study programme

Forensic Engineering

Original title in Czech: Soudní inženýrstvíFaculty: ÚSIAbbreviation: MSoIAcad. year: 2014/2015

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N3917

Degree awarded: Ing.

Accreditation: 22.7.2011 - 1.11.2015

Specific admission requirements

Condition for admitting is obtaining a bachelor's degree.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates of the study programme of Court engineering will have an interdisciplinary knowledge from the field of law, economy and technology.

Access to further studies

Graduates can continue to study doctoral study programme.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Graduation requirements

diploma thesis, final state examination

Mode of study

full-time study

Programme supervisor

ECTS departmental co-ordinator


Abbreviation Title (specialisation) Mandatory credits
EID (---)Expert Engineering in Transport (bez zaměření)118
REI (---)Real Estate Engineering (bez zaměření)118