Branch Details


Original title in Czech: TeleinformatikaFEKTAbbreviation: PK-TLIAcad. year: 2013/2014

Programme: Electrical Engineering and Communication

Length of Study: 4 years


The aim of the studies is to prepare top-class scientific personalities that will be able to provide solution to challenging problems of science and technology in the field of information technologies in telecommunications. Another aim is to teach graduates the methods of scientific work, to make their knowledge of higher mathematics and physics more profound, and to furnish students with theoretical, experimental and practical knowledge from the field of teleinformatics.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates of doctoral studies in the field of teleinformatics are fit to work as scientific and research workers in the development, design and operation departments of research and development institutes, and telecommunications companies, where they can make full creative use of their knowledge and skills.
The graduate is capable of solving independently sophisticated problems of science and technology in the field of teleinformatics.
In view of the scope of his theoretical education the graduate is capable of adapting to practice requirements in both fundamental and applied research.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

This field of study focuses on the science education of doctoral students with profound theoretical foundations in converging communication and in formation technologies. The main part of the study includes course in theoretical informatics and telecommunication technology. In the area of teleinformatics the student has much knowledge of communication and information technologies, data transmissions and their security, inclusive of using and designing the related software. He is well versed in operating systems, computer languages, database systems, distributed applications and the like. He can cope with the algorithmization of tasks on a high level and can propose new technological solutions of telecommunication devices, information systems and support services.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Adaptive speech enhancement using sound intensive probe

    The studying of the properties of sound intensity probe, which is also used for localization of sound source, will be first step. The research of the adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) algorithm used in two-channel speech enhancement systems will be the next step. The purpose is to design and test a new adaptive algorithm, which partially utilizing the directional properties of the sound intensity probe for speech quality enhancement.

    Tutor: Sysel Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Automatic detection of wrong pronunciation

    The thesis will be focused on analyses of speech signal with wrong pronunciation and on automatic detection of wrong pronunciation in speech. An analysis of particular pronunciation defects and their influence on speech parameters will be part of the work.

    Tutor: Sysel Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Converged networks with limited bandwidth

    Converged networks with limited bandwidth require a research of alternatives of their increasing throughput. It is about the problems solution connected with broadband data transmission, which is in its part limited by narrower bandwidth, so-called problem of bottleneck. Come up with the solution possibilities and subsequently design, model and implement new system on NetCOPE platform. Think how the solutions based on QoS and also ones based on compression algorithms and their combinations. The knowledge of IP networks area, modelling in Matlab and Simulink, programming in languages VHDL or Verilog are supposed. You are supposed to compare your system with existing ones and specify its advantages.

    Tutor: Škorpil Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  4. Converters for mutual A/D and D/A conversions working in the current mode

    The work is focused on the design of A/D and D/A converters working in the current mode. The aim is to design a suitable structure of number-current and current-number converters without internal current-voltage and voltage-current conversions with respect to enhancing the bandwidth in comparison with converters working in the voltage mode. Part of the work is also the design and analysis of current-mode antialiasing filters. The design will start from unconventional circuit element structures such as current conveyors (CCI, CCII, CCIII) with simple or floating output, current feedback amplifiers (CFA) or transconductance amplifiers (OTA, BOTA, DBTA). Requirements to be met by the candidate: the knowledge of circuit theory and simulation programs (MicroCap, PSpice).

    Tutor: Lattenberg Ivo, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Design of Modern IP Sophisticated Telematic Systems in Transport

    Telematic systems are particularly common in transport. Research into telematic systems based on the Internet protocol will be focused on the design of sophisticated, i.e. well-considered, formally well-developed and complicated methods that use IP systems in various areas. Surveillance and protection systems, systems of paying the fare, information systems and interactive applications, etc. are supposed in particular. Localization by GPS, vehicle diagnostics, and vehicle monitoring on ortho-maps in real situations are in the focus. Sophisticated telematic systems will be software simulated, optimized and subsequently hardware realized in the form of functional specimens.

    Tutor: Škorpil Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  6. Feature analysis of current-mode electronic frequency filters

    The work is focused on the feature analysis of current-mode electronic frequency filters. The aim is to design algoritmizable methods that lead to finding features of filters generally defined by the schematic. It will be necessary to evaluate the available feature ranges, e.g. quality, pass-band current transfer, dynamic range within a defined supply voltage, sensitivity, etc. In the case of finding the quality range, the point is to find the extremes of a multi-variable non-linear function. Mathematical tools (e.g. Maple or MathCAD) will first be used for this purpose; afterwards the algorithm itself will be designed. Requirements to be met by the candidate: algorithm thinking, the knowledge of computer programming and circuit theory.

    Tutor: Lattenberg Ivo, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Modern Methods of Sound Field Analysis and Synthesis

    The work will be focused on the research of sound field rendering in horizontal plane and 3D space using the wavefield synthesis, ambisonics, SIRR (Spatial Impulse Response Rendering) and DirAC (Directional Audio Coding) and on their practical aspects (real reproduction devices). Part of the solution will be comparison of these methods regarding reproduction fidelity, computing demands, etc. and also finding of utilization of these methods for audio signal auralization.

    Tutor: Schimmel Jiří, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. More Effective security of networks with IEEE 802.11 Standard

    The vulnerability of the IEEE 802.11, attacks on the security methods and the methods for its effectiveness. Wireless network security issues expected standards IEEE 802.11. A detailed introduction to these standards, describe the various types of wireless security, including their properties and the subsequent theoretical analysis. The implementation of the attacks on the various methods of modern security algorithms, emphasis will be placed on the identification of weaknesses of 802.11 protocols. On the basis of the findings will be designed and tested security more effective. Attention will be paid to the security quality of service QoS in 802.11 networks. The network will be subject to examination by appropriate programs and simulators (Opnet Modeler, NS2). Will also be examined according to modern services (IP phones, the transmission of video, voice, multimedia) to delay and to be performed, including an overall analysis to the QoS optimization.

    Tutor: Škorpil Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  9. Novel methods of biological signals extraction from medical images

    The theme is focused on processing of static, dynamic or three-dimensional images produced by different medical acquisition techniques, namely the output of the sonographic examination, body slices acquisition using the magnetic resonance etc. The goal is to improve properties of single images, their segmentation, 2D object recognition, quantification of different object parameters, their dynamic or spatial analysis, or eventual 3D model reconstruction. The main result of the work will be a proposal of a novel method being utilizable for solving of concrete diagnostic problems in cooperation with doctors.

    Tutor: Říha Kamil, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Optimization of Routing Principles in High-speed Converged Networks

    The aim of the study is to optimize the routing principles. The architecture of network element with priority routing will be designed. An original procedure will be proposed for modelling this problematic mathematically and also for implementing the mathematical model. The software simulation of a system that can be used to control the switching field designed for switching data units shall be extended with hardware implementation, e.g. via programmable logic fields of development system FPGA. The knowledge obtained will be generalized and related to the theory of high-speed network elements. The MATLAB program and Simulink and the VHDL and Visual C++ language in particular are expected to be used in software simulation.

    Tutor: Škorpil Vladislav, doc. Ing., CSc.

  11. Speech pitch determination based on empirical mode decomposition

    The fundamental frequency is the one of the important parameters of the speech signal. Its estimation is due to the nonstationary of speech signal quite difficult. Empirical mode decomposition is an advanced method for analyzing nonstationary signals based on signal decomposition into intrinsic mode functions adapted to the base signal content. The instantaneous frequency, among other parameters, can be determine using the Hilbert transform. The content of the dissertation research will be research of the basic method of detection frequency tone and its comparison with other known methods.

    Tutor: Sysel Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DTK2Applied cryptographycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET1Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE1Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DME1Microelectronic Systemscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE1Modern electronic circuit designcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY1Junctions and nanostructurescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE1Special Measuring Methodscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM1Selected chaps from automatic controlcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE1Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drivescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM1Advanced methods of processing and analysis of signals and imagescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
DMA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Researchcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DME2Microelectronic technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DRE2Modern digital wireless communicationcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTK1Modern network technologiescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DTE2Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equationscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DFY2Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics cs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DET2Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and qualitycs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DAM2Selected chaps from measuring techniquescs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DBM2Selected problems of biomedical engineeringcs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DEE2Selected problems of electricity productioncs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DVE2Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatuscs4Optional specializedDrExS - 39yes
DJA6English for post-graduatescs4General knowledgeDrExCj - 26yes
DMA2Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeDrExS - 39yes
DEIZElectronic information resources for research workcs2General knowledgeDrExS - 8yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DQJAEnglish for the state doctoral examcs4CompulsoryDrExyes