study programme
Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Original title in Czech: Teoretická elektrotechnikaFaculty: FEECAbbreviation: DPC-TEEAcad. year: 2023/2024
Type of study programme: Doctoral
Study programme code: P0714D060005
Degree awarded: Ph.D.
Language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 27.5.2029
Mode of study
Full-time study
Standard study length
4 years
Programme supervisor
Doctoral Board
Fields of education
Area | Topic | Share [%] |
Electrical Engineering | Without thematic area | 100 |
Study aims
The doctoral study program "Theoretical Electrical Engineering" is focused on the preparation of high-qualified scientific and research specialists in various areas of theoretical electrical engineering. Particularly, in the theory and applications of electromagnetism, electrical circuits, electro/magnetic measurement methods and signal processing methods. The preparation is supported by the provision of knowledge in related mathematical disciplines such as stochastic processes and statistical methods of systems investigation, systems analysis using functional equations, design of multi-criteria optimization methods, numerical methods for solution of continuous and discrete dynamical systems and others. The aim of the program is to provide a doctoral education to graduates of Master's degree in all these sub-disciplines, to deepen their theoretical knowledge and to develop practical expert skills and to educate them in the methods of scientific work.
Graduate profile
Graduates in doctoral study program "Theoretical Electrical Engineering" are able to solve scientific and complex technical innovation tasks in the field of electrical engineering at the theoretical level, as well as its practical use in research, development and production. To solve technical research and development tasks, they are equipped with a complex knowledge of the theory and application of electromagnetic field, electrical circuits, methods of measuring and signal processing and their physical and mathematical description. They are able to use modern computing, measuring and diagnostic techniques in a creative way.
Thanks to the high-quality theoretical education, practical expert skills and specialization in the chosen field, graduates of doctoral study are sought as specialists and executive staff in general electrical engineering. They will apply as researchers in basic or applied research, as specialists and leaders of teams in development, design and operation in research and development institutions and in electrical and electronic manufacturing companies operating in the field of advanced technologies.
Profession characteristics
Specialists and executive staff in general electrical engineering, researchers in basic or applied research, specialists and leaders of teams in development, design and operation in research and development institutions and in electrical and electronic manufacturing companies operating in the field of advanced technologies
Fulfilment criteria
The doctoral study is conducted according to the individual study plan. The individual study plan is prepared by the supervisor in cooperation with the doctoral student at the beginning of the study. The individual study plan specifies all the duties stipulated in accordance with the Study and Examination Rules at the Brno University of Technology, which the doctoral student must fulfill to successfully finish his studies. These responsibilities are scheduled throughout the whole study period; they are scored and they are evaluated at the end of given periods.
The student enrolls and takes examinations of the compulsory courses Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equations and English for the state doctoral exam; at least two obligatory elective courses relating to the focus of his dissertation and at least two optional courses (English for Post-graduates; Scientific Citing; Solution of Innovational Tasks; Scientific publishing).
The student may enroll for the state doctoral exam only after taking all the exams prescribed by the individual study plan. Before the state doctoral exam, the student prepares a treatise on dissertation thesis, which describes in detail the goals of the thesis, a thorough evaluation of the state of knowledge in the area of the dissertation solved, or the characterization of the methods intended to apply in the solution.
The defense of treatise on dissertation thesis, which is reviewed, is part of the state doctoral exam. In the next part of the exam the student must demonstrate deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, electromagnetic field, circuit theory, methods of measuring electrical and other physical quantities, processing and analysis of signals and mathematical modeling of technical processes. The state doctoral exam has a form of oral presentation and discussion on the treatise on dissertation thesis. In addition, it also includes a discussion on issues of thematic areas related to obligatory and obligatory elective courses.
The doctoral student can apply for the defense of dissertation thesis after passing the state doctoral exam and after fulfilling conditions for termination of the study, such as participation in teaching; scientific and expert activity (creative activity) and at least a monthly study or work internship at a foreign institution or participation in an international creative project.
Study plan creation
The doctoral studies of a student follow the Individual Study Plan (ISP), which is defined by the supervisor and the student at the beginning of the study period. The ISP is obligatory for the student, and specifies all duties being consistent with the Study and Examination Rules of BUT, which the student must successfully fulfill by the end of the study period. The duties are distributed throughout the whole study period, scored by credits/points and checked in defined dates. The current point evaluation of all activities of the student is summarized in the “Total point rating of doctoral student” document and is part of the ISP. At the beginning of the next study year the supervisor highlights eventual changes in ISP. By October, 15 of each study year the student submits the printed and signed ISP to Science Department of the faculty to check and archive.
Within the first four semesters the student passes the exams of compulsory, optional-specialized and/or optional-general courses to fulfill the score limit in Study area, and concurrently the student significantly deals with the study and analysis of the knowledge specific for the field defined by the dissertation thesis theme and also continuously deals with publishing these observations and own results. In the follow-up semesters the student focuses already more to the research and development that is linked to the dissertation thesis topic and to publishing the reached results and compilation of the dissertation thesis.
By the end of the second year of studies the student passes the Doctor State Exam, where the student proves the wide overview and deep knowledge in the field linked to the dissertation thesis topic. The student must apply for this exam by April, 30 in the second year of studies. Before the Doctor State Exam the student must successfully pass the exam from English language course.
In the third and fourth year of studies the student deals with the required research activities, publishes the reached results and compiles the dissertation thesis. As part of the study duties is also completing a study period at an abroad institution or participation on an international research project with results being published or presented in abroad or another form of direct participation of the student on an international cooperation activity, which must be proved by the date of submitting the dissertation thesis.
By the end of the winter term in the fourth year of study students submit the elaborated dissertation thesis to the supervisor, who scores this elaborate. The final dissertation thesis is expected to be submitted by the student by the end of the fourth year of the studies.
In full-time study form, during the study period the student is obliged to pass a pedagogical practice, i.e. participate in the education process. The participation of the student in the pedagogical activities is part of his/her research preparations. By the pedagogical practice the student gains experience in passing the knowledge and improves the presentation skills. The pedagogical practice load (exercises, laboratories, project supervision etc.) of the student is specified by the head of the department based on the agreement with the student’s supervisor. The duty of pedagogical practice does not apply to students-payers and combined study program students. The involvement of the student in the education process within the pedagogical practice is confirmed by the supervisor in the Information System of the university.
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
- Advanced image analysis methods
The aim of the dissertation is to increase scientific knowledge in the field of modern methods of image analysis. The PhD student will work closely with Bohunice University Hospital (Radiology Clinic) in the framework of his/her dissertation. With regard to the specific characteristics of magnetic resonance images, computed tomography and other imaging modalities, methods of preprocessing, segmentation and classification of images will be developed. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods for tissue differentiation, standardisation of diagnostics, modelling of physical properties of tissues and their spatial distribution is envisaged. The PhD student's work will build on the ongoing project on spinal deformities.
- Advanced methods of radiofrequency detection of partial discharges
One of the key problems of high-power high-voltage transformers is the existence of partial discharges PD in their dielectric oil filling. Radiofrequency methods may provide an efficient tool for observing the PD activity. The possibility of PD-radiated UHF electromagnetic (EM) signal detection is crucial for successful methods application. This signal has a relatively low magnitude and its occurrence is accompanied by a strong impulse-like interference from other discharge processes. On the other side, the PD signal dispose with specific time and frequency properties, which can be utilized for its reliable detection and evaluation. The theme of the Ph.D. study is focused on the research of new approach to PD-radiated EM signals detection utilizing signal’s specific time and frequency properties. The goal is to deepen the knowledge in the problematic of reliable detection and identification of PD activity and increasing the reliability of the high-power high-voltage transformers.
- Advanced methods of remote sensing of the Earth's surface
The aim of the work is to create or optimize new advanced methods of surveying the Earth's surface. As part of the study, it will be necessary to capture data using various sensors. By fusing the data and analyzing it, create new methods for the creation of the earth's map materials.
- Aggregation operators in fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic is a form f many-valued logic or probabilistic logic. It has been applied to many fields, from control theory to artificial inteligence. The topic of the thesis is tu study new constructions and properties of fuzzy logic connectives via aggregation operators.
- Algebraic hyperstructures in autonomous driving
The dissertation will study possible applications of algebraic hyperstructure theory for autonomous driving and traffic control. It will make use of rough sets, generalizations of automata theory and other algebraic tools used for modeling contexts in which multivalued results of algebraic operations and their approximate descriptions are needed.
- Analysis of pathological brain tissue
Learn about the different types of MRI images such as T1 weighted and diffusion weighted images. Focus on imaging brain tissue containing pathologies such as glioblastoma, metastasis or abscess. Suggest new methods for classifying brain pathology.
- Analytical and numerical solving fractional systems of differential equations
The aim of the dissertation thesis is a proposal of a numerical semi-analytical method which will be based based on Adomian decomposition method and integral transformations to solving initial value problems for fractional systems of differential equations in the sense of Caputo and Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Convergence analysis of the proposed method will be investigated as well.
- Controllability problems for discrete equations with an aftereffect
The aim is to solve some controllabity problems on relative and trajectory controllability for systems of discrete equations with aftereffect. It is assumed that criteria of controllability will be derived and relevant algorithms for their solutions will be constructed (including constructions of controll functions). Starting literature – the book by M. Sami Fadali and Antonio Visioli, Digital Control Engineering, Analysis and Design, Elsewier, 2013 and papers by J. Diblík, Relative and trajectory controllability of linear discrete systems with constant coefficients and a single delay, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, ( 64 (2019), Issue 5, 2158-2165 and by J. Diblík, K. Mencáková, A note on relative controllability of higher-order linear delayed discrete systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65, No 12 (2020), 5472-5479, ( During study a visit to Bialystok University, Poland, where similar problems are studied, is planned.
- Electrical Impedance Tomography
The aim of the dissertation is to increase scientific knowledge in the field of non-destructive analysis of the internal structure of materials by electrical impedance tomography. The expected direction of the dissertation work is the optimization of methods of reconstruction of electrical impedance distribution, the use of multispectral noise and impulse analysis, application and optimization of artificial intelligence and machine learning elements, acceleration of calculations using parallelization of calculations. The design of the methods will be carried out with respect to selected applications, e.g. soil investigation, condition of building structures, etc. in cooperation with specific institutions. Research activities will include modelling of the environment and the measurement system with equivalent circuits, simulation, emulation, measurements on the real environment including evaluation of the influence of the excitation signal frequency on the quality of reconstruction of the electrical properties of the analyzed environment.
- Low level magnetic measurements
Theme explores two key areas. The first is focused on continuing research into a comprehensive system of measurement methods and metrology for measuring low-level magnetic respectfully strongly disturbed environment in a narrow frequency band f = 0.1-30Hz. It is advisable to focus on methods of achieving the results of S / W <0.05 a signal reconstruction. The proposed methods are used for evaluation of small changes in magnetic fields. The second area of research continues to change human behavior and the overall response of the human body, its properties, and reactions to changes in the magnetic field. As a tool, the procedure is both deterministic and stochastic, with the latest mathematical tools and non-destructive measurement methods.
- Methodology for measuring air ions and electrical charge
The aim of the dissertation will be an interdisciplinary comparison of air ions with other related variables and their effect on human organisms. In the study of atmospheric electricity, correlations with earthquakes and research on storm phenomena can be sought. Furthermore, research will also focus on confined spaces where maximum sensitivity must be achieved with minimum air volume flow. In particular, speleotherapy caves will be targeted, where the correct methodology for measuring air ions and their mobility will be developed. Nowadays actual atmospheric pollution will be correlated with the concentration of light air ions, which can be used as a possible indicator of chemical pollution. The effect of cigarette smoke and plants on air ions will be investigated. Similar research will be carried out in the experimental forest.
Tutor: Roubal Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D.
- Methods for estimating the position of an unmanned aircraft
Study the methods for simulating the position of an unmanned aircraft. The aim of this work is to design a new efficient method for drone position estimation.
- Models of the structure of matter
The work is focused on theoretical derivation of numerical models based on quantum mechanical models of materials and in combination with the stochastic, both deterministic and non-deterministic approach to formulate the determination of uncertainty for ordinary differential equations nanoelementární simple numerical model of the system, periodic system. Research continues on modifications so vytovřeného model based on numerical finite element, finite volume, boundary element method for static and dynamic models formulated using partial differential equations. The aim is to propose a numerical model as a powerful tool for the analysis and characterization of both periodic and nonperiodic structure and its geometry on the atomic and subatomic level verification on a single verifiable example, to examine the characteristics of the resulting numerical model and compared with the requirements for models for electrical discharge dynamics and evaluate the specified parameters. The topic is part of the grant CZ
- Modern image analysis methods for medical applications
The aim of the dissertation is to increase scientific knowledge in the field of modern methods of image analysis. The PhD student will work closely with St. Anne's University Hospital (Neurosurgery Clinic). Taking into account the specific characteristics of MRI images and other imaging modalities, methods of image preprocessing, segmentation and classification will be developed. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning methods for tissue differentiation, standardization of diagnostics, etc. is assumed.
- Nonlinear differential equations in mathematical physics: qualitative and quantitative methods.
This topic is concerned with the analysis of some classes of nonlinear differential (or partial differential) equations that arise in mathematical physics and engineering. We are interested in the existence of solutions, their qualitative/quantitative properties and related asymptotic estimates. Basic knowledge includes: functional analysis, as well as linear and nonlinear differential equations.
Tutor: Radulescu Vicentiu, Ph.D.
- Numerical models of stochastic problems
In the process of modeling there are unsolved problems in many large parametric task with an explicit description of the minimum parameters. In numerical modeling approaches, there are solutions to such models. With suitable formulation and preparation methods are becoming powerful tools in the scientific approach to solving both basic and applied research. The aim of doctoral study is to describe and articulate approaches to the solution of large systems with periodic rate of violations periodicities, on experiments to verify the nature of the models. Purposefully perform testing models nanomateriálových models, such as graphene structures, surface atomic layers with plasma applications.
- Optical fiber sensing of electromagnetic transients
The use of a magneto-optical effect in optical fibers is an attractive option for the design of magnetic field and electric current sensors. Their application is particularly interesting in the case of measurements of strong magnetic fields, or currents reaching values in the range of kiloamperes up to tens of megaamperes. In this context, their application in the diagnostics of plasma discharges in future fusion reactors is highly potential. For successful deployment of these sensors it is highly desirable to have the possibility of testing them during development. Many works have already dealt with the measurement of sensor properties. However, the necessary attention has not been paid to the possibility of testing the dynamic properties of the transducers in the nanosecond and sub-nanosecond regions. Moreover, together with the magnetic fields induced by currents of kiloamperes and above. The dissertation thesis will be devoted to the research of properties and testing of sensors in the nano and sub-nanosecond area. The design and development of a unique testing device is expected.
- Properties of the solution of differential equations and their systems
Study the properties of solutions of differential equations, such as bounded solutions, stability, etc. The same thing with the systems of these equations. The emphasis will be on the application of theoretical results in technical practice.
- Rational functions and solving of thequations
Use of rational functions in solving equations
- Research of properties and applications of noise electromagnetic fields
Measuring and diagnostic methods based on the interaction of radiated electromagnetic (EM) field with test objects are currently mature and widely used technology. However, the vast majority of systems based on such approach use the concept of generating and evaluating EM fields with certain defined or swept frequency. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of reactive coupling of the measured object and the measuring device in the near field, which can detriorate the measurement. Conversely, if broadband stochastic signals (noise signals) were used for diagnostics, these problematic coupling could be suppressed. The topic of the study is focused on the research of the use of the concept of diagnostic of materials and electromagnetic structures by the noise field, especially in radiofrequency and microwave domain, its development and experimental verification.
- Stochastic differential equations in electrical engineering
By adding some randomness to the coefficients of an ordinary differential equation we get stochastic differential equations. As an example of that is the equation, that describes the current in an RL circuit with stochastic source. Then the solution of the equation is a random process. The subject involves creating stochastic models, numerical solutions of stochastic differential equations and examinations of the statistical estimates of the solutions.
- Tuned nanostructure
One of the current areas of research are working on sophisticated nano-structures. The work is focused in the design, modeling and experimentation with tuned nanostructures in 10-500THz. There are three goals. The first one is the field of numerical modeling of structures. Based on the real properties of nanomaterials to create a numerical model and analyze the structure. The second area focuses on the design methods and methodologies of verification of the results by experiments, measurement and verification of assumptions expected from theoretical model. Modeling using finite element method, finite volume (such as ANSYS, ANSOFT, MAXWELL etc.) to propose a model of behavior dynamics of matter. The third area of research is focused in the field of technology. This is expected to focus research on technology for implementation of the proposed structures and their feasibility in the experimental part of the topic. Results will be used for research of special tuned periodic structures. Topics can be solved in isolation, is not a precondition for any one candidate. The topic is part of the grant announced by CZ.
- Use of plasma nanotechnologies for the design of new lithium-ion battery electrode materials
Thesis is focused on the research, description, modeling and experimental verification of plasma nanotechnology allowing to modify the functional properties of the surface of an electrode system materials of an lithium-ion accumulators, including 3D micro and nanoporous structures thanks to the excellent conformation of processes. Found technology will also be applicable for material structuring design and pore and nanotubes at the material boundaries. This research will focus among other things on the possibilities of the design and creating multilayered systems. The aim of this work is to propose nanostructure of new material types for lithium-ion accumulator electrodes by means of evaluation of numerical analyzes and experimental realization / verification of the proposed structures using a combination of steps utilizing the potential of modern nanotechnologies, including plasma processes. The work is a part of the grant project with the planned financial support of the doctoral student.
1. round (applications submitted from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023)
- Autonomous movement of unmanned systems without GPS
Conduct research in the field of navigation of unmanned systems. Focus on the issue of UAV flight without satellite information. Study the possibilities of controlling UAVs using image data and possible fusion of data from other sensors. Propose methods for UAV movement without satellite data, optimize and evaluate the results obtained.
- High-frequency plasma excitation and methods of its diagnostic
The issue of plasma generation, retaining and its diagnostics is currently a highly topical research topic with a broad overlap in the fields of physics, electrical engineering, chemistry, material sciences and others. Developed plasma technologies are used in many industry branches today, and their number is still growing. This development is conditioned by successful research and development in related areas of technology. The advances in the field of high-power high-frequency electronics make possible to design and study new methods of plasma excitation in the UHF and microwave range. In addition, these methods can be accompanied by the use of physical phenomena such as electron cyclotron resonance, enabling further optimization of energy transfer efficiency and controlling the plasma parameters. This latest development opens up new questions in the research of plasma sources, their control, diagnostics and application. The aim of the dissertation will be to research new techniques for high-frequency plasma excitation and techniques for its diagnostic with the support of numerical modeling and experimental methods.
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DPC-ET1 | Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processes | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-EE1 | Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systems | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-ME1 | Modern Microelectronic Systems | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-RE1 | Modern electronic circuit design | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-TK1 | Optimization Methods and Queuing Theory | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-FY1 | Junctions and nanostructures | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-TE1 | Special Measurement Methods | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-MA1 | Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Research | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-AM1 | Selected chaps from automatic control | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-VE1 | Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drives | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPX-JA6 | English for post-graduates | en | 4 | Elective | DrEx | Cj - 26 | yes | |
DPC-RIZ | Solving of innovative tasks | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-EIZ | Scientific publishing A to Z | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 26 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DPC-TE2 | Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equations | cs | 4 | Compulsory | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-TK2 | Applied cryptography | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-MA2 | Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineering | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-ME2 | Microelectronic technologies | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-RE2 | Modern digital wireless communication | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-EE2 | New Trends and Technologies in Power System Generation | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-FY2 | Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-ET2 | Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and quality | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-AM2 | Selected chaps from measuring techniques | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPC-VE2 | Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatus | cs | 4 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | S - 39 | yes | |
DPX-JA6 | English for post-graduates | en | 4 | Elective | DrEx | Cj - 26 | yes | |
DPC-CVP | Quotations in a research work | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 26 | yes | |
DPC-RIZ | Solving of innovative tasks | cs | 2 | Elective | DrEx | S - 39 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DPX-QJA | English for the state doctoral exam | en | 4 | Elective | DrEx | K - 3 | yes |