Branch Details

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Original title in Czech: Fyzikální inženýrství a nanotechnologieFSIAbbreviation: B-FINAcad. year: 2013/2014

Programme: Applied Sciences in Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 31.12.2016


The absolvent of this study program obtains an education that allows him/her a further study on the fields of applied physics, metrology or material and technical sciences. Moreover, he/she will be able to apply his/her knowledge directly in the technical fields where expertise in physics and mathematics are required. The subject of the study program consist of the basic subjects of the mechanical engineering course extended by lessons devoted to physics, physical practice and mathematical modeling of different physical phenomenon in engineering task.
Jobs abound in small companies as well in large corporations that develop software, sell computer programs, and computers, design regulation and control systems.

Key learning outcomes

The absolvent of this study program obtains an education that allows him/her a further study on the fields of applied physics, metrology or material and technical sciences. Moreover, he/she will be able to apply his/her knowledge directly in the technical fields where expertise in physics and mathematics are required. The subject of the study program consist of the basic subjects of the mechanical engineering course extended by lessons devoted to physics, physical practice and mathematical modeling of different physical phenomenon in engineering task.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The graduate of this bachelor study programme is trained for the work in metrological laboratories and to participate on the experimental research, on the development of new instruments and devices, and in launching new technologies.
The specialization "Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology" is organized and its quality is guaranteed by the Institute of Physical Engineering. It is one of the three-years bachelor study programme "Applied Sciences in Engineering". The graduate can continue the study in the two-years MSc. specialization "Physical Engineering" of the study programme "Applied Sciences in Engineering" at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Brno, or in a MSc. studies at other University in Czech Republic or abroad.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1CHChemistrycs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
1INComputer Sciencecs4CompulsoryGCrP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
SA1Mathematical Analysis Ics7CompulsoryCr,ExP - 52 / C1 - 39yes
TF1General Physics I (Mechanics and Molecular Physics)cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
TUNIntroduction to Physical Engineering and Nanosciencescs2CompulsoryColP - 13 / C1 - 6 / CPP - 7yes
1KMachine Design Fundamentalscs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 13 / CPP - 26yes
TLAFundamentals of Linear Algebracs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
A3English 3en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26 / CPP - 13 / CPP - 13Englishyes
A5English 5en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26Englishyes
0FPProseminar in Physics Ics3Elective (voluntary)GCrC1 - 26yes
0PDProgramming in Delphics0Elective (voluntary)CrCPP - 39yes
0KDSelected Chapters from Descriptive Geometrycs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 26yes
0ZKSelected Chapters from Fundamentals of Designcs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 26yes
0KMSelected Chapters from Mathematicscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 26yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
TR1Physical Laboratory Ics3CompulsoryGCrC2b - 26yes
2IVInformation Knowledge - Information Literacycs1CompulsoryCrCPP - 13yes
SA2Mathematical Analysis IIcs7CompulsoryCr,ExP - 52 / C1 - 39yes
2NUNumerical Methodscs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 13 / CPP - 26yes
TF2General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
BUMIntroduction to Material Science and Engineeringcs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C2b - 26yes
A4English 4en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26 / CPP - 13 / CPP - 13Englishyes
A6English 6en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26Englishyes
TCHLaboratory Experiments on Chemistrycs3Compulsory-optionalGCrC2b - 262yes
2KMachine Designcs3Compulsory-optionalGCrCPP - 262yes
T1FComputer Physics Ics2Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 13 / CPP - 133yes
2PGComputer Graphicscs2Compulsory-optionalGCrCPP - 263yes
0FRProseminar in Physics IIcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrC1 - 26yes
0MVCalculus with MAPLEcs0Elective (voluntary)CrCPP - 26yes
TR0Results Disseminationcs0Elective (voluntary)CrCPP - 26yes
0F1Semestral Project Ics3Elective (voluntary)GCrCPP - 26yes
0MIPractical Materials Engineering on Industrial Artefactscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 8 / C1 - 3 / C2b - 12yes
0UMMaterials Engineering - Selected Topicscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 26yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
TR2Physical Laboratory IIcs4CompulsoryGCrC2b - 39yes
SA3Mathematical Analysis IIIcs7CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 39yes
TF3General Physics III (Vibrations, Waves and Optics)cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
3STStaticscs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 12 / CPP - 14yes
TMMTheoretical Mechanics and Continuum Mechanicscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
A3English 3en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26 / CPP - 13 / CPP - 13Englishyes
A5English 5en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26Englishyes
3CDCADcs2Compulsory-optionalCrCPP - 261yes
TOMOrganic and Macromolecular Chemistrycs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / CPP - 12 / C2b - 141yes
0FOProseminar in Physics IIIcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrC1 - 26yes
SG0Groups and Ringscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 26yes
T2FComputer Physics IIcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrP - 13 / CPP - 13yes
0F2Semestral Project IIcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrCPP - 26yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
TDEElectrodynamics and Special Theory of Relativitycs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
TR3Physical Laboratory IIIcs4CompulsoryGCrC2b - 39yes
4MMathematics IVcs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
TF4General Physics IV (Modern Physics)cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 22 / CPP - 4yes
T1KMathematics - Selected Topics Ics5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
A4English 4en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26 / CPP - 13 / CPP - 13Englishyes
A6English 6en0Compulsory-optionalCrCj - 26 / Cj - 26Englishyes
TSMChemical Structure Modelingcs2Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 13 / CPP - 261yes
4PPStrength of Materials Ics6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 52 / C1 - 12 / CPP - 141yes
TKCIntroduction to Design of Scientific Instruments and CADScs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13 / CPP - 261yes
0FQProseminar in Physics IVcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrC1 - 26yes
TK0Cryogenicscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 16 / P - 16 / C2b - 10 / C2b - 10yes
0F3Semestral Project IIIcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrCPP - 26yes
0SSStatistical Softwarecs0Elective (voluntary)CrCPP - 26yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
TTVVacuum Physics and Technologycs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 10 / CPP - 3yes
TQSQuantum and Statistical Physicscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 52 / C1 - 26yes
TPXPlanning and Evaluation of Experimentscs2CompulsoryGCrP - 13 / C1 - 13yes
T2KMathematics - Selected Topics IIcs4CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
TZOFundaments of Opticscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26 / C2b - 26yes
CKPMachine Design and Machine Elementscs5Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 26 / CPP - 261yes
TBIMolecular Biologycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 20 / C2b - 61yes
TP0Physical Principles of the Semiconductor Technologycs2Elective (voluntary)ColP - 39yes
0FSProseminar in Physics Vcs3Elective (voluntary)ColC1 - 26yes
0PMPractical Metallographycs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 13 / C2b - 26yes
0F4Semestral Project IVcs3Elective (voluntary)GCrCPP - 26yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
6BFBachelor Project (UFI)cs6CompulsoryCrVB - 78yes
TEFElectrical Engineering and Electronics in Physical Experimentcs3CompulsoryGCrP - 13 / C2b - 26yes
TPLSolid State Physicscs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
TPZ-APrinciples of Equipment for Physical Technologiesen3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 6 / CPP - 7yes
TBSBachelor Seminar (B-FIN)cs2CompulsoryCrC1 - 26yes
TSAdvanced Experimental Methods Ics3CompulsoryGCrC2b - 39yes
TZNFundamentals of Nanoscience cs3CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 10 / CPP - 3yes
TCSCAD Scs3Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 13 / CPP - 261yes
TMSMechanical Properties and Microstructure of Materialscs3Compulsory-optionalColP - 26 / C1 - 131yes
TNSTechnology of Low Dimensional Structurescs3Compulsory-optionalColP - 26 / C1 - 7 / CPP - 3 / C2b - 31yes
TFMFourier Methods in Optics and in Structure Analysiscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 13 / C1 - 26yes
TF0Physiological Opticscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 13yes
TK0Cryogenicscs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 16 / P - 16 / C2b - 10 / C2b - 10yes
6KPFinite Element Method and ANSYS Computational Codecs0Elective (voluntary)CrP - 26 / CPP - 26yes
3. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
5AZEnglish - Basic Examen6Compulsory-optionalExZ - 1Englishyes
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en6Compulsory-optionalExZ - 1Englishyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of ECTS credits Number of courses Courses
English is not being checked 1 A4, A6
English is not being checked 1 A3, A5
English is not being checked 1 A4, A6
English is not being checked 1 A3, A5
1 is not being checked 1 TCS, TMS, TNS
1 is not being checked 1 CKP, TBI
2 is not being checked 1 TCH, 2K
1 8 cr is not being checked 3CD (2 cr), TOM (6 cr), TSM (2 cr), 4PP (6 cr), TKC (6 cr)
English is not being checked 1 5AZ, 7AZ
3 is not being checked 1 T1F, 2PG