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study programme
Original title in Czech: Chemie, technologie a vlastnosti materiálůFaculty: FCHAbbreviation: NKCP_CHMAcad. year: 2020/2021
Type of study programme: Master's
Study programme code: N2820
Degree awarded: Ing.
Accreditation: 20.7.2001 - 31.12.2024
Specific admission requirements
Condition for admitting is obtaining a bachelor's degree.
Key learning outcomes
Graduates suggest, design and control chemical processes and technologies producing technically, ecologically and medically important materials or products from oil, mineral, ore and other natural raw materials. The graduates can work in the positions of supervisors of technological processes and as managers of chemical plants producing synthetic materials, in plastics manufacture, composites and adhesives production, at surface treatment and modification of materials (electrotechnical, textile, automobile and air industries) in glass industry, manufacture of mineral reducers, cement production, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry, in plants producing special construction materials, biopolymer processing and they can also supervise other chemical processes.
Access to further studies
The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.
Examination regulations, assessment and grading
Examination and assessment regulations
Graduation requirements
diploma thesis, final state examination
Mode of study
combined study
Programme supervisor
prof. RNDr. Josef Jančář, CSc.
ECTS departmental co-ordinator
prof. Ing. Oldřich Zmeškal, CSc.