to develop of suitable procedure for determination of interface influence on lifetime of composites. For necessary numerical calculations FEM system Ansys and mathematical software Matlab will be used.
- Computational simulation of mechanical tests with isolated animal cells
This actual topic aims at computational modelling of stress strain states induced in the smooth muscle cells during their mechanical testing, on the basis of published experimental results. The computational model used here represents the inner structure of the cell (nucleus, cytoplasm, membrane, cytoskeleton) and should be used in identification of constitutive parameters of the individual components on the basis of results of mechanical tests with cells. The model will then be used for estimation of stress-strain states in the vascular wall. The changes of stress-strain states of the vascular smooth muscle cells influence pathophysiological or biochemical processes in the wall; therefore knowledge on these states can constribute to understanding of the principles of atherosclerotic and remodelation processes in the vascular wall.
- Computational simulation of metal scrap processing
Aim of the study will be the development of reliable computational model of metal scrap processing, namely the baling nad shearing stage of the process. The model should take into account typical statistical distribution of dimensional, shape and stiffness characteristics of scrap material. Simulation will be based on theory of large plastic deformation of material with multibody contacts and ductile fracture criteria. Theoretical results will be experimentally verified in cooperation with the ZDAS company, which is the Czech producer of metal scrap processing equipment. Developed models will be applied to optimize baling and shearing stages of scrap material processing and to design new generation of metal scrap machines with improved kinematics, stiffness and drive systems.
- Computational Simulation of rolling processes with usage of experimental data.
The areas with the material forming and intensive heat transfer are critical for the quality and cost effectiveness of hot rolling and cold rolling. These areas are rolling gap and cooling section. Numerical simulation allows a detailed knowledge of the processes and their optimization. The goal is to develop a numerical model of rolling processes and its verification with the measured data obtained using thermal and force sensors developed in the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory. The task is continuation of the previous activities when the sensors were developed and measurements were doing in laboratory and industrial conditions. A further experiments and a current development of the numerical model are supposed. The results are immediately applicable in practice.
- Constitutive models of fibre composites with elastomer matrix
The problems of mechanics of hyperelastic materials are motivated by the need of stress-strain analyses and subsequent assessment of reliability of tyres. The objective is to increase the credibility of computational modelling of stress-strain states in steel-rubber composites, which differ from other composites by their large deformations and several orders differences between elastic moduli of the matrix and fibres. The matrix behaviour is described by using hyperelastic isotropic models but description of the composite by a single constitutive model is necessary for modelling of more complex bodies. Actually used constitutive models of hyperelastic composites (Spencer, Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden) give results differing substantially from experiments for these composites. The aim is to try to formulate some new constitutive models of these materials, based e.g. on Cosserat theory of elasticity, homogenization and average-field theories, as well as experimental methods of how to determine their material parameters.
- Description of failure of the multilayer polymer structure
The advanced polymer structures contain material interfaces, which can influence its final lifetime. Important topic of the research is than study changes of the crack behaviour due to material nonhomogeneity. Therefore, general goal of the project lies in the development and suggestion of reliable techniques for estimation of a residual life time of multilayer polymeric structures. Slow crack growth, which can be described by the corresponding fracture mechanics parameters, plays an important part in this estimation. In the case of viscoelastic polymer materials the current methodology will be developed. The correlation between the experimental data and results of relevant numerical model will be presented. The results enable to estimate material's composition with respect to the optimal mechanical properties of multilayer structure.
- Design and testing of control unit of aircraft engine
The work will be focused on research and development of FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control). The use of automatically generated C code is assumed based on tools Matlab/Simulink (RT Workshop, RTW Embedded Coder, Polyspace). The language TLC will be used for the code adaptation. The testing of implemented algorithms will be carried out also using HIL simulation. The dSPACE hardware will be used including FPGA emulation of time critical parts of application (e.g. simulation of sensors). The work will be closely coordinate with industrial partner (UNIS).
- Design of heat exchangers with hollow fibers
Design of heat exchangers with hollow fibers
- Design of plastic heat exchangers for polluted environment
Design of plastic heat exchangers for polluted environment
- Improvement of diagnostics and therapy of aortic aneurysms using computational modelling
This actual topic aims at computational and experimental modelling of the pressure wave propagation in human arteries, especially in aorta. Interaction of the blood (approx. Newtonean fluid) with the arterial wall (showing large strain non-linear elastic anisotropic behaviour as a consequence of the non-homogeneous complex inner structure) will be approached as a fluid-structure interaction problem. Behaviour of pathological arteries differs from that of healthy ones because of the changes of their geometrical and material parameters. These changes express themselves, especially in the case of aortic aneyurysms, by changes in the shape and velocity of the pressure wave propagation. The aim is to create computational models simulating these changes and to bid for their use in non-invasive diagnostics of aortic aneurysms or for the quality improvement of the computational models used for assessment of their rupture risk by increasing the level of input data and comprehending other substanfial factors.
- Information unit with haptic interface for visually impaired.
The main subject of the thesis is the design of a modular device intended as a sensory interface for visually impaired patients. Processed data are handed over preferably by a haptic output, thereby leaving the primary sensor of visually handicapped - the hearing - unburdened. The basis of the work is the development of sensory, control and interaction subsystems that gain information about the environment and provide them to the patient using haptic interface. Processed data types can range from GPS location estimate fused with a map, landmark features extracted using computer vision, obstacle proximity information etc. The haptic output can be implemented as the classical Braille display or a custom application-specific device.
- In-line methods for heat treatment of rolled steel
The aim is to develop the methods of continuous heat treatment of hot rolled materials to reach specified structure and mechanical characteristics. This theme demands a considerable scope of the study of mathematical methods, as well as experimental work applied in thermo mechanics. This interdisciplinary theme is focused on the theory of experiment, measuring methods, scanning and recording of parameters and technological process controlling. The Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory supports the problem solution with its laboratory facilities. The study is linked with the research projects related to spray cooling. The participation in the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic/GAČR projects, which are oriented to the experimental research of hot processes, is also expected.
- Inverse task for finding of mechanical and thermal load based on artificial intelligence methods
- Methods of spatial and spectral characterization of thermal sources and characteristics of materials applied in car light technique.
The aim of the work is to provide design and subsequent realization of experimental measurements focused on thermal characteristics of the following materials: semipermeable surfaces (absorbability, emissivity, reflectance of radiation), permeable surfaces (absorbability, diffusion, emissivity of radiation), plastic materials, metal materials and sources of radiation dependent on a wavelength. Cooperation with Škoda Auto Company has been arranged for a direct design application (temperature dimensioning) and a structure of front and back lights of private cars.
- Modelling of aircraft engine for hardware-in-the-loop simulation
The work will be focused on research and development of simulation model of aircraft engine and its adaptation for HIL simulation. Modeling will be based on physical laws knowledge as well as on measured data (gray box vs. black box approach). The work in Matlab/Simulink/dSPACE (modular dSPACE HW) or alternatively NI LabVIEW (PXI) environment is supposed. The work will be closely coordinate with industrial partner (UNIS).
- Stress, strain an safety analysis at the connection of the composite and metalic part of the hybrid construction with a goal of structural opimization.
The development of the modern powerful machininig centres leads to the substitution of selected metalic (steel) machine parts by the components made of fiber composite materials. In the case of driving components (shafts) the hybrid composite-metalic structure with metalic ends is necessary, because of high contact pressures and friction arising by the force transmission f.e. in toothgears. The aim of the work is to perform the comparative stress, strain and strength analysis of the contemporary technology of the sticking connection, the simpler technologies of the bound connection as well as the shape connection, to select the best technology and to do a structure optimization for it.
- The influence of the impact loading velocity on the stress state, stiffness and reliability of the car safety frame.
Racing cars safety frames have to fulfile the strict stiffness and deformation conditions, verified under high static loading in accordance with international regulations. In the case of real accidents the fast impact loading occures, connected with stress waves propagation and different stress and strain field. The goal of the work is to analyse the resistance and safety of the staticaly verified frame in the cases of real accidents under high impact velocities. The Finite Element Method (FEM) computational modeling making use of the FEM code ANSYS (LS DYNA) or ABAQUS resp. NASTRAN will be utilized for the problem solution, connected with the proper experimental verification. An important part of the work will be also the selection of the adequate strength condition under fast (impact) loading and its eventual modification.
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Study plan wasn't generated yet for this year.