study programme

Fine Arts

Original title in Czech: Výtvarná uměníFaculty: FaVUAbbreviation: Acad. year: 2013/2014

Type of study programme: Bachelor's

Study programme code: B8206

Degree awarded: BcA.

Accreditation: 3.12.2003 - 1.12.2015

Specific admission requirements

Condition for admitting is a completed secondary education.

Key learning outcomes

Bachelor course students are equipped with general knowledge of art history and theory and related fields, and with knowledge necessary for work specific to their ateliers. They are able to search for further information purposefully and work with it.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Graduates of the BA program at the FFA have general awareness of the essential phenomena, personalities, and contexts from the history of art and architecture from the beginnings to present. Apart from that, they have mastered the basics of philosophy, aesthetics and they are instructed in elements of music, literature, film, or photography. They are able to research independently and creatively process the obtained information according to their specialization. Students are also able to communicate in English on intermediate level (B1 European Referential Framework). The BA graduates can work as freelance artists capable of completing private and public commissions, they can work as curators, organizers, or teachers. They are also ready to take up new creative positions in newly developing technological disciplines. The graduates’ knowledge and practical skills are profiled according to their studio specialization.

Access to further studies

The graduates may continue in a master's study programme.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Graduation requirements

bachelor's thesis, final state examination

Mode of study

visiting student

Programme supervisor

ECTS departmental co-ordinator


Abbreviation Title (specialisation) Mandatory credits