Branch Details

Fine Art - Painting - free creation

Original title in Czech: Výtvarné umění - malířství - volná tvorbaFaVUAbbreviation: AM1Acad. year: 2013/2014Specialisation:

Programme: Fine Arts

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.12.2009


The master of arts is able to present, defend and accomplish the master´s studies programme which also includes a theoretic part. On the grounds of the ability to work with acquired information, he/she thinks themes of his/her studies over and finds the new ones. These actvities result in a theoretic part of the diploma work where the master of arts usually includes his/her practical studio activity in the wider context. In the practical part the master of arts achieves such an artistic level that enables him/her to independently exhibit and work on his/her further artisitc projects.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates of the MA program have thoroughly mastered the theory and technology of their field both in historical and contemporary contexts, including the most recent tendencies. Graduates of Painting I studio focus on traditional painting technologies which they are able to use for expressing new ideas and respond to the contemporary culture of images.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Graduates of the MA program have a thorough knowledge of the history and contemporary trends of their own discipline, they are able to find and carry out their own artistic issues and are able to present them independently at exhibitions and other artistic venues. FFA MA graduates are able to present their own ideas and formal concepts. The graduates are profiled according to their studio specialization.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
CPZZ-IPrinciples for the Master's State Examination I.cs2CompulsoryCrP - 26yes
M1M1-ZStudio Follow-up I - Painting 1 - wintercs18CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / S - 195yes
2U2000-ZArt after 2000 I (winter-term)cs3CompulsoryExP - 13 / S - 13yes
2AINV/M-ZEnglish Intermediate MA 1 - winteren3ElectiveExS - 52yes
2UPPV-M-ZEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 3 - MA - Winteren3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
ACHE20Architecture of the 20th centurycs3ElectiveExP - 26yes
2A1956Around 1956: the Culture of the Mid Fiftiesen3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
CPD-ZPhD.Students' Lectures - wintercs2ElectiveCrP - 13 / S - 13yes
DEDE2-ZHistory of Design II - wintercs3ElectiveExP - 26no
2NOIN-ZContemporary Interpretation Approaches in Artisic Practicecs3ElectiveExP - 26 / S - 13no
RFS-ZRole of Photography in Contemporary Art - wintercs3ElectiveExP - 26no
2USPThe art of coollaborationcs3ElectiveExP - 26 / P - 26yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
CPZZ-IIPrinciples for the Master's State Examination II.cs2CompulsoryCrP - 26yes
M1M1-LStudio Follow-up I - Painting 1 - summercs18CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / S - 195yes
TU-LTheory and Art in the 20th century Ics3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
2AINV/M-LEnglish Intermediate MA 2 - Summeren3ElectiveExS - 52yes
2UPPV-M-LEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 4 - MA - Summeren3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
2AU-LThe antropology of artcs3ElectiveExP - 54 / S - 27no
ACP-LArt, Commerce, Poweren3ElectiveExP - 13 / S - 13yes
2ACTArtists and Curators in Textsen3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
CPD-LPhD.Students' Lectures - summercs2ElectiveCrP - 13 / S - 13yes
DEDE2-LHistory of Design II - summercs3ElectiveExP - 26no
OK-LOn Curating. Theory and Practice.cs2ElectiveCrP - 13 / S - 13yes
RET-LRepresentation of the Body and Corporeality as an Antropological and Aesthetic Problem - summercs, sk3ElectiveGCrP - 26no
SYU-LSymbolism in Art - summersk3ElectiveExP - 26no
UA-LArt-architecturecs3ElectiveExP - 26yes
2U2000-LArt after 2000 (summer)cs2ElectiveCrS - 13yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DS-ZDiploma Seminar - wintercs2CompulsoryCrS - 26yes
M2M1-ZStudio Follow-up II - Painting 1 - wintercs10CompulsoryCrS - 260yes
SSZZMaster's State Examination Seminarcs5CompulsoryCrS - 13no
SZK-TDiploma Thesiscs, en20CompulsoryCr - 13yes
TU-ZTheory and Art in the 20th century IIcs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
2UPPV-M-ZEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 3 - MA - Winteren3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
2A1956Around 1956: the Culture of the Mid Fiftiesen3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
2USPThe art of coollaborationcs3ElectiveExP - 26 / P - 26yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
M2M1-LStudio Follow-up II - Painting 1 - summercs10CompulsoryCrS - 260yes
SZK-PPractical Diploma Project (magisterial cycle)cs, en20CompulsoryCr - 13yes
2UPPV-M-LEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 4 - MA - Summeren3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no
2ACTArtists and Curators in Textsen3ElectiveExS - 26 / S - 26no