Branch Details

Design and Process Engineering

Original title in Czech: Konstrukční a procesní inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: D-KPIAcad. year: 2011/2012Specialisation: Machines and Eqiupments

Programme: Machines and Equipment

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.3.2016


Design and Process Engineering
· Designing, construction, calculation, technology of manufacturing, technical preparation of manufacturing including assembly and testing,
· Thermal and nuclear power plant devices such as steam and combustion turbines, steam generators, steam power plants and heating plants including nuclear power stations, industrial power engineering and their environmental aspects,
· Water turbines, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pumps, piping systems, hydroelectric power plants, and pumping stations,
· Machinary and devices for chemical industry, food-stuff industry, and biotechnological treatment lines,
· Construction, modelling and theoretical studies of machines and devices for cutting, forming machines, industrial robots, and manipulators,
· Machine parts and mechanisms, methodology of designing machine elements and working mechanisms of general application with consideration of stochastic qualities of inputs, including the application of special types of machines and devices,
· Cars, vans and lorries, buses, trailers, semi-trailers, and motorcycles,
· Combustion engines for all types of vehicle drives, simulation of combustion engine thermomechanical systems, dynamics of driving gear, engine accessories, ecology,
· Machines and devices for in-plant handling of material and handling between operations, for the mining and transport of building materials, for passenger conveyance in buildings,
· Aerodynamic calculation and designing, flight mechanics, fatigue and durability of aircraft constructions, aeroelasticity of aircraft,
· Quality of machine industry production.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Adaptove Force-Torque Control for Robots for Industrial Applications

    The theme is focused of development F&D dynamic adaptive force-torque control of industrial robots. The output deals with a general system that can be applied on various problems or aspect of engineering manufacturing.

    Tutor: Singule Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  2. Costs on production of machine tool prototype

    Determination of costs on production of machine tool prototype in phase of technical documentation preparation is problematic are in machine tools production. Especially in the case, that there have been variety of this prototype and has not been product by this company in this configuration. Resolution of this problem will be helpfull by machine tools prototype optimisation.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  3. Design diagnostics of CNC Machine Tools

    The target of this doctoral thesis is: - elaboration of the system approach at analysis of preparation and manufacture of special CNC machine tools. The system approach shall determine the method for preparation and manufacture of the future design; - application of the system approach to a particular example of industrial practice; - creation of algorithms which respect as well as influence the process, when searching the reason.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  4. Development of ecological mobile mechanism

    Ph.D. thesis will be fokused on methodological design and placement process in new conception of drives for mobile equipment with regard to status and behaviour prediction during operation.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  5. Drive of linear axes machine tools

    Drives sort selection for linear axes in machine tools is very complex problem. Not always can we use same drives sort for all machine tools types. This selection is depend on machine load and requirements.

    Tutor: Marek Jiří, prof. Dr. Ing., Ph.D., DBA, FEng.

  6. Impact of human factors on production facilities safety

    PhD thesis is focused on development of methodology for evaluating the impact of human factors on safety and production quality of complex production facilities and processes, from the perspective of their safe operation. Attention will be paid especially to ensuring the functional safety of industrial facilities and processes. Partial objectives include: - Identification of hazards arising from the expected behavior of the operators of complex production facilities and manufacturing processes, - Impact analysis of used technology on workplace ergonomics, - Development of methodology for evaluating the impact of human factors on safety of complex production facilities and processes.

    Tutor: Kotek Luboš, Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Improvement of reliability and effectiveness of production processes

    The objective of the PhD thesis will be to develop a methodology for improvement of reliability and effectiveness of production processes with regard to reduction of energy consumption, effective exploitation of natural resources and work safety assurance. The thesis will cover both the internal processes within a company,as described in the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standard series, and the production processes realized on machinery.

    Tutor: Blecha Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D., FEng.

  8. Simulation modeling and optimization of semi-active and active damping systems

    Dissertation thesis will be focused on analysis, simulation modelling and optimization of the semi-active and active damping systems in mechatronic applications. The damping methods present the interaction of SMART material with excited surroundings. The control of the material surroundings parameter (magnetic and electrical field, temperature etc.) provides change of properties of the damper. Dissipated energy inside damper can be used for energy harvesting. The semi-active damping system with energy harvesting will be analyzed. This system can be used for powering of mechatronic systems. Dissertation thesis decision procedure: - semi-active and active damping systems state-of-the-art analysis, - definition of the actual damping requirements for this mechatronics area, - simulation modelling of the damping systems, - new development of semi-active damper with energy harvesting system, - control development for harvesting of electrical energy, - parameters optimization of developed damping system, - verification of simulation model of developed system.

    Tutor: Singule Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

Study plan wasn't generated yet for this year.