study programme

Power Systems and Power Electronics

Original title in Czech: Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetikaFaculty: FEECAbbreviation: DPC-SEEAcad. year: 2023/2024

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0713D060005

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 27.5.2029

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Electrical Engineering Without thematic area 60
Energetics Without thematic area 40

Study aims

The doctor study programme is devoted to the preparation of the high quality scientific and research specialists in various branches of power electronics, control technology, design of electrical machines, electric power generation and distribution, and electric power utilization.
The aim is to provide the doctor education in all these particular branches to students educated in university magister study, to make deeper their theoretical knowledge, to give them also requisite special knowledge and practical skills and to teach them methods of scientific work.

Graduate profile

The goal of the postgradual doctoral (PhD) study of the program "Power Systems and Power Electronics" is the education for scientific work in the area of power electrical engineering and power systems. Graduates of PhD find occupation either as scientific or research workers including industrial development, either as university teachers and in higher manager functions as well.

Profession characteristics

The graduate of the doctor study program "Power Systems and Power Electronics" obtains broad knowledge of subject of high power engineering. The knowledge is built mainly on theoretical background of the subject. Moreover, the graduate will obtain deep special knowledge aimed in direction of his/her thesis. The graduate will be able to perform scientific and/or applied research based on up to date theoretical knowledge. The graduate will be able to organize and lead a team of researchers in the studied subject.

Fulfilment criteria

Doctoral studies are carried out according to the individual study plan, which is prepared by the supervisor in the beginning of the study in cooperation with the doctoral student. The individual curriculum specifies all the duties determined in accordance with the BUT Study and Examination Rules, which the doctoral student must fulfill to successfully finish his studies. These responsibilities are time-bound throughout the study period, they are scored and fixed at fixed deadlines.
Students will write and pass tests of obligatory subject Exam in English before the state doctoral examination, compulsory elective courses in view of the focus of his dissertation, whereas at least two are selected from: Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systems, New Trends and Technologies in Power System Generation, Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drives, Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatus), and at least two optional subjects (English for PhD students; Quoting in Scientific Practice; Resolving Innovation Assignments; Scientific Publishing from A to Z).
The student may enroll for the state doctoral exam only after all the tests prescribed by his / her individual study plan have been completed. Before the state doctoral exam, the student draws up a dissertation thesis describing in detail the aims of the thesis, a thorough evaluation of the state of knowledge in the area of the dissertation solved, or the characteristics of the methods it intends to apply in the solution.
The defense of the controversy that is opposed is part of the state doctoral exam. In the next part of the exam, the student must demonstrate deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, electronics, electrical machines, and electrical apparatus. The state doctoral examination is in oral form and, in addition to the discussion on the dissertation thesis, it also consists of thematic areas related to compulsory and compulsory elective subjects.
To defend the dissertation, the student reports after the state doctoral examination and after fulfilling conditions for termination, such as participation in teaching, scientific and professional activity (creative activity) and at least a monthly study or work placement at a foreign institution or participation in an international creative project.

Study plan creation

The doctoral studies of a student follow the Individual Study Plan (ISP), which is defined by the supervisor and the student at the beginning of the study period. The ISP is obligatory for the student, and specifies all duties being consistent with the Study and Examination Rules of BUT, which the student must successfully fulfill by the end of the study period. The duties are distributed throughout the whole study period, scored by credits/points and checked in defined dates. The current point evaluation of all activities of the student is summarized in the “Total point rating of doctoral student” document and is part of the ISP. At the beginning of the next study year the supervisor highlights eventual changes in ISP. By October, 15 of each study year the student submits the printed and signed ISP to Science Department of the faculty to check and archive.
Within the first four semesters the student passes the exams of compulsory, optional-specialized and/or optional-general courses to fulfill the score limit in Study area, and concurrently the student significantly deals with the study and analysis of the knowledge specific for the field defined by the dissertation thesis theme and also continuously deals with publishing these observations and own results. In the follow-up semesters the student focuses already more to the research and development that is linked to the dissertation thesis topic and to publishing the reached results and compilation of the dissertation thesis.
By the end of the second year of studies the student passes the Doctor State Exam, where the student proves the wide overview and deep knowledge in the field linked to the dissertation thesis topic. The student must apply for this exam by April, 30 in the second year of studies. Before the Doctor State Exam the student must successfully pass the exam from English language course.
In the third and fourth year of studies the student deals with the required research activities, publishes the reached results and compiles the dissertation thesis. As part of the study duties is also completing a study period at an abroad institution or participation on an international research project with results being published or presented in abroad or another form of direct participation of the student on an international cooperation activity, which must be proved by the date of submitting the dissertation thesis.
By the end of the winter term in the fourth year of study the students submit the elaborated dissertation thesis to the supervisor, who scores this elaborate. The final dissertation thesis is expected to be submitted by the student by the end of the fourth year of studies.
In full-time study form, during the study period the student is obliged to pass a pedagogical practice, i.e. participate in the education process. The participation of the student in the pedagogical activities is part of his/her research preparations. By the pedagogical practice the student gains experience in passing the knowledge and improves the presentation skills. The pedagogical practice load (exercises, laboratories, project supervision etc.) of the student is specified by the head of the department based on the agreement with the student’s supervisor. The duty of pedagogical practice does not apply to students-payers and combined study program students. The involvement of the student in the education process within the pedagogical practice is confirmed by the supervisor in the Information System of the university.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Alternative Energy Systems in Concept of Sustainability

    The topic focuses on energy systems that offer high sustainability potential. Energy generation will continue to be the focus of modern society and with the advances in technology, it is clear that the current concept will need to be significantly modified towards renewable sources. However, the renewability of the resource is not the only condition. Future technologies will necessarily be developed with a view to material renewability and very low maintenance. However, it is not possible to rely solely on already produced technologies such as wind or photovoltaic power plants. Biomass, for example, offers great potential, but not in the form of direct combustion but using biodegradation processes. Resonant technologies based on the optimisation of energy flow and minimisation of transmission losses seem to be a very interesting and not yet scientifically explored area. This is not only electromagnetic resonance, but also mechanical resonance, even at the molecular or atomic level. A significant part of the work should therefore be devoted to the shape arrangement of the energy device and its influence on the resulting parameters. In this part the greatest experimental contribution of the work is expected. The direction of the work will be addressed after a thorough search of existing promising technologies.

    Tutor: Baxant Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Centralized protection systems

    Centralized protection system is based on the monitoring of currents and voltages in distribution network through modern transducers with digitized outputs in accordance with the Sampled Values (SV) protocol according to IEC 61850-9-2. The work is focused on research of new protective features built on the possibility of these converters (high linearity and accuracy measurement, dynamic correction of measured values) as well as the concentration measured variables in one place (Process Bus). Its aim is to program functional application for monitoring and protecting specific part of distribution network that will use advanced protection algorithms and completely new functionalities for centralized systems of protection, control and optimization of power systems. Part of the doctoral studies is an internship at a foreign research institute.

    Tutor: Orságová Jaroslava, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Complex Lighting Systems in Sustainable Concept

    Lighting technology is experiencing another tumultuous period of development as we have very efficient light sources, very sophisticated control technology and the technology to develop virtually any luminaire. The seemingly well-studied area of the physiology of visual perception is now being significantly expanded by discoveries in the field of the effects of light on humans, namely in the area of biological processes. The influence of light has been demonstrated down to the molecular level and this important fact cannot be ignored in future technologies. At the same time, however, there is extreme pressure to save energy and to find ways to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, which does not exclude lighting technology. The topic of the PhD thesis will therefore address these seemingly contradictory requirements and look for ways to meet both requirements at the same time. Lighting technologies will have to respect not only energy, but also material and environmental issues. These aspects will also be addressed in the work. The result of the work should be a new vision for lighting technology that motivates manufacturers and users to focus on long-term solutions rather than short-term economic ones.

    Tutor: Baxant Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Design and development of alternative partial discharge meters and indicators for high voltage equipment

    - Carry out an analysis and search of current principles and alternative solution of partial discharge measurement, - find suitable solutions or a combination of sensors on the basis of sensitivity measurement, determination of the nature of the fault, detection of the fault location and complexity of the solution, - implement own design and laboratory verification of functionality and range of parameters in shielded cells, - implement own, especially alternative principles of partial discharges measurement to indicators and fault meters in HV equipment.

    Tutor: Krbal Michal, Ing., Ph.D.

  5. Design of Parametric Autonomous Power Supply System to Enhance Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

    In the course of the 20th century, the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia were electrified, thanks to which electricity from a common grid was introduced to every town, village or hamlet. Electrification also took place in the mountains and less accessible border areas. As there was not previously such a demand for reserved power and grid capacity, these lines are often insufficient and the capacity of the lines needs to be reinforced. However, in border and mountainous areas, several factors are now complicating this reinforcement, namely inaccessibility due to terrain or the cost of building the network is so high that it is not worth the investment due to low availability. For this reason, network capacity expansion projects are often rejected. The object of this work would be to design a parametric autonomous system that could provide the power supply requirement to reinforce the current infrastructure and at the same time allow the development of electromobility. The system would use electricity supplied from the distribution grid in the available capacity, supplemented by electricity generation from other local sources available today, such as photovoltaic, wind or small hydro power, or small biofuel CHP units. The correct sizing of the individual system elements leads to an optimal return on investment, not only financially, but also in terms of energy and materials. The use of artificial intelligence systems such as neural networks would be very beneficial.

    Tutor: Baxant Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Electromobility in Concept of Smart Technologies in Energy Sector

    The topic is focused on research into the potential of electric vehicles or electric vehicles of all kinds in the context of smart technology implementations. Electric mobility is ushering in a new era of development worldwide, not only in the field of mobility but also in the field of information technology and energy systems. The electric car today integrates a range of powerful technologies and it is clear that its connectivity to the environment will continue to grow. Full internet connectivity is now commonplace and autonomous driving is becoming standard. But since these vehicles will require energy to operate, a complete infrastructure of charging stations will need to be addressed. However, the dissertation would address how electric vehicles can be further improved in terms of e.g. bidirectional energy flow, sharing of energy and power potential, simultaneous operation of multiple vehicles, integration into smart cities, use of renewable resources - storage and monitoring, networking of vehicles, efficient resource sharing, etc. In the first part of the study, the student would implement a detailed measurement and monitoring system that would allow real-time monitoring of the selected vehicle and evaluation of the most important parameters. In the second part, the student would work on the use of measured data and resource sharing in smart technologies, e.g. availability of electricity sources and RES potential at a given moment. The expected output of the work would be a functional concept on a smaller scale with links to the global platforms that are now being built worldwide.

    Tutor: Baxant Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Charging stations for electric vehicles as an element of electricity system

    The urgent need for the development of charging stations for hybrid cars and electric vehicles (EV) still shows as important in the context of the current gradual development of this type of transport. The theme is focused on energy analysis of the concept of charging stations with integrated accumulation and renewable energy sources. Based on the concept will be developed the mathematical models. It will be performed energy-economic analysis in order to verify the possibility of using the concept in this way to reduce the load of the network at the connection point. Direct possibility of cooperation on concrete solution with an energy company is expected. The condition for successful defense of this work is to complete at least one month long internship at a foreign university.

    Tutor: Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Incorporation of advanced electricity meters in distribution system management

    The main function of electricity meters is to measure electricity at a defined point in the electricity network. In addition, however, electricity meters can perform a number of other functions. For example, they can be used to measure other electrical quantities that are indicative of the state of the electricity network and can then be used, in the context of the Smart Grids concept, for its management. The aim is to define expected functionalities of the revenue meters and their integration to individual security-technical layers of a distribution system management. Furthermore it is expected to optimize metering features and data concentration for individual tasks. An internship at a foreign research institution, for instance Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", IT, is compulsory. For future information email to:

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Integrated Glare Metric for Various Lighting Applications

    Glare is a negative state of human vision that causes not only unpleasant feeling but also have negative influence on the performance of human vision system. For the glare evaluation there are many equations that are always used for specific application. For interior lighting systems it is used metric UGR. For glare evaluation caused by daylight from windows it is used metric DGP, DGI etc. However, there are disadvantages of these metrics. They are adapted for specific type of lighting system (e.g. offices, sport grounds, street lighting etc.) and specified for typical luminaires (e.g. luminaires with fluorescent lamps and opal diffusor, daylight windows etc.) However, they are all based on empirical data and therefore not on the physiological and psychological model. From this reason it is not possible to use these metrics to new aplications. This problem occurs especially in the current situation, where LED technologies started to dominate the market. The LEDs radiate from the very small surface and with the specific spectrum. The task of this thesis is to partially find answer to question: “What is the physiological and psychological mechanism that is responsible for unpleasant feelings caused by higher luminance”. On the basis of this mechanism the model of discomfort glare caused by high contrasts should be carried out. This model should be generalized and used in lighting systems. This topic is highly supported by international commission for illumination CIE and it is classed within the 10 strategic research goals in lighting technology.

    Tutor: Škoda Jan, Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Integration of energy communities into the existing distribution system concept

    European energy and climate legislation declares new roles and new mechanisms for the functioning of the energy sector, with an emphasis on active involvement and protection of consumers in providing for their own energy needs. In the Czech environment, the existing models and business relations of energy market actors do not fully comply with the requirements and regulations. One of the key areas brought about by the new regulations is the possibility of developing so-called energy communities as a tool for the necessary energy transformation. These entities will bring economic, social and environmental benefits at both local and national level. The aim of the study topic is to research and develop effective technical and organizational frameworks for the establishment of energy community projects in the conditions of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, to provide professional (technical, economic) input to the ongoing discourse on the possibilities of energy decentralization. Outline: - Analysis of existing possibilities and regulations for the establishment of energy communities in the Czech Republic, - Analysis of the technical integration of community associations into current realities, - Methodology of technical solutions for the operation of communities, - Design of measures for a proper distribution of roles (responsibilities) within the communities, - Economic underpinning of calculations for the correct sizing of energy communities.

    Tutor: Radil Lukáš, Ing., Ph.D.

  11. Islanding operation of distribution systems with distributed generation

    With the number of resources distributed in distribution systems (DS), the possibility of switching part of the DS to islanded operation (OP) is emerging, which can be seen, among other things, as a way to increase the reliability of supply in a defined part of the DS. However, in addition to its undeniable benefits, this is associated with a number of technical challenges. The aim is to develop technically correct, reliable and verified concept for islanding operation (IO) of dedicated part of distribution system with distributed generation; dealing mainly with definition of conditions and features necessary to reach successful transition to IO; correct and reliable detection of conditions for transition to IO and back to parallel operation; development of power sources (loads) control strategy, etc. An internship at a foreign research institution, for instance Aalborg University, DK, is expected. For future information email to:

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Losses of windings and magnetic circuits in power electronics

    Research and modelling of losses in chokes and transformers operating in various regimes in power electronis will be the subject of the topic. The influence of skin-effect and poximity effect has to be quantified in a practically usable way. This is solved in a simplified way today without taking into consideration the variability of the operating regime. Also the core losses and influence of air gaps leakage fluxes etc. have to be analyzed systematically. All results will be verified with measurements. The measurements realization will be an interesting and dificult task itsself. This is why a realization of converters of various types will be included to enable the pravctical verification. An internship at Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU) Linz in Austria is expected.

    Tutor: Vorel Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Multiphase electrical machines

    This topic is focused on research of electrical machines with more than three-phase winding, e.g. five-phase, six-phase, dual three-phase machines.

    Tutor: Vítek Ondřej, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Optical diagnostics of electric arc

    Evaluation of electric arc temperature and particle density using optical emission spectroscopy. High speed camera imaging of an arc discharge channel. Characterization of construction materials diffusion into discharge volume and its influence on the electric arc properties. An internship on the INP Greifswald is mandatory during this doctoral study. The minimal internship length is one month.

    Tutor: Aubrecht Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  15. Pole-changing electrical machines

    A wide range of electric machines are used for electric traction nowadays and with the growing importance of e-mobility, there is an increasing demand for further research and development. For electric traction, it is advantageous if the electric machine itself, without a gearbox, can provide high torque at low speeds as well as a wide speed range. The absence of a gearbox leads to material savings, higher reliability, smaller footprint and ultimately a reduced environmental impact. The proposed research topic addresses this challenge by aiming at the research and development of electrical machines with electronically switchable pole counts with the potential to achieve the above mentioned characteristics. The topic is expected to include the development of a simulation framework for this machine, the research and development of suitable configurations of stator winding designs and the investigation of dynamic phenomena during pole number switching. The results of the research and development will be verified by measurements on a prototype pole-switching machine to be developed during the course of this topic. The obtained outputs will be regularly published at conferences and in high-level journals.  During the research and development on this topic it will also be possible to consult the results with the staff of AVL Moravia s.r.o., the Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH and JKU - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Institut für Elektrische Antriebe und Leistungselektronik, where a compulsory foreign internship of a PhD student is also expected.

    Tutor: Bárta Jan, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Probabilistic approach for optimization of distribution system operation

    The dissertation will be focused on research of a new probabilistic approach for evaluation of optimal operation of distribution network based on calculation and evaluation of fatal probability, probability of faults and continuity of supply. The methodology will respect already applied and new approaches optimized not only for national but also for international distribution networks operation conditions. The topic of the dissertation encompasses several areas that are focused on i.e. calculating of the earth fault levels, evaluating of fault duration and frequency, as well as area focused on calculation and analysis of the potential distribution on surface for evaluation of possible levels of touch and step voltages, transferred potential to low-voltage earthing systems and also assessment of the probability of human touch presence, fault ignition and touch/fault coincidence. The condition for successful defense of this work is to complete at least one month long internship at a foreign university. At present, university of TU Graz (Austria), Aaltoo University (Finland) may be considered relevant, but the specific place will be updated during Ph.D. study period.

    Tutor: Topolánek David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  17. Revision of current and proposal of novel calculation tool for earthing systems applicable for Czech national circumstances

    Over the past few years there has been a persistent pursuit of national power utility companies to improve the current state of earthing system calculation especially for cases with stratified soil structures. The currently widely used approach based on simple analytical formulas based on image method and with using mutual coefficients leads to complex dependencies and seems as quite unsuitable to be extended for such complex soil structures. There have been some attempts to improve the national utility standard that is being used by the utility companies for calculation of earthing systems, however, the current solution still seems as unsatisfactory. The possible way of improving the current situation can be seen in developing some kind of calculation software tool that could be referenced by the national utility standards as an alternative approach to the current practice and would be helpful especially for cases with worse soil structures. It is expected that the solution from such a software tool would be based on some more appropriate methods like solution of Laplace equation, method of finite elements etc. It would be further beneficiary to extend the tool capabilities by including the probabilistic approach of earthing system evaluation. Although this probabilistic approach is yet rather experimental, it can be expected that it will be allowed in the future as a complimentary to the state of the art deterministic approach. The bullet-points of this work can be expected as follows: - Analysis of currently used calculation and measurement procedures, the calculation requirements by the electrical utility companies. The analysis should be both on national and international (European) level. - Analysis and selection of adequate calculation method, selection of necessary input parameters. Analysis of appropriateness of selected solution and proposal of some improvements – recommendation on soil modelling, reinforced concrete earthing system modelling. - Cooperation with utility companies on verification of calculated results, carrying out necessary verification measurements etc. - Study possibilities of implementing probability evaluation of earthing systems.

    Tutor: Vyčítal Václav, Ing., Ph.D.

  18. System for optimization of distribution network operation

    The Ph.D. thesis is focused on the development of adaptive system for optimization of the low and medium voltage network operation with respect to: voltage level, reactive power flows, voltage unbalance, load flow, etc. The system itself will also ensure fault location inside such networks and automatic reconfiguration. Designed system will be utilizing information from monitoring and control devices that are intended for installation in the distribution system by the operator (smartmetering, reclosers, smart DTS, etc.). To fulfill this task, a solution based on an opensource platform will be used, which will not exclude the integration of the proposed solution into dispatching control and planning systems in the future. The condition for successful defense of this work is to complete at least one month long internship at a foreign university. At present, the Aalto University (Finland) may be considered relevant, but the specific place will be updated during Ph.D. study period.

    Tutor: Topolánek David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  19. The voltage regulation in distribution networks with a high proportion of stochastic sources

    An increasing proportion of stochastic resources in networks affect the voltage stability during the day. Variable power delivery to the grid from these sources causes fluctuations in voltage variations during the daily diagram. Current devices used to the voltage regulation are unable to provide the required voltage level at all points of the network. The aim is to describe new possibilities and means for voltage regulation in distribution system and design concept of this regulation with regard to the current development of the resource base. The condition for successful defense of this work is to complete at least one month long internship at a foreign university.

    Tutor: Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. Use of accumulation to support the energy system

    Stability of electric power supply is - as a term - closely related with electrical energy production gained from renewable power sources (mainly from wind and photovoltaic power plants). The research will be focused on possibilities of accumulation of electric energy produced from renewable power sources with the help of modern technologies while focusing on hydrogen (VRB systems) utilization, accumulators based on Lithium and pumped storage hydro plants for its accumulation. The result of the work will be the draft measures in the energy system, which can solve time disproportion between electrical energy supply and take-off from the renewable power sources. The solution is connected with computer simulation (Matlab) and experimental measuring on a real model. The condition for successful defense of this work is to complete at least one month long internship at a foreign university.

    Tutor: Mastný Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  21. Utilization of real-time simulation for advanced protection systems design

    New technologies of power system behavior research during transient phenomena open the area of advanced analysis focused to large protection systems operation during faults. The main aim of this dissertation is to extend possibilities of real time simulator RTDS about simultaneous tests in real time including real devices – hardware in the loop simulation. An internship at foreign university is included.

    Tutor: Toman Petr, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

1. round (applications submitted from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023)

  1. Coordination and monitoring of voltage quality in the transmission system

    The paradigm of electrical network (EN) operation with connection and customer behaviour at different levels of the distribution system (DS) is changing. The transition can be characterized by a move away from central generators in the transmission system (TS) to the integration of distributed generation into the HV and LV DS; the installation and operation of related technologies and equipment in these systems to meet the sub-economic and technical objectives of DS users; and efforts to transfer part of the DS customers to direct TS users. However, this also fundamentally changes the conditions for ensuring and maintaining electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and voltage quality (VQ) at the various DS and TS levels. One of the challenges across Europe is the implementation of an EMC and VQ system for PS and its integration into the existing concept for DS. Together with the ongoing efforts to standardise the limits of the levels of the different types of disturbances and the limits for the individual contributors, it is essential to investigate propagation of these phenomena in the EN, but also to identify the source of the disturbance. The aim of this work is to systematically map and characterize the propagation mechanisms of the main types of disturbances (rapid voltage changes and fluctuations, harmonics, asymmetries, etc.) and to identify the sources of each disturbance, focusing on the environment of a meshed TS network. The objective is to develop and validate methods for describing the propagation of interference in the PS, identifying its origin, while using data provided by standard Class A power quality analysers. Collaboration with TSOs and DSOs, and international scientific cooperation are foreseen. Part of the PhD studies includes an internship at a foreign research institute, e.g. TU Dresden, DE. Information:

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Coordination and monitoring of voltage quality in the transmission system

    The paradigm of electrical network (EN) operation with connection and customer behaviour at different levels of the distribution system (DS) is changing. The transition can be characterized by a move away from central generators in the transmission system (TS) to the integration of distributed generation into the HV and LV DS; the installation and operation of related technologies and equipment in these systems to meet the sub-economic and technical objectives of DS users; and efforts to transfer part of the DS customers to direct TS users. However, this also fundamentally changes the conditions for ensuring and maintaining electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and voltage quality (VQ) at the various DS and TS levels. One of the challenges across Europe is the implementation of an EMC and VQ system for PS and its integration into the existing concept for DS. Together with the ongoing efforts to standardise the limits of the levels of the different types of disturbances and the limits for the individual contributors, it is essential to investigate propagation of these phenomena in the EN, but also to identify the source of the disturbance. The aim of this work is to systematically map and characterize the propagation mechanisms of the main types of disturbances (rapid voltage changes and fluctuations, harmonics, asymmetries, etc.) and to identify the sources of each disturbance, focusing on the environment of a meshed TS network. The objective is to develop and validate methods for describing the propagation of interference in the PS, identifying its origin, while using data provided by standard Class A power quality analysers. Collaboration with TSOs and DSOs, and international scientific cooperation are foreseen. Part of the PhD studies includes an internship at a foreign research institute, e.g. TU Dresden, DE. Information:

    Tutor: Drápela Jiří, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Integrating Electric Vehicles into Energy Systems

    The increase in electromobility is now a historically documented fact and is therefore not a short-term technology anomaly. On the contrary, there is a very significant increase in support for this technology worldwide, both from companies, governments and users. The conversion of mobility to electric power will undoubtedly increase the demand for electricity, regardless of the mix of sources. In the Czech Republic, a range of 20-30 TWh of electricity to cover transport is expected when the entire fleet is fully electrified. However, the seemingly high figure will be spread over a multi-year transition period. However, the electric car should not be seen as just the classic appliance we are used to, but as a completely different technological concept with its own energy system. The mobility of the vehicles makes them a very flexible load with a large spare capacity and strong fluctuation. The possibility of a two-way flow of energy from vehicles can create significant sources of storage, but also sources of other services - e.g. connectivity to the internet, camera systems, lighting, computing capacity. The task of the PhD thesis will be to monitor in detail the energy flows within different vehicles from conventional personal electric vehicles, to trucks, rail vehicles but on the other hand also to so-called micro-mobility in the form of bicycles, scooters and other personal mobile assistants. Furthermore, the topic will focus on the optimization of energy flows within the resource base and integration into smaller units such as the local distribution network. One of the outputs of the work could be algorithms for optimizing vehicle charging, vehicle sharing, reservation of charging points, etc. Collaboration with foreign universities where intensive research in the field of electromobility is taking place and where knowledge in the energy sector is lacking, e.g. TU Graz, is suggested.

    Tutor: Baxant Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  4. Optimization of plasma radiation transfer calculations

    Calculation of optimal band distribution for mean absorption coefficients. Evaluation of the electric arc configuration and plasma composition on frequency band boundaries. Comparison of different numerical optimization algorithms and their application to the problem of radiative heat transfer in plasma. An international internship is mandatory during the doctoral study. Expected place of internship is LAPLACE laboratory of the University of Toulouse.

    Tutor: Aubrecht Vladimír, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  5. Thermal analysis of electrical machines using modern numerical methods

    Modelling of thermal processes in electrical machines is now becoming an essential part of their analysis and synthesis. These thermal processes are modelled by means of a so-called thermal model of the machine, which provides a prediction of the temperatures of important parts of the machine such as windings, rotor cage or magnets. A key prerequisite for obtaining relevant results is the correct modelling of the cooling medium either inside or outside the machine. The core of the dissertation focuses on the development of thermal models of electrical machines, in which a modern approach based on CFD analyses is used to model the cooling medium. It is expected that the results will be published at conferences and in impacted journals and it is expected to complete an internship at a foreign university.

    Tutor: Cipín Radoslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

Any year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DPC-ET1Electrotechnical materials, material systems and production processescs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-EE1Mathematical Modelling of Electrical Power Systemscs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-ME1Modern Microelectronic Systemscs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-RE1Modern electronic circuit designcs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-TK1Optimization Methods and Queuing Theorycs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-FY1Junctions and nanostructurescs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-TE1Special Measurement Methodscs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-MA1Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Operations Researchcs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-AM1Selected chaps from automatic controlcs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-VE1Selected problems from power electronics and electrical drivescs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPX-JA6English for post-graduatesen4Electiveyes
DPC-RIZSolving of innovative taskscs2Electiveyes
DPC-EIZScientific publishing A to Zcs2Electiveyes
Any year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DPC-TK2Applied cryptographycs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-MA2Discrete Processes in Electrical Engineeringcs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-ME2Microelectronic technologiescs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-RE2Modern digital wireless communicationcs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-EE2New Trends and Technologies in Power System Generationcs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-TE2Numerical Computations with Partial Differential Equationscs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-FY2Spectroscopic methods for non-destructive diagnostics cs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-ET2Selected diagnostic methods, reliability and qualitycs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-AM2Selected chaps from measuring techniquescs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPC-VE2Topical Issues of Electrical Machines and Apparatuscs4Compulsory-optionalyes
DPX-JA6English for post-graduatesen4Electiveyes
DPC-CVPQuotations in a research workcs2Electiveyes
DPC-RIZSolving of innovative taskscs2Electiveyes
Any year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DPX-QJAEnglish for the state doctoral examen4Electiveyes