study programme
Original title in Czech: TeleinformatikaFaculty: FEECAbbreviation: DPC-TLIAcad. year: 2023/2024
Type of study programme: Doctoral
Study programme code: P0714D060011
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
Language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 27.5.2029
Mode of study
Full-time study
Standard study length
4 years
Programme supervisor
Doctoral Board
Chairman :
prof. Ing. Zdeněk Smékal, CSc.
Councillor internal :
doc. Ing. Radim Burget, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Jiří Mišurec, CSc.
doc. Ing. Vladislav Škorpil, CSc.
doc. Ing. Jiří Hošek, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Jaroslav Koton, Ph.D.
Councillor external :
doc. Ing. Otto Dostál, CSc.
prof. Ing. Boris Šimák, CSc.
prof. Ing. Ivan Baroňák, Ph.D.
Fields of education
Area | Topic | Share [%] |
Electrical Engineering | Without thematic area | 100 |
Study aims
The student is fostered to use the theoretical knowledge and experience gained through own research activities in an innovative manner. He is able to efficiently use the gathered knowledge for the design of own and prospective solutions within their further experimental development and applied research. The emphasis is put on gaining both theoretical and practical skill, ability of self-decisions, definition of research and development hypotheses to propose projects spanning from basic to applied research, ability to evaluation of the results and their dissemination as research papers and presentation in front of the research community.
Graduate profile
The doctor study program "Teleinformatics" aims to generate top research and development specialists, who have deep knowledge of principles and techniques used in communication and data wired and wireless networks and also in related areas and also in data/signal acquisition, processing and the back representation of user data on the level of application layer. The main parts of the studies are represented by areas dealing with information theory and communication techniques. The graduate has deep knowledge in communication and information technologies, data transfer and their security. The graduate is skilled in operation systems, computer languages and database systems, their usage and also design of suitable software and user applications. The graduate is able to propose new technology solution of communication tools and information systems for advanced transfer of information.
Profession characteristics
Graduates of the program "Teleinformatics" apply in particular in research, development and design teams, in the field of professional activity in production or business organizations, in the academic sphere and in other institutions involved in science, research, development and innovation, in all areas of the company where communication systems and information transfer through data networks are being applied and used.
Our graduates are particularly experienced in the analysis, design, creation or management of complex systems aimed for data transfer and processing, as well as in the programming, integration, support, maintenance or sale of these systems.
Fulfilment criteria
Doctoral studies are carried out according to the individual study plan, which will prepare the doctoral student in cooperation with the doctoral student at the beginning of the study. The individual study plan specifies all the duties stipulated in accordance with the BUT Study and Examination Rules, which the doctoral student must fulfill to successfully finish his studies. These responsibilities are time-bound throughout the study period, they are scored and fixed at fixed deadlines. The student enrolls and performs tests of compulsory courses, at least two obligatory elective subjects with regard to the focus of his dissertation, and at least two elective courses (English for PhD students, Solutions for Innovative Entries, Scientific Publishing from A to Z).
The student may enroll for the state doctoral exam only after all the tests prescribed by his / her individual study plan have been completed. Before the state doctoral exam, the student prepares a dissertation thesis describing in detail the goals of the thesis, a thorough evaluation of the state of knowledge in the area of the dissertation solved, or the characteristics of the methods it intends to apply in the solution. The defense of the controversy that is opposed is part of the state doctoral exam. In the next part of the exam the student must demonstrate deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of microelectronics, electrotechnology, materials physics, nanotechnology, electrical engineering, electronics, circuit theory. The State Doctoral Examination is in oral form and, in addition to the discussion on the dissertation thesis, it also consists of thematic areas related to compulsory and compulsory elective subjects.
To defend the dissertation, the student reports after the state doctoral examination and after fulfilling conditions for termination, such as participation in teaching, scientific and professional activity (creative activity) and at least a monthly study or work placement at a foreign institution or participation in an international creative project .
Study plan creation
The doctoral studies of a student follow the Individual Study Plan (ISP), which is defined by the supervisor and the student at the beginning of the study period. The ISP is obligatory for the student, and specifies all duties being consistent with the Study and Examination Rules of BUT, which the student must successfully fulfill by the end of the study period. The duties are distributed throughout the whole study period, scored by credits/points and checked in defined dates. The current point evaluation of all activities of the student is summarized in the “Total point rating of doctoral student” document and is part of the ISP. At the beginning of the next study year the supervisor highlights eventual changes in ISP. By October, 15 of each study year the student submits the printed and signed ISP to Science Department of the faculty to check and archive.
Within the first four semesters the student passes the exams of compulsory, optional-specialized and/or optional-general courses to fulfill the score limit in Study area, and concurrently the student significantly deals with the study and analysis of the knowledge specific for the field defined by the dissertation thesis theme and also continuously deals with publishing these observations and own results. In the follow-up semesters the student focuses already more to the research and development that is linked to the dissertation thesis topic and to publishing the reached results and compilation of the dissertation thesis.
By the end of the second year of studies the student passes the Doctor State Exam, where the student proves the wide overview and deep knowledge in the field linked to the dissertation thesis topic. The student must apply for this exam by April, 30 in the second year of studies. Before the Doctor State Exam the student must successfully pass the exam from English language course.
In the third and fourth year of studies the student deals with the required research activities, publishes the reached results and compiles the dissertation thesis. As part of the study duties is also completing a study period at an abroad institution or participation on an international research project with results being published or presented in abroad or another form of direct participation of the student on an international cooperation activity, which must be proved by the date of submitting the dissertation thesis.
By the end of the winter term in the fourth year of study students submit the elaborated dissertation thesis to the supervisor, who scores this elaborate. The final dissertation thesis is expected to be submitted by the student by the end of the fourth year of studies.
In full-time study form, during the study period the student is obliged to pass a pedagogical practice, i.e. participate in the education process. The participation of the student in the pedagogical activities is part of his/her research preparations. By the pedagogical practice the student gains experience in passing the knowledge and improves the presentation skills. The pedagogical practice load (exercises, laboratories, project supervision etc.) of the student is specified by the head of the department based on the agreement with the student’s supervisor. The duty of pedagogical practice does not apply to students-payers and combined study program students. The involvement of the student in the education process within the pedagogical practice is confirmed by the supervisor in the Information System of the university.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
- Analog circuits containing elements with the fractional order
The thesis is focused on modeling, simulations and experimental verification of structures where relation between response and driving signal contains derivation or integration of non-integer order (so-called fractional structures or circuits). The task is also to design of suitable application possibilities of fractional order circuits, e.g. frequency filters, reconfigurable filters, tunable oscillators or other circuits. Attention should be kept also on other ways how to implement fractional order circuits, e.g. implementation of structures with distributed parameters (RC-EDP), on computer modelling of matter and structures from nature and biology and also on mathematical description.
- Analysis and prediction of Ponzi schemes
The subject of the doctoral dissertation is the use of statistical methods and digital signal processing to analyze and predict whether a financial or investment scheme is a genuine real investment or a fraudulent Ponzi scheme. The actual results of the offered investment on the financial market (investment fund, stock fund, etc.) according to an appropriately chosen instrument (e.g. stock index) will be compared with the actual movement of the instrument on the stock exchange. With real data, it is first necessary to verify whether aliasing occurs (e.g. by using a bispectrum) and to predict, e.g. by means of regression mathematical methods, whether it is really a real investment or an investment scheme of the pyramid or plane type (Ponzi scheme). It is about comparing the degree of risk, whether the probability of fraud is lower than the expected profit. The results of the given fund may not exactly copy the selected index, but should copy its direction of development, or its movements or fluctuations. References [1] Lewis, M.K.: Can better Financial Regulation Prevent Investors from being defrauded? Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 2016, 200 pp. ISBN 978 1 78643 340 4. [2] Henriques, D.B: Čaroděj ze země lží (Wizard of Lies). Wolters Kluwer, 2012, 425 stran. ISBN 978 80 7357 952 4. [3] Čírtková L.: Podvody, zpronevěry, machinace. Právo, 2005, 247 stran. ISBN 80 86795 12 8.
- Artificial intelligence for fingerprint degradation
One of the latest advances in fingerprinting and artificial intelligence research involves the use of deep learning algorithms to automate the fingerprint identification process. These algorithms can analyze large databases of fingerprints and quickly compare an unknown fingerprint to a known one with high accuracy. The main advantage over previous methods is the ability of deep learning algorithms to learn to recognize and interpret complex patterns and relationships in image data. In this way, deep learning algorithms can overcome the limitations of previous methods, which often depended on hand-crafted rules and limited parameters for fingerprint recognition. The aim of the dissertation is to develop techniques based on machine learning for the objective assessment of ancillary information associated with a dactyloscopic print, such as its age with respect to environment and weather conditions.
- Communication Optimization in the Next-Generation SmartGrid Networks
As a part of development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 scheme, completely new requirements for the management of energy production and consumption were defined, which gave rise to so-called SmartGrids, i.e., intelligent networks. The research and development of communication technologies and protocols for intelligent networks aims to meet the ever-increasing requirements for quality of service, communication delay, transmission speeds, as well as the number of simultaneously communication devices. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to study the current communication technologies for the implementation of so-called massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC) scenarios within industrial (fixed) networks as well as 5G-IoT networks according to 3GPP Rel. 15+, which offers support for industrial protocols and thus opens the possibility of transition form conventional (fixed) infrastructure to mobile communication scenarios. For a detailed understanding of the communication principles in smart buildings equipped with sensors with fixed or wireless communication infrastructure, a series of real measurements will be carried out with the prototypes developed at Brno University of Technology (BUT), where the data will subsequently be used as input data sets for the creation of complex simulation scenarios/modeling. Subsequently, the analysis of the obtained data and the design of mechanisms for optimization the use of network resources within local infrastructure, i.e., communication inside a smart building and data transmissions with the remote servers (e.g., for so-called edge computing) will be carried out. Attention will be paid in particular on the implementation of artificial intelligence elements for optimizing data transmissions, prioritizing devices (terminal elements) withing the system in question and ensuring quality of service. The proposed principles will initially be implemented within the local polygon and subsequently implemented both on the side of end devices and in the communication infrastructure. The actual evaluation will take place in the unique laboratories UniLab and RICAIP at BUT and CEITEC, respectively. Also, the student will use the already established international cooperation with industry companies and universities.
Tutor: Číka Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
- Content Delivery Networks
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) are used to provide fast delivery of data. The data are replicated and located at different geographical places. The goal of the study is to optimize data replication based on selected criteria, such as to reduce the time to access the data and balance the load of the servers.
- Converged networks with limited bandwidth
Converged networks with limited bandwidth require a research of alternatives of increasing their throughput. It is about solving the problems connected with broadband data transmission, which is in certain parts limited by a narrower bandwidth, the so-called bottleneck problem. Come up with solution possibilities and subsequently design, model and implement a new system on the NetCOPE platform. Consider solutions based on QoS, solutions based on compression algorithms, and their combinations. Knowledge in the area of IP networks, modelling in MATLAB and Simulink, and programming in languages VHDL or Verilog are supposed. You are supposed to compare your system with existing ones and to specify its advantages.
- Cybersecurity in Inteligent Transport Systems
The research will focus on the analysis of threats, vulnerabilities and security methods in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the Internet of Vehicles, inter-vehicle/intra-vehicle communication and associated digital systems and services in transportation. The work will further deal with how to secure these smart transport systems in an agile, robust and sustainable manner. The minor goal of the work is research of the protection of user privacy in ITS services. The participation on Department’s national and international research projects is expected.
- Definition and research of new transfer function forms
Accepting non-integer (or fractional) order transfer functions introduced an additional degree of freedom compared to integer order systems. On a set of non-integer transfer functions, it has been shown that the definition of its specific form and the powers of the individual terms brings an additional, hitherto unexpected, degree of freedom. In this way, it is possible to design function blocks that satisfy multiple parameters simultaneously. Research on the specific forms of non-integer order transfer functions is now very limited. Therefore, this study topic is devoted to the definition and research of new transfer function forms that appropriately exploit the presence of non-integer powers and allow to control multiple function block parameters in both frequency and time domains, such as module, phase, group delay, rise time, overshoot, settling time and their combinations. During the studies, the PhD student will undertake internships at attractive partner universities abroad. Involvement in research projects carried out at the Dept. of Telecommunications is also offered. Contat the supervisor for more information about the topic
- Design of Modern IP Sophisticated Telematics Systems in Transport
Telematics systems are particularly common in transport. Research into telematics systems based on the Internet Protocol will be focused on the design of sophisticated, i.e. well-defined, formally well-developed and complicated methods that use IP systems in various areas. Surveillance and protection systems, systems of paying the fare, information systems, interactive applications, etc. are supposed in particular. Localization by GPS, vehicle diagnostics, and vehicle monitoring on orthomaps in real situations are in the focus. Sophisticated telematics systems will be software simulated, optimized and subsequently hardware implemented in the form of functional prototypes. Communication between two cars without a driver intervention, collision avoidance, information transmission about traffic from the places that cars left are expected. A highly accurate navigation system based on the Galileo system (GNSS) for controlling functional blocks of cars is considered.
- Development of Algorithms for Management of Queues and Control of Switching in Active Network Elements
Today's active network elements use a range of powerful algorithms for management of queues and control of switching. The task is to implement selected algorithms of queues management into a development system equipped with the FPGA card, to measure their performance and to develop a custom algorithm of queues management while respecting the standard marking used for QoS solutions. The solution assumes knowledge of languages C, VHDL, MATLAB, and possibly Verilog. An architecture of a network element with priority routing will be designed. An original procedure will be proposed for modelling this problem mathematically together with the implementation of the mathematical model. Software simulation of a system that can be used to control the switching field designed for switching data units shall be extended by its hardware implementation, e.g. via programmable logical arrays of the development system FPGA. The knowledge obtained will be generalized and related to the theory of high-speed network elements.
- Digital data forensics
The study deals with forensic methods to obtain digital evidence from mass storage devices and volatile memory. The goal is to optimize searching for evidence including the links between them. An example is searching for links between the system journal entries on more devices. The student can deal with various types of devices and operating systems.
- Eavesdropping speech signals using optical fibers
It is known that the optical fiber can capture acoustic waves travelling across it. The goal of the PhD student would be to explore this type of eavesdropping on speech signals, map its possibilities and weaknesses, and last but not the least, process the captured signals, denoise them and analyze.
- Improving the perceptual quality of compressed audio signals using deep neural networks
Athough a great attention is paid to audio coding, coders with a low bit budget still produce perceptually unpleasant results. The study would be focused on the design of an generative adversarial deep neural network (GAN) which would improve the perceptual quality of the compressed files. The network's input would therefore be the compressed signal, and its output would be the perceptually improved version.
- Machine learning in photonics
Photonic systems cover a wide range of areas from data transmission, through sensors to quantum networks. Each photonic system has its own requirements for the transmission infrastructure, but also for input and output parameters. Manual optimization of large networks based on different types of signals is almost impossible. With the help of machine learning, the optimization of both the transmitted signals and the entire infrastructure can be achieved in photonic networks. Last but not least, machine learning algorithms can be used to detect and classify non-standard network behavior to minimize security risks.
- Methods for measurement of basic and derived parameters of data networks
Goal of this thesis is to research in area of measurement of basic parameters of data networks based mostly on Internet Protocol (IP), such as throughput, one-way delay and round-trip time, so as in area of derived parameters, such as quality of voice and video services. This comes with problematics of modelling of behaviour of network and user under various conditions, long-term and short-term events, a description of mass-serving systems and also features and behaviour key internet and measuring protocols in computer networks, so as topic of their possible setting and security. Based on analysis of available tools and their features, or development of own tools, design of solution and approaches for various types of measurements is expected. Designed methodology should be verified both in environment of lab and real-world networks.
- Methods for Optimization of Ultra-Wideband Analog Integrated Systems-on-Chip Using Parasitic Effects of Transistors
The thesis focuses on designing optimization methods of MOS-only analog ultra-wideband analog integrated systems-on-chip of arbitrary integer and fractional order. The aim is to research and develop low-voltage and low-power applications by practical usage of transistor parasitics that work in frequency range units of GHz. Selected novel implementations of true-time delay circuits, oscillators, second- or higher-order filters, emulators of synthetic inductors, etc., with potential applications in 6G communication systems will undergo on-chip fabrication and experimental verification.
- Methods for penetration testing of computer network devices
The topic is focused on research and design of new methods that can be used during the security testing (including penetration test) with focus on IPv6 suite (Internet Protocol version 6) especially. The research is focused on suitable methods for network infrastructure testing, end devices testing and also for testing of other dedicated devices.
- Multicarrier modulations in optical transmission systems
Multitone modulations are today frequently used modulation techniques, e.g. in VDSL,, PLC, DVB-T, DVB-T2, WLAN IEEE 802.11a, g, n, ac technologies. In all the above mentioned systems the known and well described modulation DMT (Discrete MultiTone) or OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is used. The work will be focused on possibilities of utilization of multicarrier modulations in optical transmission systems.
- Objective metrics for estimating subjective evaluation of perceptual quality of degraded audio signals
Most of today's objective metrics of audio quality is focused on assessing quality after signal compression. However, in practice we need to estimate the quality of signals degraded also by other means (clipping, distortion, drop-outs etc.). The student would concentrate on a modification of the established metrics like PEAQ, PEMO-Q or VisQOLAudio for these non-linear degradations. Deep learning wil be involved. Co-advised by: Jiří Schimmel (FEEC), cooperation with dr. František Rund (ČVUT Prague).
- Optimization of 3D location algorithms for wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks are used primarily to collect data. However, in some applications, it is also necessary to obtain the exact location of the wireless node. This issue is becoming very topical in connection with the swarm of drones and their control. The aim of the work will be the analysis and optimization of 3D location algorithms and their subsequent implementation.
Tutor: Krajsa Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D.
- Parallelization of Evolutionary Algorithms
The aim is research in the field of evolutionary algorithms parallelization. Parallelization is an integral part of an endeavour to increase effectiveness of evolutionary algorithms and their possible use. Research should build on current knowledge and carry out further research on the impact of selected parameters and design details on the performance. Research should be concentrated on the island models of evolutionary algorithms. According to the chosen method the knowledge of some programming language is required, as well as scripting languages Python or Matlab. Selected development and testing environment is left to free choice. The results should be presented and verified.
- Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols
The topic aims at the analysis, design and optimization of modern post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) protocols. The research can be more focused on the one of current open problems such as post-quantum security in blockchain technology, quantum-resistant privacy-preserving methods, PQC on constrained devices, quantum-resistant hybrid methods, hardware acceleration of PQC at FPGA platforms, etc. The participation on Department’s national and international research projects is expected.
- Reconstruction of three-dimensional magnetic-resonance data using compressed sensing
The non-Cartesian acquisition methods attract attention because of a variety of unique properties which can be exploited for different applications such as: acquisition acceleration, insensitivity to motion and the possibility to image tissues with very short T2s (e.g. cortical bones, tendons, ligaments, menisci and myelin). The objectives of the PhD study are to: a) develop an efficient volume reconstruction method from UTE data for quantitative analyses of ultrashort T2 components, based on nonconvex optimization, b) explore the limits of the spatial resolution when reducing the number of UTE projections for acceleration, c) apply and perform quantitative in vivo MR data analyses. Collaboration with CEITEC MU center, processing of data from the experimental MR scanner, supervisor specialist Ing. Peter Latta, CSc. Potential financial support from CEITEC.
- Research of Analog Active Function Blocks for Biosensors
The dissertation focuses on researching novel structures of non-conventional analog active function blocks such as current or voltage conveyors using a chemical description of their terminal variables. The research aims to develop novel structures of chemical conveyors of different generations and their utilization in measurement systems for sensing fundamental quantities in biomedical systems. Selected systems will undergo on-chip fabrication and experimental verification.
- Research of Fractional-Order Element Emulators for Reliable Modeling of Real-World Systems
The thesis is focused on the research of analog emulators of fractional-order elements (FOEs) with an order of (-1; +1). The aim is the development of reliable low-voltage and low-power MOS transistor-based emulators of capacitors and inductors by practical usage of influences of transistor parasitics. Selected novel implementations of FOEs will be used to model different varieties and types of agricultural products and biomedical tissues (fruit/vegetable aging, ear channel/lung/liver modeling of humans and animals, etc.) based on real measured data collected via electrical impedance spectroscopy measurement technique.
- Resistive-Capacitive Elements with Distributed Parameters - Design, Implementation and Utilization in Electronic Circuits
The topic aims at the research into design methods of resistive-capacitive elements with distributed parameters (RC-EDP) and their utilization in electronic circuits. The main part of the study will be developing a complex methodology for implementation of impedance function of fractional, i.e. non-integer, order by means of RC-EDP. Design methods for obtaining RC-EDP parameters will be developed depending on the required impedance function, RC-EDP type, and fabrication technology. For this purpose, a symbolic impedance description of RC-EDP, numerical optimization methods and characteristic properties of fabrication technologies will be used. The specifics of individual technologies will be compared with each other and the procedure of preparation of production documents will be elaborated for selected technologies. The topic also includes the design and verification of RC-EDP applications in electronic circuits, especially realizing circuit functions of fractional order.
- Scalable quantum networks
The aim is research and development in the field of quantum networks and their simulators, specifically network architectures and protocols and the possibilities of their simulation and testing. Start from your own design of the simulation environment for testing purposes and define the advantages and disadvantages of individual solutions. Use Python or another suitable programming language. An introductory simulator is available at Direct the work towards optimization especially from the point of view of security and post-quantum data processing with reach to the network layer according to TCP/IP.
- Security and Privacy in Intelligent Infrastructures
The topic focuses on the research of applied modern cryptography (light cryptography, schemes with privacy protection, authentication and key management) and optimization of schemes within intelligent networks such as Internet of Everything, Internet of vehicles and smart cities. The research deals in more detail with the design of secure decentralized and heteregenous networks and services with enhanced privacy protection of users. The participation on Department’s national and international research projects is expected.
- Security in Converged Networks
The aim is to analyse the up-to-date development and trends in the area of converged networks, mainly the problems of protection against cyber attacks. The areas of 5G mobile, SDN (Software Defined Networks) and related transmission technologies are seemed to be among the perspective possibilities. Design of innovative or new protection methods is supposed to be based on obtained observation. The research requires an orientation in the networks area, experience with MATLAB or SCILAB programs, and knowledge of at least one of VHDL, C or Java languages, evolutionary algorithms, and possibly use of the system FPGA.
- Security of IP telephony
The work will focus on research in the field of IP telephony security. It will include an analysis of protocols that providing VoIP telephony, known attacks, design and verification of new attacks. On the basis of the analyses will be proposed approaches to eliminate or minimize the impact of researched attacks on VoIP traffic. Individual approaches will be tested in practical implementations.
- Spatial Audio Signal Processing Using Small-Size Microphone Arrays
Microphone arrays of small dimensions, mainly fitted with MEMS microphones, are currently used in a number of applications, such as voice assistants, robots or monitoring in sensor networks, especially for their ability of spatial filtering of the sound signal from background noise. However, they also have potential in multimedia applications including augmented and virtual reality. The problem, however, is the limitation of their dimensions with respect to the spatial filtering capability at low sampling frequencies. The aim of this dissertation is to use new methods of spatial filtering of sound signal picked up by a field of microphones in order to further reduce the dimensions of the field and increase the resolution and accuracy of filtering. The dissertation will focus not only on the research for suitable algorithms of signal processing, but also on its mechanical design enabling the adjustment of acoustic properties of microphones, especially the shaping of directional characteristics. The research will be carried out in cooperation with the Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University and the Université du Maine Le Mans.
- Testbed for evaluation of communication technologies for Smart Grids
The aim of this work is to design a comprehensive model of communication technologies for Smart Grids networks. This model will be deployed and be verified in a simulation and laboratory environment. Another goal of this work is to design and experimentally verify the methodology of evaluation of communication technologies and their security for Smart Grids networks.
- Using Machine Learning for Modelling of Audio Systems
Neural networks and machine learning are currently used in the area of audio signal processing for data mining, e.g. recognition of genre, music information retrieval from recordings, etc., and speech processing, such as word recognition, speaker identification, emotion recognition, etc. However, their potential use is also in modelling of audio systems. The aim of dissertation thesis is to find algorithms for optimization of parameters of digital musical effects, algorithms for room acoustic simulation and more using machine learning and hearing models for training of neural networks. The research will focus on the static optimization of the system parameters according to the original analog system and on the dynamic change of the parameters in real time on the basis of the properties of the processed audio signal. Research will be conducted in collaboration with companies dealing with the development of software for processing audio signals.
1. round (applications submitted from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023)
- Energy Management and Optimization in Buildings with Regard to Renewable Energy Sources and Electromobility
The legacy concept of the electricity distribution considered centrally controlled electricity production and the unknown consumption. With the increase in the share of smaller, especially renewable sources, where the production is highly fluctioating and unpredictable (threatening the network stability), the need arises for a new concept of managing energy networks with optimization botn on the production side and on the consumption side. The concept of such a networks is called “SmartGrids” and is based on digitalization and full automation of network management, on secured two-way communication between the production sources, distribution network and consumers, and on the possibility of greater decentralization of the network by involving renewable energy sources. The aim of this dissertation thesis is in the first phase familiarize with the functioning and solutions of elements of production and consumption, e.g., inverter, battery, charging station, water heating, heat pump, etc. Then, study of communication protocols for building management. A test polygon will be constructed for a detailed understanding of the principles of communication in smart buildings (in SmartGrids in general). It will enable to connect elements of energy consumption and production from different manufacturers to the polygon. The core of the polygon will be the communication unit (gateway). In the second phase, the definition of requirements for energy management from the point of view of energy will be approached for the subsequent optimization. A seris of initial measurements will be carried out and a subsequent design of a scheme for energy optimization including the communication unit and the entire polygon (can represent a family house, apartment building, production halls or other spaces). On the basis of the obtained data, energy optimization will be carried out using newly designed algorithms including elements of artificial intelligence and communication technologies (protocols) of next-generation networks. The actual evaluation will take place in the unique laboratories UniLab and RICAIP at BUT and CEITEC, respectively. Also, the student will use the already established international cooperation with industry companies and universities.
Tutor: Číka Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
- Optical fiber infrastructure security
Fiber optic networks have evolved rapidly in recent years to meet the ever-increasing demand for increasing capacity. Today, optical fibers are widely used in all types of networks due to not only transmission speed or maximum achievable distance but also security. Although fiber optic networks are considered completely secure, there are ways to capture or copy part of the data signal. Both imperfections of passive optical components and, for example, monitoring outputs of active devices can be used. With the advent of quantum computers, current encryption could be broken. It is therefore necessary to address the security of fiber-optic networks, analyze security risks and propose appropriate countermeasures.
- Quantum key distribution in telecommunication networks
Today's digital world is dependent on data security during communication but also in storage, for example in e-banking, e-commerce, e-health or e-government. With the advent of quantum computers, there is a risk of potential security breaches today. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) provides a way to distribute and share secret keys that are necessary for cryptographic protocols. The information is coded into individual photons. Integrating QKD systems into existing network infrastructure used for telecommunications is a topical challenge. Some other major challenges include increasing of the key rate, increasing the range of the QKD system, or reducing the complexity and robustness of existing solutions.
- Reconstruction of degraded audio signals based on deep neural networks
The doctoral study will cope with modern methods of audio restoration. The need to complete the missing segment of an audio signal or to restore saturated signal samples are interesting tasks with the practical use (historical recordings, dropouts in VoIP calls, etc.). Current methods are capable of high quality interpolation of signals that are stationary in the vicinity of the missing section and have harmonic character. The study will focus on methods that combine approaches that have been successful in recent years, namely mathematical optimization methods and the deep neural networks (DNNs). Psychoacoustic viewpoint of the problem will be covered as well. (Collaboration with the Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna)
- Research of digital biomarkers quantifying dysarthria
Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder manifested in respiration, phonation, articulation and prosody. Although we can identify several approaches to acoustic speech signal analysis that enable quantifying some manifestations of dysarthria, there are some specific areas (e.g. remote and passive monitoring), where the conventional methods fail, thus it is necessary to look for new solutions. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to research new digital biomarkers that robustly quantify manifestations of dysarthria in different speech dimensions, that will enable partial objectivization of perceptual assessment, and that will be clinically interpretable. The research will be held in cooperation with a neuroscientific team from the St Anne's University Hospital Brno.
- Research of system for testing of security and safety
The aim of this work is to design methods and tools for verification of security and safety of equipment deployed for real operation. The work is mainly focused on end devices for power engineering and industry deployed within Smart Grids and Industry 4.0 concepts and their verification from the view of security threats and functional errors.
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DPC-ET1 | Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processes | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-EE1 | Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systems | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-ME1 | Modern Microelectronic Systems | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-RE1 | Modern electronic circuit design | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-TK1 | Optimization Methods and Queuing Theory | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-FY1 | Junctions and nanostructures | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-TE1 | Special Measurement Methods | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-MA1 | Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Research | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-AM1 | Selected chaps from automatic control | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-VE1 | Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drives | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPX-JA6 | English for post-graduates | en | 4 | Elective | DrEx | Cj - 26 | yes | |
DPC-RIZ | Solving of innovative tasks | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-EIZ | Scientific publishing A to Z | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 26 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DPC-TK2 | Applied cryptography | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-MA2 | Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineering | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-ME2 | Microelectronic technologies | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-RE2 | Modern digital wireless communication | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-EE2 | New Trends and Technologies in Power System Generation | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-TE2 | Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equations | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-FY2 | Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-ET2 | Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and quality | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-AM2 | Selected chaps from measuring techniques | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-VE2 | Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatus | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPX-JA6 | English for post-graduates | en | 4 | Elective | DrEx | Cj - 26 | yes | |
DPC-CVP | Quotations in a research work | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 26 | yes | |
DPC-RIZ | Solving of innovative tasks | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 39 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DPX-QJA | English for the state doctoral exam | en | 4 | Elective | DrEx | K - 3 | yes |