study programme

Building Construction

Original title in Czech: Pozemní stavbyFaculty: FCEAbbreviation: DPC-SAcad. year: 2022/2023

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0732D260018

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 8.10.2019 - 8.10.2029

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Civil Engineering Buildings 100

Study aims

The aim of the doctoral study program Building Constructions is to provide outstanding graduates of the master's program with specialized university education and scientific training in selected current areas of the field. The study is focused on complex scientific preparation, methodology of independent scientific work and on the development of knowledge in the field of the theory of building constructions. and construction, measuring and diagnostic methods, modeling of physical processes and tasks of building physics. The scientific preparation in this study program is based on mastering the initial theoretical disciplines of the natural science base and theoretical and scientific disciplines of the relevant focus.
Part of the study is also the involvement of students in the preparation and solution of national and international scientific research projects, presentation of results at national and international scientific and professional conferences and their publication in professional and scientific foreign and domestic journals. During his / her studies, the student gains new theoretical knowledge, his / her own experience from the preparation, implementation and evaluation of experiments and necessary practical knowledge also thanks to close cooperation with construction practice and also through foreign internships at cooperating foreign universities or research workplaces.
In the final phase of the study, the student synthesizes all theoretical knowledge gained as well as the results of his / her own creative work and elaborates his / her doctoral dissertation, which emphasizes the exactness and formulation of concrete benefits for further development of the studied field.

Graduate profile

Graduate of the PhD study program Building Construction is a versatile theoretically and professionally equipped expert who has mastered the issue of specialization at a high level of his knowledge and is capable of independent creative work. He is ready to work professionally and to hold independent higher positions in the field of research and development of new technologies in the sector of building construction of buildings, but also in designing companies, resp. in state administration. He obtained comprehensive theoretical and professional training for independent solution of technical problems and creative scientific work. Based on the acquired knowledge, experience, skills and knowledge, it is ready for scientific and creative activities, both independently and in teams at national and international level. Thanks to the current trends in the field of building construction and close cooperation with foreign universities, the graduate of the doctoral study program fulfills the prerequisites for further professional career and professional academic growth, even abroad.
During his / her studies the graduate practically acquires and acquires pedagogical abilities, which he / she can use in pedagogical-scientific activities at educational institutions dealing with the problems of building construction in the Czech Republic and thanks to acquired language knowledge also abroad.

Profession characteristics

Substantial development of theoretical and experimental abilities allows graduates of the PhD study program Building Constructions independent creative activity related mainly to building construction including related specializations especially in the field of building technical equipment (HVAC, heating, air conditioning), advanced special building technologies, building physics building acoustics and daylighting of buildings), special building remediation, fire safety of buildings and environmentally advanced buildings.
The graduate is capable of independent creative activity especially in the field of research and development - he / she is professionally equipped and able to solve complex problems independently, eg when optimizing the selection of suitable materials or their compositions taking into account social needs, operational requirements, risks, economic impacts and environmental impacts.
The application of graduates of the Building Constructions program is in wide areas of the building industry consisting eg in the design of special elements and constructions of Building constructions including verification of their functionality and reliability using both experimental procedures and numerical models.
Graduates are well placed to work in the academic sphere and in other institutions dealing with science, research, development and innovation. Its knowledge of foreign languages ​​in the area of ​​its expertise is a prerequisite for eventual work abroad. After fulfilling the length of practice and legal conditions, he can be authorized by ČKAIT as a civil engineer in the field of Building Construction, Environmental Engineering or Energy Auditing.
According to internal statistics, the long-term employability of graduates of the existing PhD study program Building Constructions in Practice is practically 100%, not only after graduation, but also at early graduation. The graduates appreciate in practice the ability to solve complex professional problems independently and the ability to communicate at least in English.
After graduation, many graduates of DSP Civil Engineering are employed at the faculty and subsequently develop their creative abilities, reduce the average age of the faculty teachers and subsequently habilitate, eventually complete the appointment procedure and thus guarantee the development and future of the faculty.

Fulfilment criteria

Fulfillment of the subjects of the individual study plan, successful completion of the state doctoral examination, foreign experience, relevant creative activity and successful defense of the dissertation.

Study plan creation

The rules and conditions for the creation of study plans of study programs carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the BUT define:
Rules of BUT study programs (, which according to Article 1, paragraph 1, point:
c) defines the processes of creation, approval and changes of study program proposals before their submission for accreditation to the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education,
d) lays down the formal requirements for study programs and courses,
e) defines the obligations of study program and subject guarantors,
f) defines the standards of study programs at BUT,
g) defines the principles of quality assurance of study programs.
Study and Examination Regulations of the Brno University of Technology (
Details of the conditions for study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the BUT are governed by the Dean's Directive )
The PhD student studies according to an individual study plan, which is elaborated by the supervisor in cooperation with the PhD student. The individual study plan is binding for the doctoral student. It specifies all duties set in accordance with the BUT Study and Examination Regulations that a doctoral student must fulfill in order to successfully complete his / her studies.
During the first three semesters, the doctoral student consists of compulsory, compulsorily elective or at the same time, it is intensively engaged in its own study and analysis of knowledge in the field determined by the topic of the dissertation and continuous publication of the knowledge and results obtained in this way. In the following semesters, the doctoral student focuses more on research and development related to the topic of the dissertation, on the publication of the results of his / her creative work and on his / her own dissertation. By the end of the fifth semester, the doctoral student has passed the state doctoral examination. The doctoral student is also involved in pedagogical activities, which is a part of his scientific preparation.
The individual study plan includes scientific outputs in individual years:
- regular publishing activity (Juniorstav and similar),
- participation in scientific conferences at home and abroad,
- for defense of DZP it is necessary to publish - min. 2x Scopus or 1x WOS with impact factor.

Availability for the disabled

At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT, barrier-free access to all teaching rooms is currently provided. However, students must be physically fit to be qualified as a civil engineer. In practically oriented laboratory teaching, they must be able to operate measuring instruments and similar laboratory equipment independently without endangering themselves or their surroundings.
BUT provides support to students with specific needs, for details see Guideline 11/2017 ( 2017-p147550).
In order to promote equal access to higher education, BUT incorporates the Alfons Advisory Center, part of the BUT Institute of Lifelong Learning, to provide guidance and support services to applicants and students with specific educational needs. Specific educational needs include learning disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, chronic somatic illness, autistic spectrum disorders, impaired communication skills and mental illness (
Students are provided with information concerning the accessibility of study programs with respect to the specific needs of the applicant, information about the architectural accessibility of individual faculties and university parts, about accommodation at the BUT dormitory, about the possibilities of adapting the admission procedure and adapting the study itself. Other services of the Center for Students with Special Educational Needs also include interpreting and rewriting services, or assistance services - guiding, spatial orientation, in order to enable these students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the same way as other students. This is done through the so-called adaptation of study, ie by appropriate adjustment of the study regime, which cannot be understood as a simplification of the content of study or relief of study obligations.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The PhD study program Building Construction is a follow-up to the follow-up master study program Civil Engineering, especially the study fields Building Construction and Construction Realization, respectively. as well as other fields of study and nursing master's degree programs. After the accreditation of the follow-up master's degree programs in Civil Engineering - Building Constructions and Civil Engineering - Realization of constructions for these programs.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Additive technology as a tool for building constructions

    The theme of the dissertation is based on the current concept of Construction 4.0, which aims to introduce and apply digitization, automation, robotization and respect for sustainable environmental behavior in the construction process. As part of the topic, attention will be paid to the possible application of additive technologies, including the determination of material constants for the materials used, especially focused on cement-based materials. Another way to solve the topic can be development in the field of construction-physical behavior of constructions created by this technology.

    Tutor: Bečkovský David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Additive technology as a tool for the design of civil building structures

    The topic of the dissertation is based on the current concept of Construction 4.0, which aims to introduce and apply digitization, automation, robotization and respect for sustainable environmental behavior in the construction process. One of the possibilities to fulfill the goals of the Construction 4.0 concept is the use of modern additive technologies as a tool for the design of building structures. As part of the topic, attention will be paid to the possible application of additive technologies, including the determination of material constants for the materials used, especially with a focus on cement-based materials associated with the possible development of ways to eliminate tensile stresses. Another way to solve the topic can be development in the field of physical behavior of structures created by this technology.

    Tutor: Pěnčík Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Additive technology as a tool for the design of civil building structures

    The topic of the dissertation is based on the current concept of Construction 4.0, which aims to introduce and apply digitization, automation, robotization and respect for sustainable environmental behavior in the construction process. One of the possibilities to fulfill the goals of the Construction 4.0 concept is the use of modern additive technologies as a tool for the design of building structures. As part of the topic, attention will be paid to the possible application of additive technologies, including the determination of material constants for the materials used, especially with a focus on cement-based materials associated with the possible development of ways to eliminate tensile stresses. Another way to solve the topic can be development in the field of physical behavior of structures created by this technology.

    Tutor: Pěnčík Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Analysis of dynamic behaviour of elements of HVAC systems in buildings

    The topic is focused on analysis and identifying the behaviour of building environment engineering systems in operational states, with a focus on the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The monitoring of dynamic behaviour will generate large volumes of data from different areas of environmental engineering, which will then be analysed. The results of the experimental and simulation analyses will be used to determine the critical and optimal states of the monitored parts of the building technical systems, the link to the quality of the indoor environment and to ensure reliability and safety for efficient operation and maintenance.

    Tutor: Hirš Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc.

  5. Analysis of non-stationary temperature field of building structures covered by earth

    The topic of the thesis will be focused on the research of the temperature field of the building envelope covered by earth in Central European climatic conditions. Both theoretical and empirical methods of scientific work will be used in the thesis.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Analysis of the effect of EMW radiation on construction materials

    This is an experimental monitoring exposure to microwave radiation on building materials. Monitoring temperature fields, depending on the humidity and type of building materials and the intensity of microwave radiation. Numerical simulations of these processes.

    Tutor: Šuhajda Karel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. ARCHITECTURE OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS - Chances for agricultural brownfields?

    Changes in ownership and transition to the market economy after the year 1989 led to the breakdown of many production enterprises including agrarian. Derelict buildings even the whole areas became source of economic, social and environmental troubles. What is the real state and how are the chances of their revitalization and comeback to the cultural landscape from the point of view of architecture and regional planning?

    Tutor: Dýr Petr, doc. Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  8. Building Technological Aspects of Hybrid Structures in Civil Engineering

    The topic deals with structures assembled into a prefabricated unit from different materials so that the final product meets the basic technical requirements for buildings and parts of buildings. Due to the prefabrication and subsequent assembly, the lead time is reduced and the negative impact of adverse weather and seasonality is reduced. With regard to the high level of completion, the proportion of necessary professions and the proportion of finishing work is reduced and the efficiency of the whole technology increases. The aim of the research is to describe the existing hybrid structures from the structural and building technology point of view and to search for new possibilities of future development with regard to optimization of construction processes during the realization of the construction.

    Tutor: Šlanhof Jiří, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Caring for architectural heritage

    The research will focus on issues of architectural heritage care. Depending on the student's profile, the research will be specified thematically (typology of architectural heritage, protected collections, social and legislative issues, artistic approaches, technologies) and methodologically (microanalyses, comparative analyses, historical analyses).

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  10. Development of rheological models of composites from recycled polymers

    With the possibility of using composites from recycled polymers and the development of their use, e.g. in the form of a thermal insulation block in the base of masonry, there is a need to modify and supplement existing rheological models. The development of models is also conditioned by the method of stressing. In particular, compressive stress is a specific type of stress for the mentioned group of materials. The development of the models will be carried out on the basis of experimental monitoring on prototype test samples with subsequent verification by FEM mathematical modeling.

    Tutor: Pěnčík Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Evaluation of building-related environmental impacts

    Recent international commitments emphasize the need for optimization of environmental impacts of the construction sector. This field was simplified to reducing energy consumption in the past. However, the introduction of nZEB highlighted importance of environmental impacts embodied in the construction materials. Their evaluation currently faces a number of issues, such as methodical inconsistencies or lack of accurate industry data regarding material production, application, use and end-of-life. The goals of this thesis are to analyse state-of-the-art in the field, to propose improvements applicable to increase efficiency and accuracy of the evaluation process and verification of their effect by evaluation of selected materials and buildings.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Evaluation of building-related environmental impacts

    Recent international commitments emphasize the need for optimization of environmental impacts of the construction sector. This field was simplified to reducing energy consumption in the past. However, the introduction of nZEB highlighted importance of environmental impacts embodied in the construction materials. Their evaluation currently faces a number of issues, such as methodical inconsistencies or lack of accurate industry data regarding material production, application, use and end-of-life. The goals of this thesis are to analyse state-of-the-art in the field, to propose improvements applicable to increase efficiency and accuracy of the evaluation process and verification of their effect by evaluation of selected materials and buildings.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Folk architecture of the 20th century

    The research will focus on finding the answer to whether vernacular architecture exists in the 20th century and what it looks like. Is it still around us, or does it end up in open-air museums? Is it possible to find buildings in our settlements and landscapes that will one day join the architecture of the 19th century countryside?

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  14. Industrialised construction sector

    The research will focus on the question of what contribution the visions of avant-garde left-wing architects, materialized after the Second World War and ended by the Velvet Revolution in 1989, had for society. The original intention to solve the housing shortage of the first republic and to build quickly may have been fulfilled over time, but prefabrication can hardly be called architecture. Was the industrialisation beneficial? What was its meaning and what role did the concepts of standardization, standardization, typification, unification and modulation play in the 20th century?

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  15. Influence of moisture on the floor layers

    In construction practice, one can quite often encounter cases of failures of vapor-impermeable and vapor-permeable floor coverings caused by introduced moisture. As part of the work, a description of the causes of moisture manifestations is expected with an analysis of the phenomena that cause the disturbances. Moisture manifestations will be solved for different types and combinations of floor coverings.

    Tutor: Pěnčík Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Innovation of heat pumps to increase their efficiency with low GWP refrigerants.

    The goal is to innovate the cooling circuit of heat pumps working with low GWP refrigerant, increasing efficiency. An integral part of the research is the determination of safety requirements for the application of heat pumps working with A2L refrigerant in buildings.

    Tutor: Formánek Marian, Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Modelling the energy balance of a zero-emission building

    Modelling the energy balance of zero-emission buildings using modern computational techniques. Analysis of the problem, creation of mathematical model, verification of mathematical model on real objects.

    Tutor: Horák Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Operational efficiency of systems of technical building equipment systems

    Requirements for reducing energy consumption in buildings evoke the need to increase the efficiency of technical systems. The study will be focused on the theoretical evaluation of the effectiveness of European standards and guidelines on monitoring existing systems and their components and experimental determination of their efficacy. The expected result will also be the identification of ways to increase the efficiency of modern systems engineering environment.

    Tutor: Počinková Marcela, Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Optimalization of ventilated façade systems

    Experimental Analysis and design of multi-layer ventilated facade systems. Monitoring the impact of ventilated air gaps on the inside of the building microclimate.

    Tutor: Novotný Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc.

  20. Optimization of PCM-based thermal storage system

    The thesis is focused on modeling and simulation of buildings storing heat and cold in heat accumulators using phase change melting and solidification substances - PCM. The aim is to bridge the mismatch between conventional and alternative energy supply with the building's energy consumption curve. Attention will also be paid to systems and methods for optimum energy storage accumulation in the building. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. Optimization of the thermal technical parameters of the facade of buildings with a ventilated gap

    The work will deal with the optimization of the design of the perimeter structure of civil construction objects using natural and forced convection of the air flow on the outside of the facade. Modern findings will be used to calculate air flow through a ventilated gap. The optimization will be based on evaluations of the thermal technical and economic characteristics of the materials used. theoretical methods of partial calculations, physical experiments on real objects and possibly on laboratory samples will be used for the own solution. The result will be the optimization of the design of the perimeter structure, which will ensure effective sharing of heat between the internal and external environment of the structure both in winter and in summer.

    Tutor: Rubina Aleš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. Optimization of thermally activated building structures

    PhD thesis is focused on the optimization of Thermo Active Building Structures (TABS) used for heating and cooling buildings. Assumes the use of simulation methods, laboratory experiment and measurement INSITU. The aim is to provide recommendations for optimal design and control of TABS. The simulations can use the softwares CalA, TRNSYS, ANSYS Fluent. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. Pollution of internal and external surfaces in daylighting of buildings

    Daylight factor calculations do incorporate the so-called pollution coefficients for the exterior, resp. the interior side of the daylighting system. The values of these coefficients were determined in 1994. Since then these coefficients are unchanged, despite the advances in lifestyle (number of cars on the road, fuel used in heating, etc.). Therefore the aim of the work would be to monitor how the actual lifestyle affects the pollution of surfaces and glazing, and lighting comfort in short and long terms.

    Tutor: Vajkay František, Ing., Ph.D.

  24. Predictive mathematical models of energy consumption in building technical equipment systems

    The doctoral thesis is focused on the modeling and simulation of building operations for the professions of air conditioning, heating and cooling. The content itself is dedicated to creating your own mathematical model and comparing it with commonly available software and calculation procedures. The created model will be used to predict the costs of operating three buildings with different scopes. One this mathematical model will be verified by measuring energy consumption on a real object.

    Tutor: Blasinski Petr, Ing., Ph.D.

  25. Properties and utilization of materials for solar heat storage tank

    Questions regarding the availability and consumption of energy for use in buildings constitute a serious social issue, also the issue of "decarbonization" of the energy sector through renewable energy sources is one of the key elements of "green strategies". Energy from renewable sources is one of the technologies with the greatest potential for further expansion, which currently still provides abundant reserves. The efficiency and utility features solar heat storage tank are bound to used heat-storage materials and method of use of the internal energy. Temperature determines the rate of working fluid losses. The object of study are suitable materials for the construction of a solar heat storage tank (sensible heat, phase change materials), their physical properties. The objective is to model, as well as experimental evidence functionality.

    Tutor: Šťastník Stanislav, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc. Ph.D.

  26. Research and development of internal thermal insulation of buildings

    The topic is focused on the research and development of various methods of internal thermal insulation of building envelopes in the climate conditions of the Czech Republic. The theses will include theoretical and experimental analysis of different approaches to internal thermal insulation, including the use of capillary active materials.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  27. Simulation of air flow and pollutants distribution in buildings

    Topic of doctoral thesis focuses on the application and verification of theoretical research methods airflow in buildings and external aerodynamics of buildings with the current transfer of moisture. The simulations can use the software ANSYS Fluent, CFX, or OpenFOAM. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  28. Sorela and heritage reservations

    The research will focus on the question to what extent the architecture of socialist realism had an impact on the conservation of monuments, especially on the establishment of urban heritage reservations and their restoration and the adoption of the first monument law in Czechoslovakia. Would our cities have been spared from the modernist expansion of prefabricated housing estates had it not been for the influence of the Soviet Union and the foreign architecture that was supposed to be socialist in content and national in form?

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  29. SOUTH MORAVIA WINE ARCHITECTURE - Chances for agricultural brownfields?

    Changes in ownership and transition to the market economy after the year 1989 led to the breakdown of many production enterprises including agrarian. Derelict buildings even the whole areas became source of economic, social and environmental troubles. What is the real state and how are the chances of their revitalization and comeback to the cultural landscape from the point of view of architecture and regional planning?

    Tutor: Dýr Petr, doc. Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  30. Structural system B70

    The research will focus on the under-appreciated Brno structural system B70, which was based on the cell system, a significant shift from elemental prefabrication. However, for planned building production, cellular architecture became very complicated and construction companies were forced to copy only whole sections. This important work, which could have turned prefabricated housing estates into pleasant and varied living environments, was left halfway, and it is only a question of what the great housing estates of Brno could have looked like.

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  31. Study of thermal insulation properties of thin air layers with reflective surfaces

    Study of the properties of heat-insulating thermoreflective foil insulation and their use in construction, passive and energy-saving houses, production halls, sports fields, etc. Reflective surfaces show high reflection and low emissivity. Therefore, reflective materials can be defined as those materials which, with their reflective layer, enable to significantly reflect heat and thereby reduce the thermal conductivity of the air cavity adjacent to the reflective layer. This special type of insulation finds its place in selected fragments of buildings. The subject is the study of transport phenomena of heat propagation through the structure of thermoreflective insulators, their physical properties and comparison with classical insulators. The topic includes the verification of structural thermal insulation systems both in the laboratory in the measuring cabinet and also during installation in buildings.

    Tutor: Šťastník Stanislav, prof. RNDr. Ing., CSc. Ph.D.

  32. Use of latent heat thermal energy storage in buildings

    Thermal energy storage is important for overcoming of mismatch between supply of renewable energy and energy demand. Thesis will be focused on the development of latent heat thermal energy storage for integration in building structures and building services.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  33. Use of latent heat thermal energy storage in buildings

    Thermal energy storage is important for overcoming of mismatch between supply of renewable energy and energy demand. Thesis will be focused on the development of latent heat thermal energy storage for use in building structures and building services.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

1. round (applications submitted from 08.06.2022 to 31.07.2022)

  1. Analysis of air flow in a confined space

    The work will deal with natural convection air flows in a confined space. The influence of boundary conditions on air volume flow, air flow geometry and its other physical properties will be investigated. CFD simulation methods, physical experiments on real objects or laboratory samples will be used to evaluate the characteristics. The result will be the optimization of the method of calculating the air flow in the ventilated gap of the building facade and its effect on the heat transfer in such a structure.

    Tutor: Rubina Aleš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Analysis of air flow in a confined space

    The work will deal with natural convection air flows in a confined space. The influence of boundary conditions on air volume flow, air flow geometry and its other physical properties will be investigated. CFD simulation methods, physical experiments on real objects or laboratory samples will be used to evaluate the characteristics. The result will be the optimization of the method of calculating the air flow in the ventilated gap of the building facade and its effect on the heat transfer in such a structure.

    Tutor: Rubina Aleš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Analysis of Partial Construction Processes in the Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Roofing of Buildings

    The topic for doctoral studies is focused on the analysis and evaluation of partial processes associated with construction according to the principles of sustainable development. Specifically, these are processes associated with green roof components. The analysis of already implemented constructions is of great importance for the development of other structural elements of the green infrastructure. The possibilities of energy savings during the implementation, deployment of mechanization and human resources will be analyzed and evaluated on the realized roofs.

    Tutor: Mohapl Martin, Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Building physics evaluation of buildings in Antarctica

    In extreme climate, especially in the South Pole, where a large number of polar station buildings are located, there are more disturbances than in the normal climate in the Czech Republic. It is therefore interesting to design and verify modern solutions. In-situ examination is expected during the study.

    Tutor: Kalousek Miloš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Caring for architectural heritage

    The research will focus on issues of architectural heritage care. Depending on the student's profile, the research will be specified thematically (typology of architectural heritage, protected collections, social and legislative issues, artistic approaches, technologies) and methodologically (microanalyses, comparative analyses, historical analyses).

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  6. Control optimization for swimming pool air handling units

    Topic of the doctoral thesis is focused on the creation of a predictive physical model of the control of an air handling unit for pool operation. The obtained outputs from the physical model will be used for the design of the air handling unit control and the creation of simplified dependencies that can be programmed into the measurement and control controller so as to ensure the economical operation of the air handling unit. The proposed control will be verified by experimental measurements on the model of the air handling unit.

    Tutor: Blasinski Petr, Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Dynamic behaviour of elements of HVAC systems in buildings

    The topic is focused on identifying the behaviour of building environment engineering systems in operational states, with a focus on the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. The monitoring of dynamic behaviour will generate large volumes of data from different areas of environmental engineering, which will then be analysed. The results of the experimental and simulation analyses will be used to determine the critical and optimal states of the monitored parts of the building technical systems, the link to the quality of the indoor environment and to ensure reliability and safety for efficient operation and maintenance.

    Tutor: Hirš Jiří, prof. Ing., CSc.

  8. Effective design of territorial units using digital technologies

    Application of BIM in the design of territorial units within the Czech Republic. Implementation of BIM into spatial planning documents and projects in Czech legislation.

    Tutor: Pavlovský Tomáš, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  9. Effective design of territorial units using digital technologies

    Application of BIM in the design of territorial units within the Czech Republic. Implementation of BIM into spatial planning documents and projects in Czech legislation.

    Tutor: Pavlovský Tomáš, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  10. Evaluation of building-related environmental impacts

    Recent international commitments emphasize the need for optimization of environmental impacts of the construction sector. This field was simplified to reducing energy consumption in the past. However, the introduction of nZEB highlighted importance of environmental impacts embodied in the construction materials. Their evaluation currently faces a number of issues, such as methodical inconsistencies or lack of accurate industry data regarding material production, application, use and end-of-life. The goals of this thesis are to analyse state-of-the-art in the field, to propose improvements applicable to increase efficiency and accuracy of the evaluation process and verification of their effect by evaluation of selected materials and buildings.

    Tutor: Ostrý Milan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Folk architecture of the 20th century

    The research will focus on finding the answer to whether vernacular architecture exists in the 20th century and what it looks like. Is it still around us, or does it end up in open-air museums? Is it possible to find buildings in our settlements and landscapes that will one day join the architecture of the 19th century countryside?

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  12. Ground-coupled Heat systems for Heating and Cooling of Buildings

    PhD thesis focuses on the research use of land for energy for heating and cooling. The scope of work will be theoretical and experimental investigation of the thermal interaction between an building and ground and an optimal design of ground and foundation exchangers. The aim is to streamline obtaining geothermal energy of the elements of foundation structures and to develop a methodology for their design in the Czech Republic. The simulations can use the softwares CalA, TRNSYS, ANSYS Fluent. Optimization methods will be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Hybrid structures in building technology

    The topic deals with structures assembled into a prefabricated unit from different materials so that the final product meets the basic technical requirements for buildings and parts of buildings. Due to the prefabrication and subsequent assembly, the lead time is reduced and the negative impact of adverse weather and seasonality is reduced. With regard to the high level of completion, the proportion of necessary professions and the proportion of finishing work is reduced and the efficiency of the whole technology increases. The aim of the research is to describe the existing hybrid structures from the structural and building technology point of view and to search for new possibilities of future development with regard to optimization of construction processes during the realization of the construction.

    Tutor: Šlanhof Jiří, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Industrialised construction sector

    The research will focus on the question of what contribution the visions of avant-garde left-wing architects, materialized after the Second World War and ended by the Velvet Revolution in 1989, had for society. The original intention to solve the housing shortage of the first republic and to build quickly may have been fulfilled over time, but prefabrication can hardly be called architecture. Was the industrialisation beneficial? What was its meaning and what role did the concepts of standardization, standardization, typification, unification and modulation play in the 20th century?

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  15. Innovation of refrigeration devices to increase their efficiency with low GWP refrigerants.

    The aim is to innovate a cooling circuit operating with a low GWP refrigerant, to increase efficiency, to utilize waste heat. An integral part of the research is the determination of safety requirements for the use of A2L refrigeration equipment in buildings.

    Tutor: Formánek Marian, Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Methodology for determining the coefficient capillary conductivity of building materials

    Experimental determination of capillary conductivity coefficient of building materials when the humidity gradient and its modeling. Applications coefficient capillary conductivity of building materials in thermal engineering calculations.

    Tutor: Fuciman Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Modeling and simulation of buildings and smart regions

    PhD thesis focuses on the modeling and simulation of intelligent buildings and smart regions. Effective use and placement of elements of ventilation, heating and cooling in buildings and their optimal control system. Systems, equipment and strategies for energy storage. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Modeling the effect of shading structures and vegetation on the thermal load

    The doctoral thesis is focused on modeling and simulation of the effect of shading structures and vegetation on the thermal load of buildings. The use of ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM, TRNSYS and DesignBuilder software is expected. Attention will also be paid to optimization of control systems. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. Modelling the Energy Balance of Buildings

    Modelling the energy balance of buildings using modern computational techniques. Analysis of the problem, creating a mathematical model, verification of mathematical models of real objects.

    Tutor: Horák Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. Modelling the Energy Balance of Buildings

    Modelling the energy balance of buildings using modern computational techniques. Analysis of the problem, creating a mathematical model, verification of mathematical models of real objects.

    Tutor: Horák Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. New types of heat exchangers for Building Services systems

    The field of Building Services is currently progressively developed thanks to the technological boom. New technologies, such as 3D printing or microfiber, allow the development of new heat exchangers. The topic of doctoral study will deal with the development of new types of heat exchangers from non-traditional materials.

    Tutor: Horák Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  22. New types of heat exchangers for Building Services systems

    The field of Building Services is currently progressively developed thanks to the technological boom. New technologies, such as 3D printing or microfiber, allow the development of new heat exchangers. The topic of doctoral study will deal with the development of new types of heat exchangers from non-traditional materials.

    Tutor: Horák Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. Optimization of PCM-based thermal storage system

    The thesis is focused on modeling and simulation of buildings storing heat and cold in heat accumulators using phase change melting and solidification substances - PCM. The aim is to bridge the mismatch between conventional and alternative energy supply with the building's energy consumption curve. Attention will also be paid to systems and methods for optimum energy storage accumulation in the building. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  24. Optimization of thermally activated building structures

    PhD thesis is focused on the optimization of Thermo Active Building Structures (TABS) used for heating and cooling buildings. Assumes the use of simulation methods, laboratory experiment and measurement INSITU. The aim is to provide recommendations for optimal design and control of TABS. The simulations can use the softwares CalA, TRNSYS, ANSYS Fluent. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  25. Possibilities of surface condensation elimination on building constructions

    Condensation of wather vapor on the inner surface of the structure is a sign of insufficient insulation or the presence of a thermal bridge. The task is to map all typical cases on structures and design solution, whether by tharmal insulation or other modifications. The evaliation of structures will be performed according current standard and at the level of the risk of mold growth.

    Tutor: Kalousek Miloš, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  26. Potential use of plastic waste in architecture, design and construction.

    Plastic has been produced on an industrial scale since 1950. Today, its production has more than doubled tenfold. Closely linked to this increase is the issue of how to dispose of this plastic when it becomes waste. The very topic of plastic reuse is one of the key things we need to address in order to mitigate the impact on nature and humans. The potential of different types of plastics and thermoplastics will be investigated, as well as their properties before and after the recycling cycle, or their processing and moulding. We will look for ways to use plastics from small-scale design to architecture and construction.

    Tutor: Dulenčín Juraj, doc. Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  27. Potential use of plastic waste in architecture, design and construction.

    Plastic has been produced on an industrial scale since 1950. Today, its production has more than doubled tenfold. Closely linked to this increase is the issue of how to dispose of this plastic when it becomes waste. The very topic of plastic reuse is one of the key things we need to address in order to mitigate the impact on nature and humans. The potential of different types of plastics and thermoplastics will be investigated, as well as their properties before and after the recycling cycle, or their processing and moulding. We will look for ways to use plastics from small-scale design to architecture and construction.

    Tutor: Dulenčín Juraj, doc. Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  28. Simulation of air flow and pollutants distribution in buildings

    Topic of doctoral thesis focuses on the application and verification of theoretical research methods airflow in buildings and external aerodynamics of buildings with the current transfer of moisture. The simulations can use the software ANSYS Fluent, CFX, or OpenFOAM. Multicriteria optimization methods will also be used.

    Tutor: Šikula Ondřej, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  29. Sorela and heritage reservations

    The research will focus on the question to what extent the architecture of socialist realism had an impact on the conservation of monuments, especially on the establishment of urban heritage reservations and their restoration and the adoption of the first monument law in Czechoslovakia. Would our cities have been spared from the modernist expansion of prefabricated housing estates had it not been for the influence of the Soviet Union and the foreign architecture that was supposed to be socialist in content and national in form?

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  30. Structural system B70

    The research will focus on the under-appreciated Brno structural system B70, which was based on the cell system, a significant shift from elemental prefabrication. However, for planned building production, cellular architecture became very complicated and construction companies were forced to copy only whole sections. This important work, which could have turned prefabricated housing estates into pleasant and varied living environments, was left halfway, and it is only a question of what the great housing estates of Brno could have looked like.

    Tutor: Guzdek Adam, Ing. arch., Ph.D.

  31. System efficiencies of technical equipment in buildings

    Requirements for reducing energy consumption in buildings evoke the need to increase the efficiency of technical systems. The study will be focused on the theoretical evaluation of the effectiveness of European standards and guidelines on monitoring existing systems and their components and experimental determination of their efficacy. The expected result will also be the identification of ways to increase the efficiency of modern systems engineering environment.

    Tutor: Počinková Marcela, Ing., Ph.D.

  32. Technological performance of construction machines

    The efficient use of construction machinery has a significant impact on the economic and environmental sustainability of construction. The topic of the work is the design and elaboration of a methodology for the assessment of the actual performance of construction machines using an already created simulation model. This simulation model makes it possible to assess the time utilization of construction machines for a specific construction execution by a given technology and according to a binding time plan. The developed methodology will use current trends in computer support in construction. It will contribute to the effective use of construction machinery in construction practice.

    Tutor: Motyčka Vít, doc. Ing., CSc.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DYA004English Language Tutorial for PhD Studentscs1CompulsoryCrC1 - 26yes
DAB029Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering 1cs4Compulsory-optionalCrP - 395794yes
DAB030Numerical methods 1cs4Compulsory-optionalCrP - 395794yes
DAB031Probability and mathematical statisticscs4Compulsory-optionalCrP - 395794yes
DJB043Selected Topics in Building Materials Engineeringcs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395795yes
DTB042Selected Items of Building Service Theorycs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395795yes
DWB032Selected Essay from Technology of Building Constructionscs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395795yes
DHB069Selected Chapters from Theory of Building Constructionscs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395795yes
DBB013Selected chapters from building physicscs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395796yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA068Doctoral Seminar 1 (PST)cs4CompulsoryCrS - 39yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA070Doctoral seminar 2 (PST)cs8CompulsoryCrS - 78yes
DAB032Time series analysiscs10Compulsory-optionalExP - 395830yes
DAB033Applications of mathematical methods in economicscs10Compulsory-optionalExP - 395830yes
DAB034Discrete Methods in Civil Engineering 2cs10Compulsory-optionalExP - 395830yes
DAB035Numerical methods 2cs10Compulsory-optionalExP - 395830yes
DAB036Numerical methods for the variational problemscs10Compulsory-optionalExP - 395830yes
DAB037Models of regressioncs10Compulsory-optionalExP - 395830yes
DWB033Information system in construction technologycs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395831yes
DHB071Process and Functional Analysis of Building Structurecs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395831yes
DLB040Theory of Concrete and Masonry Structurescs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 39 / K - 265831yes
DTB043Theory of Energy and Environment of Buildingscs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395831yes
DOB037Theory of Metal and Timber Structurescs8Compulsory-optionalExP - 395831yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DYA005English for PhD studentscs8CompulsoryExyes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA072Doctoral seminar 3 (PST)cs8CompulsoryCrS - 78yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA073Doctoral seminar 4 (PST)cs8CompulsoryCrS - 78yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA074Doctoral seminar 5 (PST)cs14CompulsoryCrS - 78yes
4. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA075Doctoral seminar 6 (PST)cs14CompulsoryCrS - 78yes
4. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DHA076Doctoral seminar 7 (PST)cs20CompulsoryCrS - 78yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
5794 1 DAB029, DAB030, DAB031
5795 1 DJB043, DTB042, DWB032, DHB069
5796 1 DBB013
5830 1 DAB032, DAB033, DAB034, DAB035, DAB036, DAB037
5831 1 DWB033, DHB071, DLB040, DTB043, DOB037