study programme

Architecture and Urban Development

Original title in Czech: Architektura a rozvoj sídelFaculty: FASTAbbreviation: N-P-C-AAcad. year: 2014/2015

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N3504

Degree awarded: Ing. arch.

Accreditation: 10.12.2008 - 31.12.2020

Specific admission requirements

Candidates applying to study in the consecutive master’s study programme Architecture and Settlement Development must demonstrate knowledge and understanding within the scope and under the conditions specified by the appropriate directive of the Dean of FCE BUT in the following manner: through completion of the four-year bachelor’s study programme Architecture of Building Construction at FCE BUT, or a similar programme at another university that is an adequate basis for the pursuit of further studies in the master’s study programme Architecture of Building Construction. A programme considered to be adequate is one containing at least 3 semesters of creative design studio work, demonstrated by a portfolio of design studio work from the previous course; in borderline cases a written test may be taken on a unified theme. ‘Borderline cases’ are understood to be those involving bachelor’s course results that are under-average according to ECTS rules or the inadequate composition or unconfirmable content of subjects taken during the previous course with regard to the sense of the European Directive 2005/36/EC, Section 8, Article 46.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates from the consecutive master’s study programme Architecture and Settlement Development have gained highly specialised (theoretical and professional) knowledge in the studied field. They are capable of applying their knowledge in dealing with the issues of their field.
They are capable, within the scope of skills gained during their studies, of solving even demanding specialised problems and so are prepared for their careers in architecture or engineering branches in industry. As highly-qualified specialists, graduates from this programme are able to hold high positions as architects, engineers and managers, and successfully perform the functions required of them. They are equipped with the skills they need to solve even complex architectural and technical problems, and not only during the architectural design of structures, but also during the preparation and realization of such structures. Their foreign language skills in the area of their specialisation equip them for possible work abroad.
Within the context of professional competence, after gaining the stipulated amount of work experience graduates of the consecutive master’s study programme Architecture and Settlement Development can gain certification. They are then certified architects capable of directing complex architectural, technical and professional activities and projects, and taking responsibility for their quality. They are also able to take responsibility for the professional management of individuals and groups.

Access to further studies

Graduates from the consecutive master’s programme Architecture and Settlement Development can continue their studies in a doctoral study programme with a similar focus, where they may gain the title Ph.D. With regard to their language skills in the area of their specialisation, graduates may study for their doctorate both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Graduation requirements

diploma thesis, final state examination

Mode of study

full-time study

Programme supervisor

ECTS departmental co-ordinator
