study programme
Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology
Original title in Czech: Elektrotechnika, elektronika, komunikační a řídicí technikaFaculty: FEKTAbbreviation: EEKR-ML1Acad. year: 2018/2019
Type of study programme: Master's
Study programme code: N2643
Degree awarded: Ing.
Accreditation: 2.1.2002 - 31.7.2021
Specific admission requirements
Condition for admitting is obtaining a bachelor's degree.
Key learning outcomes
The programme is oriented into the preparation of specialists in electrical and electronic engineering with good knowledge in the design, construction, service, and applications of electrical and electronic devices and systems. The students are educated in various branches of applied electronics and communication techniques, teleinformatics, power electrical and electronic engineering, microelectronics and technology, and control and measurement techniques. The students dispose also with the needed knowledge of the higher mathematics, physics, theoretical electrotechnics, using and programing of computers, applied informatics, and also with the basic knowledge of foreign languages, economics, and management. As the efficient supplements of the obligatory education there are the elaboration of one individual technical project and final master work of the student. According to their concrete study branche, the graduates of the masterr programme can be applied in design, construction, application and service areas in many institutions, companies, and organisations of the electrical and electronic industry, as in the areas of communication and data transmission services and systems, inclusively in the special institutions of the state administration. In all of this branches they are able to work also as the technical-managers in industry and services. Owing to wide fundamentals of the applications oriented study programme there is ensured high adaptability of the graduate for most the requirements of his future practice in all areas of electrical and electronic engineering, communication and control techniques.
Access to further studies
The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.
Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Graduation requirements
diploma thesis, final state examination
Mode of study
combined study
Programme supervisor
ECTS departmental co-ordinator
Abbreviation | Title (specialisation) | Mandatory credits |
ML1-BEI | Biomedical and Ecological Engineering | 81 |
ML1-TIT | Communications and Informatics | 62 |
ML1-KAM | Cybernetics, Control and Measurements | 68 |
ML1-EVM | Electrical Manufacturing and Materials Engineering | 74 |
ML1-EST | Electronics and Communication | 57 |
ML1-MEL | Microelectronics | 66 |
ML1-SVE | Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 72 |
ML1-EEN | Power Electrical Engineering | 82 |